The city, acting by and through its duly authorized officers, agents and representatives, shall have the power to define all nuisances and prohibit the same within the city and outside the city for a distance of five thousand (5,000) feet; to police all parks or grounds, speedways or boulevards owned by the city and lying outside of the city; to prohibit the pollution of any stream, drain or tributary thereof, which may constitute a source of water supply of any city, and to provide for policing the same, as well as to provide for the protection of any watersheds and the policing of the same; to inspect dairies, poultry houses, slaughter pens and slaughter houses inside or outside the city from which meat or milk is furnished to the inhabitants of the city; as provided in Section 217.042, Local Government Code, which grants such powers and authorizes such acts. All powers granted under said section are specifically adopted and made a part hereof.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Article 7.100, Section 7.101)
Whenever any nuisance as herein defined is found in any place in this city for the removal, abatement, or destruction of which no man can be held liable under the provisions hereof, it shall be the duty of the city manager, or his designee, to remove, abate, or destroy the same at the expense of the city.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Article 7.100, Section 7.102)
This article shall be applicable and in force throughout the territory of the city within its corporate limits.
This article shall also be applicable and in force within the area immediately adjacent and contiguous to the city limits and extending for a distance outside the city limits for a total of five thousand feet (5,000'), and it shall be unlawful to do or perform any act in violation of this article within such area of five thousand feet (5,000') outside the city limits; provided, this article shall not apply within any portion of such five thousand foot area which is contained within the territory of any other municipal corporation.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Article 7.100, Section 7.103)
This article shall be and is made cumulative of any other provisions of this code defining nuisances or providing for the abatement thereof.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Article 7.100, Section 7.104)
The following conditions, among others, shall constitute nuisances when allowed, maintained, or suffered to exist and shall be considered misdemeanors:
Animal Carcasses, Hauling.
Hauling, carrying, or transporting any slaughtered or dead animal, or meat, on, along or upon any street, alley, highway, park or public grounds without having the same covered and protected from public view and screened from insects, germs, and dust.
Burning Substances.
Burning in the open, hair, leather, rags, or other substances emitting an offensive, unhealthful, or annoying smell, smoke, or odor.
Coal, Etc., Dropping on Streets.
Throwing, hauling, or dumping on or removing from any sidewalk, street, alley or other public place any dry coal or other substance of any character so as to cause or produce any annoying, offensive dust to be generated or diffused therefrom.
Defecating, Etc., in Public Place.
Defecating or urinating upon any street, alley, park, or any public grounds, or upon any place visible to persons in any public street or other public place or private residence.
The presence of any fireworks within the jurisdiction of the city in violation of this code.
Garbage, Dumping on Another's Premises.
Throwing, putting or placing upon the premises of another any dung, feces, urine, or other unclean or filthy substance or liquid, trash, or other rubbish of any character, or dead animal, bird or fowl, or fragment thereof.
Glass, Etc., On Streets.
Throwing or depositing any glass, tacks, nails, or other similar articles on any street, alley, or sidewalk or other public place in the city.
Green Hides.
Drying green hides or keeping or maintaining an establishment for such purposes.
Hogs, Keeping.
Keeping any hog or hogs in any enclosure less than five hundred feet (500') from the nearest residence.
Manure, Fertilizer.
The deposit or accumulation of manure or other noxious fertilizer, unless in flyproof receptacles.
Openings in Streets, Etc.
Keeping or leaving open or unclosed any vault, hole, cellar or other opening on any street, sidewalk, alley, or other public thoroughfare, unless the same be sufficiently protected and guarded to insure safety to all passing by or near the same.
Keeping, breeding, or raising pigeons on or about any place or premises in such number or in such manner that the same may be or become annoying, offensive, or disturbing to the adjacent residents of or those passing by such places or premises, or which by reason of numbers create filth in or about such premises or premises adjacent thereto.
Polluted Drinking Water.
