All procurements of equipment, materials, supplies and services for city use shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
All procurements requiring an expenditure or payment of city funds in an amount equal to or exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), except in the case of exempted procurements authorized in the city charter and under state statute, shall comply with the following procedures:
Plans and specifications shall be prepared.
Notice for competitive sealed bids as described under Chapter 252, Local Government Code, shall be made.
The city council shall award all bids for procurements made under subsection (1) of this section in compliance with applicable state statute and applicable requirements of the city charter.
All procurements defined as a "high technology procurement" and authorized under Chapter 252, Local Government Code, in an amount equal to or exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), except in the case of exempted procurements authorized in the city charter and under state law, shall comply with the following procedures:
A request for competitive sealed proposals shall be prepared.
Notice for competitive sealed proposals as described under Chapter 252, Local Government Code, shall be made.
The city council shall award all proposals for procurements made under subsection (2) of this section in compliance with applicable state statute and applicable requirements of the city charter.
All procurements requiring an expenditure or payment of city funds in an amount equal to or exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) and less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), except in the case of exempted procurements authorized in the city charter and under state statute, shall comply with the following procedures:
Plans and specifications shall be prepared.
Competitive bids shall be received according to established purchasing policies as authorized by the city manager.
The city manager shall award all bids for procurements made under subsection (3) of this section in compliance with established purchasing policies and applicable requirements of the city charter.
All procurements defined as a "high technology procurement" and authorized under Chapter 252, Local Government Code, in an amount equal to or exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) and less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), except in the case of exempted procurements authorized in the city charter and under state statute, shall comply with the following procedures:
A request for competitive sealed proposals shall be prepared.
Competitive proposals shall be received according to established purchasing policies as authorized by the city manager.
The city manager shall award all proposals for procurement made under subsection (4) of this section in compliance with established purchasing policies and applicable requirements of the city charter.
All procurements requiring an expenditure or payment of city funds in an amount of less than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) shall be made in compliance with established purchasing policies as authorized by the city manager.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1, Article 1.400, Section 1.401)
The disbursement of city funds shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
All checks for disbursements of city funds equal to/or exceeding an amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) shall be cosigned by the mayor and the city manager in order to be valid. The mayor pro tem shall be authorized to sign in the absence of the mayor and the director of finance shall be authorized to sign in the absence of the city manager.
All checks for disbursements of city funds in an amount less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) may be cosigned electronically by the city manager and the director of finance.
(Ordinance 1704-06, adopted 12/19/06)