Any occurrence which renders a vehicle wrecked or disabled.
Chief of Police.
The chief of police for the city or his designate.
Contract Holder.
The emergency wrecker company which has a contract with the city to provide emergency wrecker service within the city.
Disabled Vehicle.
A vehicle that reasonably requires removal by a wrecker because it:
Has been rendered unsafe to be driven as the result of some occurrence other than a wreck, including, but not limited to, mechanical failure, breakdown, fire, or vandalism; or
Is in a safe driving condition, but the owner is not present, able or permitted to drive.
Emergency Wrecker Company.
A person who owns, controls, or has a financial interest in one (1) or more emergency wrecker services.
Emergency Wrecker Service.
The business of towing or removing wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicles from the streets upon request of the chief of police or his designate.
A person who holds legal title of a vehicle or who has the right of possession of a vehicle or legal right of control of a vehicle.
An individual, assumed name entity, partnership, joint venture, association, corporation, or other legal entity.
Wrecked Vehicle.
A vehicle that has been damaged as a result of overturning or colliding with another vehicle or object so as to reasonably necessitate that the vehicle be removed by a wrecker.
A vehicle designed to be used primarily for moving disabled or wrecked vehicles upon any street.
(Ordinance 1662-06, sec. 1, adopted 3/21/06)
No person may drive a wrecker to the scene of an accident on the streets of the city unless the person has been called to the scene by the chief of police.
(Ordinance 1662-06, sec. 1, adopted 3/21/06)
No person may solicit in any manner, directly or indirectly, on the streets of the city, the business of towing a vehicle which is wrecked or disabled on any street, regardless of whether the solicitation is for the purpose of soliciting the business of towing, removing, repairing, wrecking, storing, trading, or purchasing the vehicle. Proof of the presence of a person engaged in the wrecker business or the presence of a wrecker or motor vehicle owned or operated by a person engaged in the wrecker business, either as owner operator, employee, or agent, on a street in the city, at or near the scene or site of an accident which has not been called to scene by the chief of police, within one (1) hour after the happening of an accident, is prima facie evidence of a solicitation in violation of this section.
(Ordinance 1662-06, sec. 1, adopted 3/21/06)
No person may engage in emergency wrecker service in the city without having an emergency wrecker contract from the city. The contract is not assignable or transferable. The contract between the city and an emergency wrecker company authorizes the contract holder and his bona fide employees to engage in emergency wrecker service in the city.
The owner of an emergency wrecker company shall register the trade name of his wrecker company with the chief of police and shall affix the name to the outside of both doors of each wrecker which is approved for operation under the terms of this article.
(Ordinance 1940-13 adopted 4/2/13)
In addition to the powers and duties elsewhere prescribed in this article, the chief of police is authorized to:
Administer and enforce all provisions of this article.
Keep records of all contracts issued, suspended, or revoked.
Keep records of all authorized emergency vehicles.
Adopt rules and regulations, after reasonable notice to the contract holder, not inconsistent with the provisions of this article, with respect to the form and content of applications, the receipt thereof, the investigation of applicants and other matters incidental or appropriate to his power and duties as may be necessary for the proper administration and enforcement of the provisions of this article.
Adopt new procedures related to wrecker service within the city for experimentation on a temporary basis, after reasonable notice to the contract holder.
Conduct, when appropriate, periodic investigations of contract holder.
Require periodic reports, as necessary, to evaluate each emergency wrecker company’s operations.
Require that vehicles be stored in a maximum security indoor area either located at the impoundment facility or another location approved by the chief of police.
(Ordinance 1662-06, sec. 1, adopted 3/21/06)
An emergency wrecker company contract holder shall comply with the following requirements and procedures:
Maintain twenty-four (24) hour wrecker.
Arrive at the accident within a reasonable time after having been notified to do so by the chief of police or his designee, such response time generally not to exceed twenty (20) minutes.
Deliver, in every instance, the wrecked or disabled vehicle to a location designated by the chief of police or his designee.
Report to the chief of police, or his designate, all changes in emergency wreckers, drivers and equipment used in the contract holder’s emergency wrecker service and render all additional vehicles for inspection by the chief of police or his designee.
Employ emergency wrecker drivers who have driving records acceptable to the chief of police or his designee in light of the safety of the citizens of the city.
Completely remove from the site of an accident all resulting wreckage of debris, including all broken glass, but excluding truck or vehicle cargoes, before leaving the site.
Each qualified applicant shall provide evidence with the application of having the ability to provide an auto pound satisfying the following standards:
If located outside the city, such auto pound must be within ten (10) miles of the nearest boundary of the city and must satisfy all requirements of the jurisdiction in which it is located.
Be licensed by the state as an approved storage facility.
Nothing in this article shall be construed to permit operation of a wrecker as an authorized emergency vehicle.
(Ordinance 1923-12 adopted 7/17/12)
The wrecker service contractor may only charge and collect the fees and charges approved by the city and applicable state laws or regulations.
The wrecker service contractor shall collect and remit to the city a one-time administrative fee of $15.00 per impoundment. This fee shall be paid by the 10th day of each calendar month to the city as specified by the contract.
(Ordinance 1940-13 adopted 4/2/13)