For the purposes of this article, unless otherwise apparent from the context, certain words and phrases used in this article are defined as follows:
Acceptable brush.
Tree trimmings that are bundled in lengths no more than four feet (4') and no more than fifty (50) pounds in weight.
Acceptable waste.
Any nonhazardous garbage, trash, debris, brush, bulky waste, dead animals, stable matter, yard waste, recyclable materials and other refuse which the collector is legally permitted to accept for collection and delivery for disposal pursuant to the terms of its operating permit(s), including, but not limited to acceptable brush, commercial waste, industrial waste and residential waste, but excluding unacceptable waste.
Bulky waste.
Solid waste items of such size or quantity that the items cannot feasibly be collected in a normal solid waste collection. Bulky waste includes, but is not limited to: furniture, carpet, concrete, automobile tires, mattresses, dirt, bricks, and appliances.
The town will from time to time grant a contractor the exclusive right to use the public streets, alleys, and thoroughfares within its corporate limits for the purpose of engaging in the business of collecting acceptable waste.
Commercial waste.
All types of acceptable waste generated or discarded by stores, offices, restaurants, warehouses, multifamily housing units which utilize commercial containers and other nonmanufacturing activities at commercial and industrial units, excluding residential waste and industrial waste. The term “commercial waste” shall include construction and demolition debris.
All animal and vegetable matter, such as waste material and refuse from kitchens, residences, grocery stores, butcher shops, restaurants, cafes, drugstores, hotels, rooming and boarding houses, and other deleterious substances, not including dirt, concrete or rocks.
Hazardous waste.
Solid waste identified or listed as a hazardous waste by the administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. section 6901 et seq.).
Industrial waste.
Any acceptable waste resulting from or incidental to any process of industry or manufacturing, mining or agricultural operations. The term “industrial waste” shall include class III industrial solid waste (as defined under title 30, part I, chapter 330, subchapter A, rule 330.2 of the Texas Administrative Code), but shall exclude unacceptable waste and class I industrial solid waste and class II industrial solid waste.
Residential waste.
All acceptable waste that is placed in bags or disposable containers, bulky waste or bundles generated, produced or discarded by a generator at a residential unit.
Rubbish, such as feathers, coffee grounds, ashes, tin cans, paper bags, boxes, glass, shrubs, yard cleanings, leaves, not including dirt, concrete or rocks.
Unacceptable waste.
Any and all waste that the collector is not authorized to accept for collection and delivery for disposal pursuant to its permits and licenses, including, without limitation, highly flammable substances, hazardous waste, certain pathological and biological wastes, explosives, radioactive materials and any other materials deemed by federal, state or local law, or in the reasonable discretion of collector, to be dangerous or threatening to health or the environment or collector’s operations.
Yard waste.
Leaves, yard and garden debris and brush, including clean woody vegetative material not greater than six (6) inches in diameter that results from landscaping maintenance and land clearing operations, including, without limitation, brush. The term specifically excludes grass clippings, stumps, roots or shrubs with intact root balls and unacceptable waste.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.010), adopted 4/24/00; Ordinance 13-724, sec. 1, adopted 9/9/13)
The collection, removal and disposal of all garbage and trash shall be carried on in a systematic and efficient manner, keeping the entire town in a clean and sanitary condition. The collector is authorized to collect acceptable waste. Any person who places unacceptable waste for regular collection by the collector at a collection point such as an alley, street curb or designated collection point commits an offense within the meaning of Texas Government Code section 29.003(a)(2)(A) in violation of this article which pertains to fire safety, or public health and sanitation, including dumping of refuse.
