Every owner of a dog or cat shall have such animal vaccinated and revaccinated against rabies as required in state law.
(Ordinance adopting Code)
Upon vaccination of the dog or cat, the owner shall obtain from a licensed veterinarian a certificate of vaccination, which shall contain the following information:
The name, address and telephone number of the owner of the vaccinated dog or cat;
The date of vaccination;
The type of rabies vaccine used;
The year and number of the rabies tag;
The breed, age, color, and sex of the vaccinated dog or cat; and
The name, address and telephone number of the veterinarian.
(Ordinance 97-12, sec. I (6.24.020), adopted 12/8/97)
Concurrent with the issuance and delivery of the certificate of vaccination, the owner of the dog or cat shall cause to be attached to the collar or harness of the vaccinated animal a metal tag, serially numbered to correspond with the vaccination certificate number and bearing the year of issuance.
(Ordinance 97-12, sec. I (6.24.030), adopted 12/8/97)
All dogs and cats four (4) months of age or older which are kept, harbored, or maintained within the corporate limits of the town shall be licensed. Cat and dog licenses shall be provided by the animal control division or their agent upon payment of the required fee for each cat or dog. Before a town license will be issued, the owner of the cat or dog must present a certificate of vaccination for rabies obtained within the preceding twelve (12) months. The owner shall state his name and address, and the breed, color, and sex of the cat or dog to be licensed. Said license shall be valid for one year from date of issuance.
(Ordinance 12-678, sec. 6, adopted 4/9/12)
Upon payment of the license fee, where applicable, the town shall issue to the owner a license certificate and a metal tag having stamped upon it the year for which it is issued and the number corresponding with the number of the certificate. Such tag shall at all times be securely attached to a collar or harness around the neck of the animal. In the case a tag is lost, a duplicate will be issued by the animal control division upon presentation of the receipt showing the payment of the license fee for the calendar year and payment of the fee set for a replacement tag. Tags shall not be transferable from one animal to another, and no refunds shall be made.
(Ordinance 97-12, sec. I (6.24.050), adopted 12/8/97)
The owner of a guard dog, as defined in section 2.01.002 of this chapter, shall obtain a guard dog permit from the animal control division. The area or premises in which such dog is confined shall be conspicuously posted with warning signs bearing letters not less than two (2) inches high, stating “GUARD DOG ON PREMISES.”
Said area of premises shall be subject to inspection by the animal control division to determine that the animal in question is maintained and secured at all times in such a manner so as to prevent its coming in contact with the public.
The dog shall be issued a guard dog tag by the animal control division, varying in color from the license tag set forth in section 2.03.005, and the fee shall be as set out in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. The guard dog permit shall expire one year from date of issuance and is not transferable. The guard dog tag must be secured to the collar or harness of the dog at all times. The owner of a dog permitted under this section shall be required only to obtain a guard dog license and shall be required to comply with all other provisions of this chapter.
(Ordinance 97-12, sec. I (6.24.060), adopted 12/8/97)
The animal control officer may revoke any cat or dog license after a hearing for any one or more of the following reasons:
Impoundment of a cat or dog by the town more than two (2) times during a twelve-month period;
More than two (2) final convictions of a person for violating this chapter when such convictions relate to the cat or dog which is being considered for revocation of its license certificate;
Any combination of subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section totaling three (3) incidents; or
Upon a determination that the animal is a nonregisterable dangerous dog, as defined in article 2.06.
Upon revoking the license of any cat or dog, the animal control division shall notify the owner of the cat or dog of said action in writing. Written notification shall be deemed made when a certified letter, return receipt requested, addressed to the last known mailing address of the cat’s or dog’s owner, is deposited in the U.S. mail.
Upon the expiration of ten (10) days after written notification of revocation is deposited in the U.S. mail, as provided above, no cat or dog which has had its license revoked shall be kept, maintained, or harbored within the town limits, and each twenty-four-hour period shall constitute a separate violation.
(Ordinance 97-12, sec. I (6.24.070), adopted 12/8/97)
The animal control division shall have the authority to conduct random or town-wide verification programs in a manner calculated to determine compliance with the license and rabies vaccination requirements.
(Ordinance 97-12, sec. I (6.24.080), adopted 12/8/97)