The presence of polluted water in a well, cistern, spring, or other source of water supply, when the water therefrom is used for human consumption.
Rubbish, Etc., in Public Place.
Sweeping, throwing, or depositing into, upon or along any drain, gutter, alley, sidewalk, street, public place, or thoroughfare, trash, rubbish of any character, slop, dung, feces, urine, filthy or stagnant water or other liquid, dead animals, fowls, birds or fragments thereof, or any other unwholesome, unhealthy, unsightly or offensive thing or substance.
Scattering Cards, Etc., in Public Places.
Scattering or distributing any advertisements, circulars, cards, handbills, announcement or other paper of like character upon any street, sidewalk, alley, park, public grounds, or within any public building.
Sewage Disposal Facilities.
The maintenance of any but sanitary privies, septic tanks, or other sewage disposal facilities, and these only in compliance with the public health laws and regulations of the state and city.
Keeping, having or operating or suffering or permitting slaughtered or killed for the market.
Sleeping in Public Places.
Sleeping upon any alley, street, sidewalk, park, or other public grounds to which people may resort.
Spitting upon Sidewalks, Etc.
Expectorating or spitting upon any sidewalk, street, or in or upon any public place or building, streetcar, or any other public vehicle any spittle, saliva, secretion, or other substance coming from the mouth or nose, or throwing or placing in or upon any such place any chewed or partly chewed tobacco or snuff or remnant of any cigar or cigarette.
Standing Water.
The accumulation of water in which mosquito larvae breed.
Trade Injurious to Health or Comfort.
Any trade, business, or occupation injurious to the health or comfort of those who reside in the vicinity.
Unclean Premises.
All yards, lots, alleys, stables, pens, cellars, vaults, drains, pools, wells, cisterns, privies, sewers, grounds, premises or buildings of any character, which are not kept free of dead carcasses, decaying flesh, fish, fowl, vegetables, stagnant water or other stagnant liquids, slops, trash, rubbish, or other deposits or substances of any and every character, which are likely to or do become unwholesome, filthy, offensive, unhealthful, or likely to create or engender disease.
Weeds, Etc., on Lots.
Permitting or allowing weeds, filth or rubbish to grow, be or remain on any lots, grounds or premises, or permitting such weeds to extend from such premises into any street or alley adjacent to such lot, grounds, or premises.
Weeds, Etc., on Lots.
‡ Permitting or allowing weeds, filth or rubbish to grow, be or remain on any lots, grounds or premises, or permitting such weeds to extend from such premises into any street or alley adjacent to such lot, grounds, or premises.
Other Acts.
Any act or thing, not hereinbefore enumerated, which interferes with any person's right to be free from noxious and unpleasant air, odor, gasses, and vapors and from the sights of foul and offensive things and substances.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Article 7.100, Section 7.105; Ordinance 1587-04 adopted 5/4/04)
Definition of Nuisance.
For the purposes of this section, the term "nuisance" is defined to mean any condition or use of premises or of building exteriors which is detrimental to the property of others or which causes or tends to cause substantial diminution in the value of other property in the neighborhood in which such premises are located. This includes, but is not limited to, the keeping or the depositing on, or the scattering over the premises of any of the following:
Lumber, junk, trash, or debris;
Abandoned, discarded, or unused objects or equipment such as furniture, stoves, refrigerators, freezers, cans; or containers.
Duty of Maintenance of Private Property.
No person owning, leasing, occupying, or having charge of any premises shall maintain or keep any nuisance thereon, nor shall any such person keep or maintain such premises in a manner causing a substantial diminution in the value of the other property in the neighborhood in which such premises are located.
Enforcement of Article.
Enforcement of this article may be accomplished by the city in any manner authorized by law, and in addition, any person who by reason of another's violation of any provision of this section, suffers special damage to himself different from that suffered by other property owners throughout the city generally, may bring an action to enjoin or otherwise abate an existing violation.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Article 7.100, Section 7.106)