The following terms when used in this article shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Means a person at least eighteen (18) years of age and able to care for children in a family home child care facility in accordance with applicable state or local requirements.
Family Home-Child Care.
Means a family home as defined in Appendix A-3 of the comprehensive zoning ordinance of the city, as amended, which is an establishment registered with the State of Texas that regularly provides care in the caretaker’s own single family detached residence for not more than six (6) children under fourteen (14) years of age, excluding caretaker’s own children. Caretaker’s own children means children who are the children of the caretaker by birth, adoption, marriage or conservatorship.
Registration Permit.
Means a registration permit issued by the city for the operation of a family home child care facility in accordance with the provisions of this article.
(Ordinance 1372-00 adopted 8/15/00; Ordinance 1483-02 adopted 7/16/02)
Editor’s note—Definition for Children Who are Related to the Caretaker, was deleted by Ordinance 1483-02 adopted 7/16/02.
No person may operate a family home-child care within the city without first having registered on a form provided by the city. The operator is responsible for complying with all zoning, building, fire and other ordinances of the city.
Registration permits issued under this article may not be assigned or transferred.
A registered family home child care establishment must be operated in compliance with Chapter 42, Texas Human Resources Code, as amended, and in accordance with such regulations and standards as may be promulgated by the Texas Department of Human Resources, or its successor.
(Ordinance 1372-00 adopted 8/15/00)
The maximum number of children that a family home child care facility may provide care for in the caretaker’s own residence is not more than six (6) children under fourteen (14) years of age, excluding the caretaker’s own children.
(Ordinance 1483-02 adopted 7/16/02)
The code enforcement official or designee shall enforce the provisions of this article, and shall have the authority to inspect family home-child care facilities to determine whether the facility is being operated in accordance with state and local law.
(Ordinance 1372-00 adopted 8/15/00)