To provide basic child-care regulations for recreation activities operated by the city’s parks and recreation department. This will allow the department to qualify as exempt from requirements of the Texas Human Resources Code.
Program will be the responsibility of the parks and recreation department, with a day camp coordinator supervising the overall program and day camp directors and leaders administering the program on site.
Regulations apply to elementary summer programs: Summer day camp (kinder and elementary).
Each site will make available for the public and staff a current copy of the standards of care. Parents of participants will be provided a copy of standards of care during the registration process.
Program Sites.
DeSoto Recreation Center, 211 E. Pleasant Run Rd.
*PARD reserves the right to select an alternative site in case of summer repairs or maintenance requirements.
Day Camp Objectives.
To offer a program wide in scope and varied in activities of different recreational activities: Sports, games, arts and crafts, education, drama, special events, field trips, tournaments, etc.
To provide a pleasant and memorable experience in a loving atmosphere.
To provide a safe environment always promoting good health and welfare for all.
To teach children how to spend their leisure time wisely, in an effort to meet several needs: Emotional, physical and social.
Exemption Status.
Once an exempt status is established, the licensing division will not monitor the recreational program. The licensing division will be responsible for investigating complaints of unlicensed childcare and for referring other complaints to the municipal authorities or, in the case of abuse/neglect allegation, to the local police authorities.
Standards of Care Review.
Standards will be reviewed annually and approved by the city council after a public hearing is held to pass an ordinance regarding section 42.041(b)(14) of the Human Resources Code.
Child-Care Licensing.
Child-care licensing will not regulate these programs nor be involved in any complaint investigation related to the program.
Any parent, visitor or staff may register a complaint by calling DeSoto Recreation Center at 972-230-9655, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(Ordinance 2064-16 adopted 9/20/16; Ordinance 2146-18 adopted 10/16/18; Ordinance 2270-22 adopted 5/3/2022)
Day Camp Director–Job Descriptions and Essential Job Functions.
Essential Job Functions.
Assists in the planning, budget reporting, scheduling and implementation of the day camp program.
Supervise summer staff that includes day camp leaders and leaders in training.
Implement lesson plans as needed and assist day camp staff with keeping activities on schedule.
Plan and lead activities such as sports, games, arts and crafts, music and field trips.
Prepare payroll and maintain budget information.
Keep attendance records and camper information forms.
Communicate courteously and effectively with the other city employees, citizens and program patrons.
Implement appropriate discipline procedures when necessary.
Attend mandatory staff training session and conduct staff meetings as required.
Must be mature, responsible and able to complete duties with minimal supervision.
Must be able to communicate well with the public, and skilled at interacting with children.
Must be skilled in supervising children of varying age levels in a group setting.
Must have first-aid and CPR certification prior to start of camp.
Must have a valid state class C driver’s license.
Must complete departmental day camp staff training.
Must have previous experience supervising children in a day camp setting.
Must have previous experience supervising staff.
Must have strong organizational skills and have the ability to adapt easily to change.
Must pass city criminal background check prior to hiring.
Day Camp Leader–Job Descriptions and Essential Job Functions.
Essential Job Functions.
Supervise programs and activities of the program during all scheduled hours.
Maintain supply inventory.
Effectively follow lesson plans and instructions from director.
Complete incident and accident reports effectively relating to participating patrons.
Communicate courteously and effectively with the other city employees, citizens and program patrons.
Attend mandatory staff training session and conduct staff meetings as required.
Minimum Qualifications.
Must be mature, responsible and able to complete duties with minimal supervision.
Must be able to communicate well with the public, and skilled at interacting with children.
Must have experience working with children and the ability to cope with large groups of children and high noise levels.
Must have first-aid and CPR certification prior to start of camp.
Must be 18 years of age at the time of application.
Must complete departmental day camp staff training.
Must pass city criminal background check prior to hiring.
Knowledge or skills in recreational games, sports, crafts and other activities.
Other Requirements.
Staff must complete the mandatory training program of at least 20 hours, in addition to planning hours with site staff prior to the start of camp. This training includes a departmental orientation, customer service, behavioral issues and discipline, as well as practical skills on activities for children in games, songs and crafts.