(Ordinance 13-724, sec. 2, adopted 9/9/13)
In addition to the usual enforcement agencies of the town, it is the duty of the town code enforcement officer to determine whether or not garbage, trash and rubbish is being properly collected, removed and disposed of as required by the provisions of this article or any other applicable ordinance. In the event it is found that this article or any other applicable ordinance is being violated, appropriate and timely action shall be taken to insure full compliance with its provisions.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.170), adopted 4/24/00)
It is unlawful for any person to sweep, throw or deposit any garbage, trash, dirt, concrete, rocks, grass clippings, stagnant water or dead animal into, upon or along any drain, gutter, alley, sidewalk, street or vacant lot, into any other person’s trash container, or upon any public or private premises within the corporate limits of the town.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.030), adopted 4/24/00)
Every owner, tenant or lessee using or occupying any building, house or structure within the corporate limits of the town for residences, churches, schools, colleges, lodges, or commercial, business or other purposes shall provide and maintain garbage bags and/or receptacles of sufficient number and type, as specified in this article, to hold the garbage and trash that will normally accumulate on the premises.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.040), adopted 4/24/00)
Each of the owners, occupants, tenants or lessees described in section 13.02.005 of this article shall provide suitable containers for garbage and trash, substantially constructed. Residential customers shall provide disposable containers. Commercial customers shall utilize dumpsters or disposable containers.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.050), adopted 4/24/00)
The lids or covers of all garbage and trash containers shall at all times be kept secure and fastened so that flies and other pests may not have access to the contents thereof. Such lids or covers shall only be removed while the containers are being filled or emptied, as the case may be.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.060), adopted 4/24/00)
If the house, building or premises from which the garbage is to be collected and removed is adjacent to an alley, the owner, occupant, or lessee of such premises shall be required to place the containers adjacent to the alley for collection, in order that they may be easily accessible to the collector from the outside of any fence that may surround the premises. In the event it is not practicable to collect and remove the garbage from an alley, or if there is no alley adjacent to the premises, the owner, occupant, tenant or lessee of the premises shall place the container for collection on the addressed street curb or designated collection point. To insure proper collection, garbage should be placed at the curb by 7:00 a.m. Garbage should not be placed on the curb prior to 12:01 a.m. on the collection day. In no event shall the collector be required to enter garages, breezeways, carports or other structures to make collections. No container shall be placed for storage at a point nearer the street than the front of each principal building, house, dwelling, unit or structure concerned. In the event it is not practicable to place the containers for collection as specified in this article, the proper agent of the town, with the concurrence of the collector, shall designate the point most accessible for collection in such instances. The provisions of this section shall not prevent the placement of trash for collection as provided in section 13.02.009 of this article.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.070), adopted 4/24/00)
In the event trash is of such a nature that it cannot be put in plastic bags, it shall be tied in bundles weighing not more than fifty pounds each, and placed at the curb on the day of regular garbage collection; however, such bundled trash shall be collected at a rate of one cubic yard per pickup day.
Tree limbs and brush should be cut in four-foot lengths, trimmed, bundled, and stacked with large ends toward curb. No bundle shall exceed fifty pounds.
Notwithstanding any provisions of section 13.02.008 or subsections (a) or (b) of this section, in no event shall any person place bulky waste for regular collection by the collector at a collection point such as an alley, street curb or designated collection point, and any person doing so commits an offense within the meaning of Texas Government Code section 29.003(a)(2)(A) in violation of this article which pertains to fire safety, or public health and sanitation, including dumping of refuse.
(Ordinance 13-724, sec. 3, adopted 9/9/13; Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.080), adopted 4/24/00)
All garbage or trash that is mixed with water or other liquid shall be drained before being put in the garbage or trash bag or receptacle. All animal matter that is subject to decomposition shall be well-wrapped in paper or other biodegradable material before being deposited in such container or receptacle.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.090), adopted 4/24/00)
Every owner, occupant, tenant or lessee of a house or building used for residential, public, business or commercial purposes is required to maintain supervision and surveillance over the trash receptacles on his premises. It is also his responsibility to gather any trash that escapes from his receptacles.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.100), adopted 4/24/00)
The charges fixed for the removal and disposal of all garbage, trash or rubbish shall be entered by the town against such owner, occupant, tenant or lessee using or occupying any building, house or structure receiving such service, and such charges shall be collected as set out in section A1.007 of appendix A of this code. Any person who fails or refuses to pay the charge specified within fifteen days from the date it becomes due and payable shall have his garbage service suspended, and the town code enforcement officer shall be notified immediately for appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of this article.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.110), adopted 4/24/00)
Weekly curbside recycling service is provided for all residential customers. Recycling bins for new residents are available at town hall. Items that may be recycled will be specified by the agreement between the town and the service provider.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.120), adopted 4/24/00)
Hazardous wastes, including batteries, grease, paint, oil, etc., will not be collected. It is the responsibility of the owner or tenant to dispose of such hazardous wastes in an environmentally safe manner.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.130), adopted 4/24/00)
Rock, waste, scrap building materials or other trash resulting from construction or major remodeling, resulting from a general cleanup of vacant or improved property just prior to its occupancy, or resulting from sizable amounts of trees, brush and debris cleared from property in preparation for construction will not be removed by the town as regular service. Suitable temporary containers shall be provided at the expense of the owner. The owner shall have such debris removed at his expense.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.140), adopted 4/24/00)
Grass or weed clippings resulting from periodic growth control will not be collected. Removal from premises, if desired, is the responsibility of the owner or tenant of such property at the expense of the owner/tenant.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.150), adopted 4/24/00)
Removal of any tree trimmings, if desired, shall be the responsibility of the owner or tenant of the property.
(Ordinance 2000-02, sec. 1 (8.36.160), adopted 4/24/00)