Editor’s note–Former division 2, pertaining to the parks and recreation board and deriving from Ordinance 2001-02, sec. 1, adopted February 26, 2001, Ordinance 2006-01, sec. 1, adopted January 9, 2006, and Ordinance 09-615, sec. 2, adopted December 14, 2009, was deleted in its entirety by Ordinance 11-649 adopted by the town on August 8, 2011.
For the purposes of this division, unless otherwise apparent from the context, certain words and phrases used in this division are defined as follows:
Farmers market.
Events approved by the town council, which are the subject of a farmers market agreement in a form adopted by a resolution of the town council, to take place during specified dates and times, and which are available to the public. At least 30% of the vendors participating in a farmers market must sell produce or food items or beverages or consumable items.
Park and recreation area.
Any land that the town owns, holds, or claims as a public park or recreation area.
Park superintendent.
The town employee, designated by the city manager, who is responsible for the park.
The city manager, his authorized representative or the park superintendent shall set aside in a conspicuous place(s) in the park and recreation areas of the town, and in a location convenient to the general public, a sign, bulletin board or similar device upon which shall be posted such rules or regulations as the city manager may deem appropriate, and all special instructions, orders and other matters related to such rules and regulations.
(Ordinance 2001-04, sec. 1 (12.16.010), adopted 3/12/01; Ordinance 20-857 adopted 6/22/20)
Compliance with the rules and regulations of this division is a condition of the use of the parks and recreation areas of the town. This division may be enforced by any peace officer of the town. A citation may be issued by those officers for violation of any rule, regulation, order, or requirement or any ordinance or general law relating to the maintenance of the park and recreation area of the town.
(Ordinance 2001-04, sec. 1 (12.16.050), adopted 3/12/01)
It is unlawful for any person to cut, deface or mark any park property, or to handle, cut, pluck, injure, damage or destroy any natural or artificial improvement in any park or recreation area.
No person shall cut, carve, paint, mark or post or fasten on any tree, fence, wall, building, monument, rock or other natural formation, or other property in any park or recreation area any bill, advertisement or inscription unless authorized by the city manager or park superintendent.
It is unlawful for any person to frighten, annoy or injure, or attempt to frighten, annoy or injure, any bird or other animal in any park or recreation area.
It is unlawful for any person to deposit paper, glass, metal, litter or trash of any description on any lawn, driveway, path or any other place in any park and recreational area except in receptacles provided therefor.
It is unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale any goods, wares, services or merchandise within any designated park or recreation area without prior written permission of the city manager, his authorized representative, or the town council.
It is unlawful for any owner or person in control of any dog to keep or permit the same in or about any park or recreation area unless such dog is kept under restraint at all times by means of a leash. Any owner or person in control of any animal in the park area who allows such animal to eliminate in the park is required to clean up after the animal.
It is unlawful for any person to wash a vehicle in any park or recreation area not designated for that purpose.
It is unlawful for any person to wade, swim or fish within any park or recreation area unless said area is designated by the park superintendent for such activities or purposes.
No person shall climb on any monuments, statues, building, or other improvement in any park or recreation area unless said area is designated by the park superintendent for such purpose.
No person shall light, build or maintain a fire within the park and recreation area, except in a camp stove or a fireplace provided or designated for such purpose.
No person may carry or possess a concealed handgun in a town park unless that person holds a license to carry a concealed handgun pursuant to subchapter H, chapter 411 of the Texas Government Code, or any successor statute. No person shall carry, possess, or discharge a bow and arrow, or airgun weapon, or any device capable of injuring or killing any animal or person, or damaging or destroying any public or private property, within the park or recreation area.
No person shall possess, discharge, set or cause to be discharged any firecrackers or explosives of any kind without written authorization from the fire chief.
No intoxicating liquors or beverages may be sold or publicly consumed within the town park or portion thereof.
No person shall drive, ride, lead or keep an equine, bovine, or exotic animal, as defined in the town’s animal control ordinance, in the park or recreation area unless authorized by the park superintendent.
Unless otherwise posted, hours during which time the park is open to the public are seven a.m. to ten p.m. This section shall not apply to lit trails or paths.
No person shall camp or be permitted to stay overnight unless otherwise authorized by the chief of police or his designee.
(Ordinance 2001-04, sec. 1 (12.16.020), adopted 3/12/01)
Park pavilions and gazebos may be reserved by application and payment of a deposit/fee as set by the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
(Ordinance 2001-04, sec. 1 (12.16.030), adopted 3/12/01)
No person shall drive or propel any motorized vehicle in, over or through any park or recreation area except along and upon park drives, streets or boulevards or the other areas designated for driving purposes.
It is unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park any vehicle or permit any such vehicle to stop, stand or park within the confines of any park or recreation area, except such as may be necessary for park visits or such as may be due to accidental or temporary mechanical failure of such vehicle. If any motor vehicle is found within the confines of a park or recreation area in violation of any provision of this subsection or this division and the identity of the operator of such vehicle cannot be determined, the owner of the vehicle in whose name such vehicle is registered shall be held prima facie responsible for such violation, and the vehicle is subject to being towed and impounded.
(Ordinance 2001-04, sec. 1 (12.16.040), adopted 3/12/01)
The town council has determined that farmers markets in the Town’s Bicentennial Park will serve residents of the town and the larger community by promoting economic development, supporting the local economy, enhancing recreational opportunities, encouraging healthy and sustainable living, creating a more positive image of the town and its citizens within the town and within the larger community.
A farmers market shall be operated only after a farmers market agreement has been entered by the operator of the farmers market and on behalf of the town by the city manager or parks superintendent in a form approved by the town council on dates and pursuant to a site plan and operational plan approved by the town council.
Notwithstanding any provisions of this codes, section 1.11.073 to the contrary, during farmers markets, sales of alcohol (limited to beer and wine) are allowed so long as such sales comply with state law and regulations. In addition, possession or consumption of alcohol is allowed by an adult who purchased the alcohol (limited to beer and wine) at the farmers markets so long as such possession or consumption complies with state law and regulations.
Notwithstanding any provisions of this code, section 1.11.073 to the contrary, during farmers markets sales of goods, wares, services or merchandise are allowed by vendors who are operating pursuant to a farmers markets agreement.
Notwithstanding any provisions of this code, section 1.11.075 to the contrary, in connection with preparing for, operating or concluding farmers markets, the city manager or park superintendent or their designee may authorize operation of motor vehicles on areas that are not drives, streets, boulevards or other designated areas so long as such operation is determined to be unlikely to harm or damage the areas where the motorized vehicle will be operated. In the event such operation of a motorized vehicle causes damage to any park facility or property (including the grounds or turf), and even if such operation has been approved in advance, the motorized vehicle operator and the farmers markets operator shall both be responsible for the reasonable cost and expense of repairing any damage.
The town reserves the right to limit the number of farmers markets operated in Bicentennial Park taking into account the impact on access to the park for its usual purposes, the wear and tear on park facilities, the public safety resources of the town, public events the town itself may plan for the park, or any other reasonable limits and factors as determined by the city manager or park superintendent.
(Ordinance 20-857 adopted 6/22/20)