As used in this article, the term "fireworks" shall be interpreted to mean "consumer fireworks," formerly called class C fireworks, as defined and regulated by the U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission. Consumer fireworks include: sparklers, firecrackers containing less than 50 milligrams of powder, Roman Candles, rockets, and nonreloadable shells and mortars. Also permitted are novelty items such as snakes, airplanes, ground spinners, helicopters, fountains, and party poppers.
Excluded from "consumer fireworks" and not permitted by the city are: M-80 salutes, cherry bombs, large reloadable mortar shells and launchers, firecrackers containing more than 2 grains of powder, and aerial bombs.
(Ordinance 437, sec. 1, adopted 8/9/05; Ordinance 814 adopted 6/22/21; Ordinance 850 adopted 12/12/2023)
General prohibition.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this article, it shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, assemble, sell, offer or have in possession with intent to sell, use, discharge, cause to be discharged, ignite, detonate, fire or otherwise set in action any fireworks of any description.
The conduct proscribed herein shall be an offense, regardless of whether a minor commits the offense. The commission of the offense by the minor on the property under the control of, or owned by, any relation in ascending line of the minor, or guardian of the minor, shall be prima facie evidence that the relation of guardian was instigating or aiding the minor.
Nothing in this article shall be construed to prohibit the use of fireworks by railroads or other transportation agencies for signal purposes of illumination, or the sale or use of blank cartridges for a show or theatre, or for signal or ceremonial purposes in athletics or sports, or for use by military organizations.
(Ordinance 437, sec. 2, adopted 8/9/05; Ordinance 437-A, sec. 1, adopted 12/12/06; Ordinance 850 adopted 12/12/2023)
The presence of fireworks offered or exposed for sale, or stored or held in violation of this article, is hereby declared to be a common and public nuisance, and the chief of police, of his designated representative, shall seize, take, remove, or cause to be removed, at the expense of the owner, all stocks of fireworks offered or exposed for sale, stored, or held in violation of this article.
(Ordinance 437, sec. 3, adopted 8/9/05)
It shall be deemed a violation of this article to:
Interfere with, hinder, or molest any city employee in the performance of such employee’s duties under this article.
Do any act which otherwise is proscribed in this article.
Any person found to be violating the provisions set out in subsection (a), above, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000.00. Each day of such violation shall constitute a separate offense.
The penalty herein provided for shall be cumulative and not exclusive of any other rights or remedies the city may have.
(Ordinance 437, sec. 4, adopted 8/9/05)
The following exceptions apply to section 18-92, section 18-93, and section 18-94 of this code:
It shall not be an offense under this code for the city or a person or entity expressly permitted to do so by the city to provide a public display of fireworks. The city manager requires the demonstration of any applicable licensing and insurance for such persons seeking a permit for the public display of fireworks.
It shall not be an offense under this article V for any person to possess or transport fireworks, as defined in section 18-91 of this article, at any time of the year, or to set off or use fireworks on private property with the permission of the property owner solely during the following dates and times unless a burn ban has been implemented by the city pursuant to section 18-75 of this code:
December 31st beginning at 1:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. on January 1st of the next calendar year; and
July 4th beginning at 1:00 p m. until 11:00 p.m. of the same day.
It shall be an offense under this article V for any person to set off or use fireworks at any other time without the express permission of the city, or to set off or use fireworks during a time in which a burn ban has been implemented by the city pursuant to section 18-75 of the code.
(Ordinance 814 adopted 6/22/21; Ordinance 850 adopted 12/12/2023)