Copies/black & white
Copy of audio CD
Per state law
Items larger than 11" x 17"
Cost + labor
Outsource copies
Cost + labor
Pass-through billing admin fee
NSF check fee
(Ordinance 2017-02-03 adopted 2/7/17; Ordinance 2017-09-07 adopted 9/19/17; Ordinance 2018-09-04 adopted 9/18/18; Ordinance 2019-09-07 adopted 9/17/19; Ordinance 2020-02-01 adopted 2/18/20; Ordinance 2020-09-05 adopted 9/15/20; Ordinance 2021-09-05 adopted 9/7/21; Ordinance 2022-08-09 adopted 8/29/2022; Ordinance 2023-08-10 adopted 8/15/2023)
Garage sale permit (no inspection)
$1.00 prior to sale or $5.00 on day of sale or thereafter
3 days
Alcoholic beverage permit
One-half of the statutory fee provided in the TX Alcoholic Beverage Code for the permit issued
Nonspecified improvements
$50.00 + cost
Single inspection or reinspection
Street closure - Commercial
$50.00 + cost
Actual cost + 10% admin fee
Street closure - Neighborhood
Fee only
Street closure - Government sponsored
No fee
No fee
Parade permit - Commercial
$50.00 + police cost
Parade permit - Neighborhood
Parade permit - Government sponsored
No fee
Request for special session city council or P&Z
Could be waived by city
Permit extensions - 1st request
No fee
Permit extensions - 2nd or more request
20% of permit fee
Original permit fee
Special use (other)
$100.00 + inspections, advertising
Includes Christmas tree sales, outside commercial sales, construction shacks, sales trailers or similar uses
Specified in permit
TxDOT driveway permit application review fee
Solicitor's or peddler's permit
(Ordinance 2017-02-03 adopted 2/7/17; Ordinance 2017-09-07 adopted 9/19/17; Ordinance 2018-09-04 adopted 9/18/18; Ordinance 2019-09-07 adopted 9/17/19; Ordinance 2020-02-01 adopted 2/18/20; Ordinance 2020-09-05 adopted 9/15/20; Ordinance 2021-09-05 adopted 9/7/21; Ordinance 2022-06-01 adopted 6/7/22; Ordinance 2022-06-04 adopted 6/21/22; Ordinance 2022-08-09 adopted 8/29/2022; Ordinance 2023-08-10 adopted 8/15/2023; Ordinance 2024-02-03 adopted 2/6/2024)
Defensive driving fee: Ten dollars ($10.00).
(Ordinance 90-9 adopted 11/1/90; 2020-04-07 adopted 4/21/20)
In addition to collecting the costs and expenses incurred for correcting any violation(s) involving abatement by the city under article 8.06 of the Code of Ordinances, the city shall charge a minimum of $100.00 not to exceed a maximum of $500.00 per occurrence.
The administrative fee for the first occurrence within a twelve (12) month period shall be $100.00.
The administrative fee for the second and subsequent occurrences within a twelve (12) month period shall be $500.00.
(Ordinance 2008-07-02, sec. 7, adopted 7/15/08)
Application fees under section 8.03.007 of the Code of Ordinances:
Permit to perform construction activity that causes loud noise within five hundred feet (500') of an inhabited residential structure between the hours of eight (8) p.m. and seven (7) a.m.: Fifty dollars ($50.00).
Permit to operate equipment or heavy equipment within five hundred feet (500') of an inhabited residential structure between the hours of eight (8) p.m. and seven (7) a.m.: Fifty dollars ($50.00).
(Ordinance 2005-06-02, sec. 6, adopted 6/16/05; Ordinance 2017-11-01 adopted 11/7/17)
Network providers:
Network node application fee*: $100.00.
Node support application fee: $100.00.
Transfer facilities application fee: $100.00.
Network node annual public right-of-way rate fee (each node)+: $250.00 yearly.
Transfer facilities annual public right-of-way rate fee (each node)**: $28.00 monthly.
Collocation of network nodes on service poles (each pole)***: $20.00 yearly.
Network nodes supported by or installed on city-owned utility poles annual public right-of-way rate fee: Calculated using the rate consistent with section 54.024 of the Texas Utilities Code, applied on a per-foot basis.
*For each network node for up to but not more than thirty (30) network nodes. No application fee is required for a micro network node if the installation is attached on lines between poles or node support poles.
+ City may adjust the amount of the annual public right-of-way rate not more than annually by an amount equal to one-half the annual change, if any, in the consumer price index (CPI).
**No rate required if the network provider is paying the city an amount equal to or greater than the amount of other city public right-of-way fees for access lines under chapter 283 of [or] chapter 284 or cable franchise fees under chapter 66 of the Texas Utility Code.
***Or the maximum rate allowed by law.
(Ordinance 2017-09-03, sec. 3, adopted 9/5/17)
UD/BC nonrefundable application fee: $50.00.
UD/BC nonrefundable annual renewal fee: $50.00.
UD/CB impound/storage fee - per day: $25.00.
(Ordinance 2023-02-04 adopted 1/7/2023; Ordinance 2023-08-10 adopted 8/15/2023)
Habitual nuisance/criminal property fee/year per (section 4.09.009): $2,500.00.
(Ordinance 2023-06-05 adopted 6/20/2023; Ordinance 2023-08-10 adopted 8/15/2023)