The state food establishment rules 25 TAC sections 229.161–229.171, 229.173– 229.175 of the department of state health services, as adopted by said board and effective March 15, 2006, with exception of such sections thereof as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended, are hereby adopted as the minimum standards for food service operations within the corporate limits of the city.
Wherever the words “authorized agent or employee” appear in said rules, such words shall mean the employees of the regulatory authority.
Wherever the words food establishment and food processing plant appear in said rules, such words shall have the same meaning ascribed to such words in the state food establishment rules.
Wherever the words “municipality of __________” appear in said rules, such words shall mean the City of DeSoto, Texas.
Wherever the words “state rules” appear in said rules, such words shall mean the Texas Department of Health Rules at 25 TAC sections 229.161–229.171 and 229-173–229.175.
Wherever the words regulatory authority appear in said rules, such words shall mean the health department of the city.
25 TAC section 229.171(j)(6) is amended to read as follows:
Inspection report form.
For purposes of Chapter 437, Texas Health and Safety Code, the city shall use the retail food establishment inspection form adopted by the city health department from time to time.
Permits, Licenses or Certificates Generally.
No person shall operate a full-service, temporary or limited-use food establishment who does not have a valid permit issued to him by the regulatory authority. Only a person who complies with the requirements of these rules shall be entitled to receive or retain such a permit. Permits are not transferable. A valid permit shall be posted in every food establishment. Permits shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance. The fee for initial issuance of a permit shall be established by resolution by the city council as it may determine from time to time and shall accompany the application required herein below. The fee for each annual renewal of the permit shall be in an amount established by resolution of the city council from time to time. Any failure to pay the annual fee shall cause the permit to be automatically revoked.
Issuance of Permit.
The following provisions shall apply to the issuance of permits:
Any person desiring to operate a food establishment shall make a written application for a permit on forms provided by the regulatory authority. Such application shall include the name and address of each applicant, the location and type of the proposed food establishment, and the signature of each applicant.
Prior to approval of an application for a permit, the regulatory authority shall inspect the proposed food establishment to determine compliance with the requirements of these rules.
The regulatory authority shall issue a permit to the applicant if its inspection reveals that the proposed food establishment complies with the requirements of these rules.
Suspension of Permit.
The following shall apply to the suspension of permits for the operation of a food establishment:
The regulatory authority may, without warning, notice, or hearing, suspend any permit to operate a food establishment if the holder of the permit does not comply with the requirements of this section, or if the operation of the food establishment otherwise constitutes a substantial hazard to public health. Suspension is effective upon service of the notice required by subsection (f) of this section. When a permit is suspended, food operations shall immediately cease. Whenever a permit is suspended, the holder of the permit shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing within 20 days of receipt of a request for a hearing.
Whenever a permit is suspended, the holder of the permit, or the person in charge, shall be notified in writing that the permit is, upon service of the notice, immediately suspended and that an opportunity for a hearing will be provided if a written request for a hearing is filed with the regulatory authority by the holder of the permit, license or certificate within ten days. If no written request for hearing is filed within ten days, the suspension is sustained. The regulatory authority may end the suspension at any time if reasons for suspension no longer exist.
Revocation of Permit.
The regulatory authority may, after providing opportunity for a hearing, revoke a permit for serious or repeated violations of any of the requirements of these rules or for interference with the regulatory authority in the performance of its duties. Prior to revocation, the regulatory authority shall notify the holder of the permit, or the person in charge, in writing of the reason for which the permit is subject to revocation and that the permit shall be revoked at the end of the ten days following service of such notice unless a written request for a hearing is filed with the regulatory authority by the holder of the permit within such ten-day period. If no request for hearing is filed within the ten-day period, the revocation of the permit becomes final.
Service of Notices.
A notice provided for in these rules is properly served when it is delivered to the holder of the permit, or the person in charge, or when it is sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the holder of the permit. A copy of the notice shall be filed in the records of the regulatory authority.
The hearings provided for in these rules shall be conducted by the regulatory authority at a time and place designated by it. Based upon the recorded evidence of such hearing, the regulatory authority shall make a final finding, and shall sustain, modify or rescind any notice or order considered in the hearing. A written report of the hearing decision shall be furnished to the holder of the permit by the regulatory authority.