Staff must exhibit competency, good judgment and self-control throughout the duration of the camp.
Staff should relate to the children with courtesy, respect, acceptance and patience.
Staff shall not abuse or neglect children.
Criminal Background Checks.
Criminal background checks will be conducted on prospective day camp employees.
Drug Testing.
A prospective employee will be subject to a drug test prior to hiring.
Staffing Ratios.
The staff ratio will be 1 staff member per 10 children, ages 5–11 while on site and 1 staff member per 6 children off site.
(Ordinance 2064-16 adopted 9/20/16; Ordinance 2146-18 adopted 10/16/18; Ordinance 2270-22 adopted 5/3/2022)
Emergency evacuation and relocation plans will be posted at each facility.
Day camp directors and leaders will inspect sites frequently for any sanitation or safety concerns. Those concerns should be passed on to the camp supervisor.
Each camp must have a first-aid kit. This shall be checked and stocked on a weekly basis by the on site camp directors. It shall include at the minimum bandages, first-aid cream, rubber gloves, Neosporin, alcohol wipes, hot/cold packs, gauze, tweezers, ace bandages and scissors.
In a situation where evacuation is necessary, the first priority of staff is to make sure all participants are in a safe location.
Program sites will be inspected annually by the fire marshal. Each facility manager is responsible for compliance with fire marshal’s directives.
The recommended number of fire extinguishers shall be inspected prior to camp and indicate that they are properly charged.
Each indoor site shall have adequate indoor toilets and lavatories located such that children can use them independently and program staff can supervise as needed. Outdoor sites shall provide portable toilets based on number of children attending each day. Ratio of toilet to children will be 1:17.
All participants must wear appropriate footwear daily. Sandals and flip-flops will be allowed only in the pool area.
Rules of behavior will be posted.
No sagging pants.
No disruptive behavior.
No loitering.
No unnecessary entering and exiting the building.
No foul language.
(Ordinance 2064-16 adopted 9/20/16; Ordinance 2146-18 adopted 10/16/18; Ordinance 2270-22 adopted 5/3/2022)
This information will be provided to each staff as a part of the day camp manual:
Camp staff shirts, shorts and tennis shoes are to be worn at all times.
City issued employee I.D. should be worn and clearly visible at all times except during swim time.
Camp participants and parents will be treated with respect at all times.
Camp staff will take it upon themselves to resolve complaints. Do not refer a customer to another staff person. If you are unable to resolve the complaint on the spot, take the customer’s name and phone number, investigate complaint resolution and then follow up with the customer.
Camp staff will keep parents informed of camp activities. A weekly schedule will be distributed on the Monday of each week and extra copies will be kept with the sign in log daily.
Camp staff will note details of behavior of campers (accomplishments, discipline problems, general activities, etc.) and update parents on a daily basis if there is a problem.
Camp staff will monitor the sign in/out log at all times.
Building maintenance staff will clean rooms after each activity. Floors will be swept/vacuumed, tables and chairs stacked, supplies put away. This is extremely important due to the fact that rooms are used throughout the day by other groups.
Camp staff will spend 100% of their time actively involved with campers and/or parents.
(Ordinance 2064-16 adopted 9/20/16; Ordinance 2146-18 adopted 10/16/18; Ordinance 2270-22 adopted 5/3/2022)
Emergency phone numbers are kept with the day camp director on field trips. Those numbers include fire, police, and ambulance services.
A day camp manual is given to every day camp director and leader. An additional manual will be located at each site where all staff can have access to the manual, which outlines the following:
Discipline issues.
City rules and regulations.
Forms that must be filled out.
Service standards.
Game/activity leadership.
Ways to interact with children.
Sign in/sign out sheets will be used every day. Only adults listed on sign-in/out release will be allowed to pick up children. An authorized person must enter the building, present appropriate identification and sign the sheet in order for staff to release the child.
Emergency evacuation and relocation plans will be posted at each facility.
