All definitions contained within this section are for the purpose of this section only and shall have no impact on any other rule, law or ordinance unless referenced directly within said rule, law or ordinance.
Posted speed limit
means any sign or device that displays a speed limit along an alley, roadway, travelway, or temporary passageway.
Speed limit
means the maximum allowable speed under ideal conditions.
means any car, truck, motorcycle, moped, tractor, farm implement or motor-driven apparatus.
Prima facie speed limits.
Unless posted otherwise, the prima facie speed limit on any two-lane undivided streets in platted subdivisions, other than one not part of the state highway system as listed below, shall be thirty (30) miles per hour.
Unless posted otherwise, the prima facie speed limit on any two-lane undivided streets in platted subdivisions that are not part of the state highway system shall be twenty-five (25) miles per hour.
Unless posted otherwise, the prima facie speed limit within any area not within platted subdivisions shall be forty-five (45) miles per hour.
Unless posted otherwise, the prima facie speed limit on any alley shall be fifteen (15) miles per hour.
Authority to post signs.
The city administrator may order posting of signs displaying the prima facie speed limit anywhere within the city.
When he/she deems appropriate, the city administrator may, by executive order, declare a speed limit for any given stretch of alley, roadway, travelway, street, or temporary passageway that is higher or lower than the prima facie speed limit and said speed limit shall be effective when signs are posted designating the new speed limit.
It shall be unlawful for any driver to operate a vehicle at any speed in excess of the posted speed limit.
It shall be unlawful for driver to operate a vehicle at any speed in excess of the prima facie speed limit.
It shall be unlawful to violate any law related to vehicular speed of the state as contained in the Texas Transportation Code.
It shall be an exception to any and all portions of this section if the vehicle is operated by or at the specific direction of a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or ambulance personnel while in the performance of their official duties.
Any person violating any portion of this section shall be deemed guilty of a class C misdemeanor and upon conviction be punishable by a fine in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code.
Each act shall constitute a separate violation under this section and shall result in a separate fine.
(Ordinance 2005-02-01 adopted –/–/05; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code; Ordinance 2023-02-05 adopted 2/7/2023)
All definitions contained within this section are for the purpose of this section only and shall have no impact on any other rule, law or ordinance unless referenced directly within said rule, law or ordinance.
Posted speed limit
means any sign or device that displays a speed limit along an alley, roadway, travelway, street, or temporary passageway.
School zone
means an area in the general vicinity of a public or private school, in which the prima facie speed limit is reduced during defined periods of time as a safety precaution.
Speed limit
means the maximum allowable speed under ideal conditions.
means any car, truck, motorcycle, moped, tractor, farm implement or motor-driven apparatus.
School zones established.
Nesmith Elementary school zone.
The city council hereby establishes the Nesmith Elementary school zone. The following streets shall define as within the boundaries of the Nesmith school zone:
Presidents Boulevard from Eisenhower Lane to one hundred and fifty feet (150') south of Autumn Hill Bluff in both the north and south bound lanes;
Grant Lane from one hundred fifty feet (150') west of Presidents Boulevard to one hundred fifty feet (150') east of Presidents Boulevard, in both the east and west bound lanes;
Harding Lane from one hundred fifty feet (150') west of Presidents Boulevard to one hundred fifty feet (150') east of Presidents Boulevard, in both the east and west bound lanes;
Jackson Lane from Presidents Boulevard to one hundred fifty feet (150') east of Presidents Boulevard, in both the east and west bound lanes;
Hayes Street from Presidents Boulevard to one hundred fifty feet (150') east of Presidents Boulevard, in both the east and west bound lanes;
Hoover Avenue from Presidents Boulevard to one hundred fifty feet (150') east of Presidents Boulevard, in both the east and west bound lanes; and
Autumn Hill Bluff from one hundred fifty feet (150') west of Presidents Boulevard to one hundred fifty feet (150') east of Presidents Boulevard, in both the east and west bound lanes.
Dodson Elementary school zone.
The city council hereby establishes the Dodson Elementary school zone.
The following streets shall define the boundaries of the Dodson Elementary school zone:
Rosewood Drive from Lavon Trails Parkway to five hundred and fifty feet (550') north of Autumn Hill Bluff in both the north and south bound lanes;
Lavon Trails Parkway from one hundred fifty feet (150') west of Rosewood Drive to the eastern City Limits on Lavon Trails Parkway, in both the east and west bound lanes; and
Autumn Hill Bluff from one hundred fifty feet (150') west of Rosewood Drive to the eastern edge of Lavon Trails Parkway, in both the east and west bound lanes;
The director of public works shall post school zone signage at or near the boundaries defined above.
School zone times.
The school zones shall be active on school days during the following times: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
The school zones shall be active any other time or condition as posted on the school zone sign.
It shall be unlawful for any driver to operate a vehicle at any speed in excess of the posted speed limit in a school zone.
It shall be unlawful for driver to operate a vehicle at any speed in excess of the prima facie speed limit of 20 miles per hour in a school zone.
It shall be an exception to any and all portions of this section if the vehicle is operated by or at the specific direction of a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or ambulance personnel while in the performance of their official duties.
Any person violating any portion of this section shall be deemed guilty of a class C misdemeanor and upon conviction be punishable by a fine in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code.
Each act shall constitute a separate violation under this section and shall result in a separate fine.
(Ordinance 2008-09-03 adopted –/–/08; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code; Ordinance 2021-08-08 adopted 8/17/21; Ordinance 2023-09-01 adopted 9/5/2023)