Application After Revocation.
Whenever a revocation of a permit has become final, the holder of the revoked permit may make written application for a new permit.
An inspection of a food establishment shall be performed at least once every twelve months. Additional inspections of the food establishment shall be performed as often as necessary for the enforcement of this section.
Correction of Violations.
The following shall apply to the correction of violations:
Failure to comply with any time limits for corrections may result in cessation of food operations. An opportunity for appeal from the inspection findings and time limitations will be provided if a written request for a hearing is filed with the regulatory authority within ten days following cessation of operations. If a request for a hearing is received, a hearing shall be held within twenty (20) days of receipt of that request.
Whenever a food establishment is required under the provisions of this section to cease operations, it shall not resume operations until such time as a reinspection determines that conditions responsible for the requirement to cease operations no longer exists. Opportunity for reinspection shall be offered within a reasonable time.
Examination and Condemnation of Food.
Food may be examined or sampled by the regulatory authority as often as necessary for enforcement of this section. The regulatory authority may, upon written notice to the owner or person in charge specifying with particularity the reasons therefor, place a hold order on any food which it believes is in violation of the state food establishment rules. The regulatory authority shall tag, label, or otherwise identify any food subject to the hold order. No food subject to a hold order shall be used, served, or moved from the establishment. The regulatory authority shall permit storage of the food under conditions specified in the hold order, unless storage is not possible without risk to the public health, in which case immediate destruction shall be ordered and accomplished. The hold order shall state that a request for hearing may be filed within ten days and that if no hearing is requested the food shall be destroyed. A hearing shall be held if so requested, and on the basis of evidence produced at that hearing, the hold order may be vacated, or the owner or person in charge of the food may be directed by written order to denature or destroy such food or to bring it into compliance with the provisions of this section.
Review of Plans.
The following shall apply when food establishments are remodeled or constructed:
Whenever a food establishment is constructed or extensively remodeled and whenever an existing structure is converted to use as a food establishment, properly prepared plans and specifications for such construction, remodeling, or conversion shall be submitted to the regulatory authority for review and approval before construction, remodeling or conversion is begun. The plans and specifications shall indicate the proposed layout, arrangement, mechanical plans, and construction materials of work areas, and the type and model of proposed fixed equipment and facilities. The regulatory authority shall approve the plans and specifications if they meet the requirements of the state food establishment rules. No food establishment shall be constructed, extensively remodeled, or converted except in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the regulatory authority.
Whenever plans and specifications are required to be submitted to the regulatory authority, the regulatory authority shall inspect the food establishment prior to its beginning operation to determine compliance with the approved plans and specifications and with the requirements of this section.
(Ordinance 1768-07 adopted 12/18/07)
The city council finds that the health department manager or designee shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this article.
(Ordinance 1768-07 adopted 12/18/07)
Every person owning, employed by or otherwise connected with a food service or food establishment whose work brings them into contact with the handling of food, utensils or food service equipment, shall, within 30 days of the date of such employment, possess a current valid food handler’s certificate issued by the health department manager. Owners, managers or persons otherwise controlling any food service or food establishment shall not employ or permit any person to remain employed therein who does not meet this requirement.
To receive a food handling certificate, a person must satisfactorily complete an approved course of study in sanitary food handling and pay the required fee.
The health department manager shall be responsible for conducting an approved course of study in sanitary food handling as often as necessary for carrying out the purposes of this section. State-approved food protection management training as required by Chapter 428, Subchapter D, Texas Health and Safety Code, as amended, may be substituted for the course provided by the health department manager.
The fee for obtaining a food handling certificate and the fee for replacement of a lost certificate shall be established from time to time by the city council by resolution.
Temporary food service establishments operated in conjunction with a special event shall be exempt from this requirement.
Every certificate issued hereunder shall remain effective for a period of three years and may be renewed upon successful completion of additional approved refresher courses and payment of renewal fees.
Every food service or food establishment shall have available on the premises at all times the food handling certificate of each employee for inspection, and if requested, shall provide the health department manager with documentation of the date of employment of any employee of such establishment.
Certificates are the property of the person named thereon and must be returned by employees to such person upon cessation of employment.
(Ordinance 1768-07 adopted 12/18/07)