Any person violating any portion of this article shall be deemed guilty of a class C misdemeanor and upon conviction be punishable by a fine in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code.
Each act shall constitute a separate violation under this article and shall result in a separate fine.
(2013 Code, sec.; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
The owner and each occupant shall be responsible for ensuring that their residential property displays 911 addressing meeting the following criteria:
The numerical address shall be clearly visible and readable from the street during daylight hours;
The numerical address shall be clearly visible and readable from the street with the aid of a flashlight during the hours of darkness;
If the front of the house is located less than fifty (50) feet from a public roadway, the numerical address shall be located on the front of the house using four (4) inch or larger numbers; and
If the front of the house is located fifty (50) feet or more from a public roadway, the numerical address shall be located on the front of the house and on either:
The curb of the street directly in front of the residence using four (4) inch or larger numbers;
The mailbox directly in front of the residence using two (2) inch or larger numbers; or
A signpost within three (3) feet of the intersection of the driveway and the street directly in front of the residence using three (3) inch or larger numbers.
(2013 Code, sec.; Ordinance 2017-03-02 adopted 3/7/17)
The owner and each occupant shall be responsible for ensuring that any secondary or accessory residence on the same lot as their single-family residential property displays 911 addressing meeting the following criteria:
The same numerical address as the primary residence with “1/2” added on the end;
The address shall be displayed within three (3) feet of the main door to the secondary or accessory residence using three (3) inch or larger numbers; and
The numerical address shall be clearly visible and readable from the sidewalk leading to the secondary or accessory residence.
(2013 Code, sec.
The owner, manager and each occupant shall be responsible for ensuring that their multifamily residence or apartment complex property displays 911 addressing meeting the following criteria:
The numerical address shall be clearly visible and readable from the street during daylight hours;
The numerical address shall be clearly visible and readable from the street with the aid of a flashlight during the hours of darkness; and
The numerical address shall be located:
At each entrance to the parking lot on a signpost within ten (10) feet of the intersection of the driveway and the street using three (3) inch or larger numbers; and if the driveway entrance is on a street other than the street of the address, the address sign must include the address street name;
On each sign for the multifamily residence or apartment complex that is located on the property using six (6) inch or larger numbers; and if the sign is on a street other than the street of the address, the address must include the address street name;
Within three (3) feet of the main door to the office for the multifamily residence or apartment complex that is located on the property, using three (3) inch or larger numbers.
The owner, manager and each occupant shall be responsible for ensuring that each unit, residence, or apartment on the property displays 911 addressing meeting the following criteria:
A unique alpha or numeric unit or apartment number shall be displayed within three (3) feet of the main door to each unit, residence, or apartment using three (3) inch or larger numbers; and
The numerical address shall be clearly visible and readable from the sidewalk leading to each unit, residence, or apartment.
(2013 Code, sec.
The owner, manager and each occupant shall be responsible for ensuring that their commercial or business property displays 911 addressing meeting the following criteria:
The numerical address shall be clearly visible and readable from the street during daylight hours;
The numerical address shall be clearly visible and readable from the street with the aid of a flashlight during the hours of darkness; and
The numerical address shall be located:
At each entrance to the parking lot on a signpost within ten (10) feet of the intersection of the driveway and the street using three (3) inch or larger numbers; and if the driveway entrance is on a street other than the street of the address, the address sign must include the address street name;
On the primary sign for the commercial or business property that is located on the property using six (6) inch or larger numbers; and if the sign is on a street other than the street of the address, the address must include the address street name;
Within three (3) feet of the main door to the building on the commercial or business property that is located on the property, using three (3) inch or larger numbers.
The owner, manager and each occupant shall be responsible for ensuring that each unit displays 911 addressing meeting the following criteria:
A unique alpha or numeric unit number shall be displayed within three (3) feet of the main door to each unit using three (3) inch or larger numbers; and
The numerical address shall be clearly visible and readable from the sidewalk or hallway leading to each unit.
(2013 Code, sec.