This article shall govern the construction and installation of improvements, and the use of the city's rights-of-way by persons who own property abutting the rights-of-way.
(Ordinance 1444-01 adopted 9/18/01)
Prior to construction and improvements in the right-of-way by persons who own property abutting the right-of-way, such persons shall acquire a building permit, as set forth in Article 3.100 in this chapter, and unless otherwise indicated, the procedures and fees of such permits shall apply to the construction requirements contemplated under this article.
(Ordinance 1444-01 adopted 9/18/01)
Extent of Construction Required:
All construction in the right-of-way shall be subject to the provisions of this article and the city subdivision ordinance. Construction improvements within public rights-of-way where permanent structures exist on abutting property shall be allowed, provided such improvements do not create a hazardous condition provided that all construction materials and methods conform the provisions of this chapter.
When a new structure is to be built on a lot or moved onto a lot and used for residential purposes and the right-of-way improvements are covered under the city subdivision ordinance or the city zoning ordinance, then there shall be no right-of-way improvement requirements under this article; however, any construction that is done in the right-of-way shall be done in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Construction improvements within the public right-of-way where permanent structures exist on abutting property shall be allowed, provided such improvements do not create a hazardous condition and provided that all construction materials and methods conform to the provisions of his chapter. Notwithstanding any of the above provisions in this subsection, whenever any structure is built on a lot or moved onto a lot and used for residential purposes, the installation of sidewalks around such lot shall be required if either of the following conditions exist:
If all or any portion of such lot is bordered by existing curb and gutter; or
If the city council has determined the necessity for and has ordered the installation of curb and gutter improvements around all or any portion of said lot.
Protection of Adjoining Property.
The permittee shall at all times, and at his own expense, preserve and protect from injury any adjoining property by providing proper safeguards and taking measures adequate for the purpose.
Routing Traffic.
The normal conditions of traffic shall not be disrupted without the approval of the city engineer. The city engineer shall prescribe such traffic control as deemed necessary.
Prompt Completion of Work.
The permittee shall proceed with diligence and expedition on all work covered by the permit and shall promptly complete such work and restore the street to an acceptable condition, as soon as practicable and in any event, not later than the date specified in the permit therefor.
Urgent Work.
If in his judgment traffic conditions, the safety or convenience of the traveling public or the public interest require that the work be performed as emergency work, the director of public works shall have full power to order, at the time the permit is granted, that a work crew and adequate facilities be employed by the permittee twenty-four (24) hours a day to the end that such work may be completed as soon as possible.
Restoration of Surface.
The permittee shall restore all pavement damaged as a result of the construction work to their original condition in accordance with the city standard specifications. Acceptance or approval of any work by the city engineer shall not prevent the city from asserting a claim against the permittee and his or its surety under the required surety bond for incomplete or defective work if discovered within twelve months from the completion of the work. The city engineer's presence during the performance of any work shall not relieve the permittee of his responsibilities hereunder.
Protection of Watercourses.
The permittee shall provide for the flow of all watercourses, sewer or drains intercepted during the work and shall replace the same in as good condition as they were found, or shall make such provisions for them as the city engineer may direct. The permittee shall not obstruct the gutter of any street, but shall use all proper measures to provide for the free passage of surface water. The permittee shall make provisions to take care of all surplus water, muck, silt, slicking or other runoff pumped from excavations or resulting from sluicing or other operations and shall be responsible for any damage resulting from his failure to so provide.
Removal and Protection of Existing Improvements.
The permittee shall not interfere with any existing improvements without the written consent of the director and the person owning the improvements. If it becomes necessary to remove an existing improvement, this shall be done by its owner. No improvements owned by the city shall be removed to accommodate the permittee unless the cost of such work be borne by the permittee. The cost of moving privately owned improvements shall be similarly borne by the permittee unless he makes other arrangements with the person owning the improvement. The permittee shall protect any improvements which may be in any way affected by his work. In case any of said improvements should be damaged, they shall be repaired in conformance with all applicable requirements by the permittee, and his or its bond shall be liable therefor. The director shall have the authority to cause said necessary labor and materials to be furnished by the city and the cost shall be charged against the permittee, and the permittee shall also be liable on his or its bond therefor. The permittee shall be responsible for any damage done to any public or private property by reason of the breaking of any water pipes, sewer, oil pipe, gas pipe, electric conduit, telephone conduit, or other utility and his bond shall be liable therefor. The permittee shall inform himself as to the existence and location of all underground utilities and protect the same against drainage.
(Ordinance 1444-01 adopted 9/18/01)
Maintenance of Public Rights-of-Way.
Any owner, occupant or tenant of any lot or parcel of land located within the city shall maintain or cause to be maintained the area of land located between the property line of the lot, tract or parcel and the adjacent curb, and if no curb exists, then to a line ten feet from the edge of the street pavement toward the property line.
Any owner, occupant or tenant of any lot or parcel of land located within the city shall maintain or cause to be maintained the area of land located between the property line of the lot, tract or parcel and the edge of the adjacent alley pavement.
Any owner of the property abutting on a public street and sidewalk shall clean and maintain in good repair the sidewalk and any driveway approach apron crossing the sidewalk.
The owner of property which abuts on any public street, sidewalk or driveway approach apron shall be liable for any injury or damage arising from a defect or defects caused by any act or omission, failure or negligence relative to the maintenance or repair of such sidewalk or driveway approach apron crossing such sidewalk.
Maintenance of Trees, Shrubs and Vegetation.
It shall be unlawful for any owner, occupant or person in charge of adjacent property to:
Allow the branches of any tree to extend over or into a public street or alley at a height less than fourteen and one-half (141/2) feet.
Allow the branches of any tree to extend over a sidewalk at a height of less than eight (8) feet.
Allow any shrubbery or similar vegetation to extend into or over any sidewalk blocking or hindering pedestrian access.
Maintenance of Easements.
It shall be unlawful to construct or replace any temporary or permanent structure within, on or over any public utility or drainage easement except for utilities or facilities associated with drainage. The property owner may place removable section-type fencing, asphalt or concrete paving, or landscaping within any dedicated public utility or drainage easement. The city or franchised utility of the city shall not be required to replace anything that must be removed during the course of maintenance, construction or reconstruction within any public utility or drainage easement.
The property owner shall maintain the property containing any easement in the same manner as would be required if the easement did not exist.
The property owner shall not hinder the ability of the easement owner to fully utilize the area of the easement for the purposes, including construction and maintenance of improvements within the easement, for which the easement was obtained.
(Ordinance 1444-01 adopted 9/18/01)