A person commits an offense of tampering with town property or theft of water by any of the following actions:
A person may not knowingly tamper, connect to, or alter any component of the town’s water system including valves, meters, meter boxes, meter box lids, hydrants, lines, pump stations, ground storage tanks and elevated storage tanks. This shall include direct or indirect efforts to initiate or restore water service without the approval of the town.
If, without the written consent of the city manager or the city manager’s designee, the person knowingly causes, suffers or allows the initiation or restoration of water service to the property after termination of service(s). For purposes of this section, it shall be assumed that the owner, occupant or person in control of the property caused, suffered or allowed the unlawful initiation or restoration of service(s).
A person may not knowingly make or cause a false report to be made to the town of a reading of a water meter installed for metered billing.
A person commits a separate offense each day that the person performs an act prohibited by this section or fails to perform an act required by this section.
(Ordinance 11-651 adopted 8/22/11)
Private wells for commercial, residential, or other uses which are drilled into the Paluxy or Trinity Water Sands shall require a permit from the town council approving such a well before a well may be drilled. Shallow wells above the Paluxy Sand shall not require a permit; provided, however, that prior notice shall be given in writing to the town of the intent to drill a shallow well.
(Ordinance 38-03B, sec. II, adopted 10/19/81)
Any violations of sections 13.01.001 or 13.01.002 of this article are hereby declared to be a violation of a rule, ordinance or police regulation that governs fire safety, or public health and sanitation within the meaning of section 1.01.009(b) and all penalties and enforcement mechanisms provided by this code including section 1.01.009, or provided by state law for such a violation shall be available to the town.
(Ordinance 11-651 adopted 8/12/11)