When used in this division, these terms shall be defined as follows:
The person designated by the city manager to administer this division.
Building permit.
A permit required by the town for the construction of any new dwelling or building.
Any customer served by a single meter or meters that is engaged in any type of business, except the processing, fabrication, or manufacturing of any goods or products and any type of dwelling unit.
Commercial, multiple unit.
Any customer that has a single meter or meters serving more than one business per meter and/or three or more dwelling units per meter.
General benefit facility.
Wastewater facilities that provide utility services and benefits common to all customers of the utility; this includes wastewater treatment plants, control systems and appurtenances, and all major collectors and interceptors that are eighteen inches (18") and greater in diameter.
Any customer served by one or more water meters whose sewage contains wastewater from a product fabricated, processed, or manufactured by the customer.
Industrial, monitored class.
Any customer determined by the authority to be a producer of any sewage having a suspended solids or BOD content which is significantly in excess of that found in normal sewage, but is otherwise acceptable into the town sanitary sewer system.
Initial wastewater service.
The first wastewater service to be provided at a specific property location.
Living area.
The enclosed area of a dwelling that does not include garages, carports, and outside patios or porches.
A device that measures the quantity of water used. The types of meters used herein are those described in the American Water Works Association C700 through C703 and M6 standards.
Public utility.
Any person, firm, corporation, cooperative corporation, or any combination of these persons or entities, including a municipal corporation, water supply or sewer service corporation, or other political subdivision of the state, or their lessees, trustees, and receivers, owning or operating for compensation equipment or facilities for the provision of potable water to the public or for the collection and treatment of sewage for the public, but does not include any person or corporation not otherwise a public utility that furnishes the services only to itself or its employees or tenants as an incident of that employee’s service or tenancy when that service is not resold to or used by others.
Any customer living in a dwelling having the necessary living facilities for one unit that is served by a single water meter. This class also includes a duplex dwelling where no more than two living units are supplied water through a single meter.
(Ordinance 12-671 adopted 1/23/12)
No person, firm, corporation or other entity shall be entitled to initial wastewater service until payment of the appropriate system facility access fee as set forth in section 13.03.143 hereof. Payment of the system access fee is required as a condition precedent to establishing initial wastewater service. All other conditions for initiating service, such as deposit requirements, tap fees, extension agreements, and service charges, as covered elsewhere in the ordinances of the town, are in addition to the system access fee.
Prior to the initial connection of any building, structure, premises, or lot after the effective date of this division to the town’s wastewater system, the owner of that building, structure, premises or lot shall pay the system facility access fee as established in section 13.03.143, such fee to be paid in cash prior to the issuance of the building permit.
(Ordinance 12-671 adopted 1/23/12)
The system facility access fees for all customer classes shall be those as set out in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
(Ordinance 12-671 adopted 1/23/12)
If any property within or without the town’s corporate limits utilizes a water well, a septic tank, or an individual waste disposal system and the property owner requests to be connected to the town’s wastewater system, the customer shall be assessed the fee established by this division before the property is connected to the town’s wastewater system. Should the property owner request only a wastewater connection while retaining a private water well, the appropriate fee to be assessed will be determined by the authority.
(Ordinance 12-671 adopted 1/23/12)
Where a question arises as to the classification of a customer’s service class and/or the appropriate meter size, the authority shall make the determination in accordance with the existing town ordinances as of the date the question arises. Any customer shall have the right to request in writing from the authority an interpretation or clarification of the basis upon which a system facility access fee was assessed.
(Ordinance 12-671 adopted 1/23/12)
If a customer requests an increase in meter size to an existing service, the customer shall pay the fee difference between the new level of service and the existing level of service as set out in section 13.03.143 hereof. The additional fee shall be paid prior to the installation of the enlarged meter service. A request for additional sewer connections for improved property shall not result in the assessment of an additional system facility access fee so long as no increase in the size of the water meter is made.
(Ordinance 12-671 adopted 1/23/12)
The system facility access fees, together with all interest derived therefrom, that are generated by this division shall be deposited into a dedicated fund account to be used solely for the purposes set out in the contracts between the town and the City of Fort Worth providing for system access fees, and for the cost of administration of such contracts.
(Ordinance 12-671 adopted 1/23/12)
No system facility access fee shall be assessed an application for initial wastewater service provided:
All approach and on-site mains and facilities are in place and final inspection has been conducted and accepted by the authority;
Such application for the initial wastewater service is presented to the town on or before August 1, 1987; and
The application for a building permit for the same property as the initial wastewater service application is presented to the town on or before September 30, 1987.
(Ordinance 12-671 adopted 1/23/12)