Parents will be notified regarding planned field trips and provided the required release forms.
Enrollment information will be kept and maintained on each child and shall include:
Child’s name, birth date, home address, home telephone number, physician’s phone number and address and phone numbers where parents may be reached during the day.
Names and telephone numbers of persons to whom the child can be released.
Field trip release form as needed.
Liability waiver.
Parental consent to administer medication, medical information and release on participant.
Staff shall immediately notify the parent or other person authorized by the parent when the child is injured or has been involved in any situation that placed the child at risk.
Staff shall notify parents or authorized persons of children in the facility when there is an outbreak of a communicable disease in the facility that is required to be reported to the county department of health. Staff must notify parents of children in a group when there is an outbreak of lice or other infestation in the group.
Discipline and guidance of children will be implemented in a consistent manner based on the city’s behavior modification and re-enforcement policy:
First offense: Warning.
Second offense: Separation/time out (5 min.).
Third offense: Removal from activity (10 min.).
Fourth offense: Removal from activity and sent to director (20 min.).
Fifth offense: Severe clause; removal of child from program.
Under no circumstances will there be cruel or harsh punishment or treatment.
Incident reports will be filled out on any disciplinary cases, and information is to be shared with parents when picking up the child or sooner, when extreme cases occur. Continued disciplinary problems will result in the participant being asked to leave the program.
A deliberate action of harm to any camper or leader, vandalism, possession of a concealed weapon or controlled substance, emotional outbursts or tantrums, uncooperative attitude or any severe discipline problem disruptive to the program will result in immediate measures to remove the child from camp.
Illness or Injury.
Parents shall be notified in cases of illness or injury.
An ill child will not be allowed to participate if the child is suspected of having a temperature and/or accompanied by behavior changes or other signs or symptoms until medical evaluation indicates that the child can be included in the activities. In the event an injury cannot be administered through basic first-aid, staff will call 911.
When an injury occurs, an incident report shall be filled out immediately. The form shall be filled out completely with the original sent to the community events supervisor’s office and a copy kept in the day camp files.
(Ordinance 2064-16 adopted 9/20/16; Ordinance 2146-18 adopted 10/16/18; Ordinance 2270-22 adopted 5/3/2022)
As a part of the day camp manual, staff will be given the following information:
Children must stay off of tables, counter tops, ping pong tables, etc.
Children should walk in the building. Running is permitted only in designated areas.
Bouncing and throwing balls is permitted only in the gym.
Active games using equipment that can cause damage to window, shades, lights, and ceilings must be played only in the gym.
Children must show respect for staff and each other.
Children must wear shoes at all times.
Children must be contained and not allowed to filter in with the general public. You must know where each and every child is at all times.
(Ordinance 2064-16 adopted 9/20/16; Ordinance 2146-18 adopted 10/16/18; Ordinance 2270-22 adopted 5/3/2022)
Activities for each group will be planned according to the participant age, interest and ability. The activities should be flexible and promote social and educational advancement.
A weekly calendar of activities will be posted for parents the Monday of that week of camp.
When taking field trips, staff will:
Count everyone before they leave the program site as well as prior to leaving the field trip site.
Carry medical information on each child with them on the trip.
Carry a first-aid kit.
Carry a cell phone for emergency use.
Encourage participants to wear camp shirts so that children are easily identified.
(Ordinance 2064-16 adopted 9/20/16; Ordinance 2146-18 adopted 10/16/18; Ordinance 2270-22 adopted 5/3/2022)
Standards of care established by the city will be monitored and enforced by the city’s departments responsible for their respective areas as identified:
Health and safety standards will be monitored and enforced by the city’s police, fire, health and code enforcement departments.
Staff and program issues will be monitored and enforced by the city’s parks and recreation department. The day camp coordinator shall visit each site on a daily basis. Camp directors are responsible for visually checking the camp activities on a daily basis. When this staff is not available, another full-time staff person is responsible for the daily check.
(Ordinance 2064-16 adopted 9/20/16; Ordinance 2146-18 adopted 10/16/18; Ordinance 2270-22 adopted 5/3/2022)