For the purpose of this article, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:
Means plant material (leaves, grass clippings, branches, brush, flowers, roots, wood waste, etc.); debris commonly thrown away in the course of maintaining yards and gardens. Yard waste does not include loose soils, sod; food waste, including from gardens or orchards; food compost; plastics and synthetic fibers; or lumber. Excludes materials resulting from services of a commercial service provider.
Bulky Wastes.
Means stoves, refrigerators (with all CFC and other refrigerants removed), water tanks, washing machines, furniture, and other similar items with weights and/or volumes greater than those allowed for the waste container supplied. Debris related to small-scale home repairs will be considered bulky waste. Contractor will need to exercise reasonable judgment in this area if home repair items are placed out as residential bulky waste. Excluded items for small-scale home repair and bulky waste service: roofing shingles, metal pipes, concrete, bricks/pavers/cinder blocks, drywall, rocks, and sand and dirt. The aforementioned items are considered construction debris and removal must be arranged separate from bulky waste.
Means tree, shrub and brush trimmings or newspapers and magazines securely tied together forming an easily handled package not exceeding four (4) feet in length or thirty-five (35) lbs. in weight.
Means a receptacle provided by the city with a capacity of 95 gallons.
Commercial and Industrial Refuse.
Means all bulky waste, construction debris, garbage, rubbish and stable matter generated by a customer at a commercial and industrial unit.
Commercial and Industrial Unit.
Means all premises, locations or entities, public or private, requiring refuse collection within the corporate limits of the city, not a residential unit.
Construction Debris.
Means noncompactable waste building materials resulting from construction, remodeling, repair or demolition operations at a residential unit, municipal facility, or large commercial or industrial unit, including but not limited to carpet, shipping cartons, concrete, excelsior, gypsum board, roofing shingles, drywall, metal, plastic, rubber, and wood products. Construction debris does not include hazardous waste or material generated from new multiple home developments.
Dead Animals.
Means animals or portions thereof equal to or greater than ten (10) pounds in weight than have expired from any cause except those slaughtered or killed for human use.
Means any and all dead animals of less than 10 lbs. in weight, except those slaughtered for human consumption; every accumulation of waste (animal, vegetable and/or other matter/that results from the preparation, processing, consumption, dealing in, handling, packing, canning, storage, transportation, decay or decomposition of meats, fish, fowl, birds, fruits, grains or other animal or vegetable matter (including, but not by way of limitation, used tin cans and other food containers; and all putrescible or easily decomposable waste animal or vegetable matter which is likely to attract flies or rodents); except (in all cases) any matter included in the definition of bulky waste, construction debris, dead animals, hazardous waste, rubbish or stable matter.
Hazardous Waste.
Means solid wastes regulated as hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 1002, et seq., or regulated as toxic under the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C.A. Section 2601 et seq., regulations promulgated thereunder or applicable state law concerning the regulation of hazardous or toxic wastes any cause except those slaughtered or killed for human use.
Recyclable Materials.
Means used and/or discarded materials that are capable of successful processing and sale on the commodity market.
Acceptable recycling material must be empty, clean, and dry, and includes the following:
Aluminum food and beverage containers - aluminum soda and beer cans, cat food cans, etc.
Ferrous cans - soup, coffee cans, etc.
P.E.T. plastic containers with the symbol #1 - no microwave trays.
H.D.P.E. natural plastic containers with the symbol #2 - milk jugs and water jugs containers only (narrow neck containers).
H.D.P.E. pigmented plastic containers with the symbol #2 - detergent, shampoo, bleach bottles without caps (narrow neck containers); butter and margarine tubs.
Polypropylene plastic food and beverage containers symbol #5 - yogurt containers.
Mixed paper (54), as defined in the most recent ISRI Scrap Specifications Circular.
Sorted residential paper and news (56), as defined in the most recent ISRI scrap specifications circular.
Kraft paper bags.
OCC)rugated containers (OCC) - no wax coated.
OMG)es (OMG) - coated magazines, catalogues and similar printed materials, junk mail, and soft cover books.
Aseptic cartons - juice boxes, gable top milk and juice containers, soy milk and soup cartons.
Unacceptable material includes the following:
Yard waste.
Pizza boxes, unless free of any food or grease residue.
Any liquids.
Plastic bags or bagged material (newsprint may be placed in a Kraft bag).
Plastic containers with #3, #4, #6, or #7 on them or no # at all.
Mirrors, window or auto glass, light bulbs, ceramics.
Oil or antifreeze containers.
Coat hangers.
Paint cans.
Medical waste/sharps.
Any acceptable material that is no longer acceptable due to its coming into contact with or being contaminated by unacceptable material.
Means residential refuse and bulky waste, construction debris and stable matter generated at a residential unit, unless the context otherwise requires, and commercial and industrial refuse.
Residential Collection.
Residential solid waste shall be collected in 95-gallon polycarts twice per week from each residential unit. Household recycling shall be collected in 95-gallon polycarts once per week from each residential unit.
Residents will be allowed to dispose of up to three (3) cubic yards combined of bulk and bundled brush one time per week on the second collection day for a residential unit.
Additionally, each residential unit can participate in on-demand bulk and unbundled brush service, up to 10 cubic yards, one (1) time per month. On-demand items must be placed at the curb for collection. The resident must contact the city's waste hauler to schedule the on-demand pickup, which will be completed within five (5) business days of resident's request.
Residential Garbage.
Means all garbage and rubbish generated by a customer at a residential unit.
Residential Unit.
Means a dwelling within the corporate limits of the city occupied by a person or group of persons comprising not more than four families. A residential unit shall be deemed occupied when either water or domestic light and power services are being supplied thereto. A condominium dwelling, whether of single or multi-level construction, consisting of four units, shall be treated as a residential unit, except that each single-family dwelling within any such residential unit shall be billed separately as a residential unit.
Means nonputrescible solid waste (excluding ashes), consisting of both combustible and noncombustible waste materials; combustible rubbish includes paper, rags, cartons, wood, excelsior, furniture, rubber, plastics, yard trimmings, leaves, and similar materials; noncombustible rubbish includes glass, crockery, tin cans, aluminum cans, metal furniture, and the like materials which will not burn at ordinary incinerator temperatures (1600 degrees Fahrenheit to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit).
Small Commercial Unit.
Means a commercial premises that is not classified as a residential unit or municipal facility that requires no more than three (3) thirty-two (32) gallon containers per collection day for the collection of its solid waste. Examples of small commercial units include offices, stores, service stations, restaurants, amusement centers, schools, and churches.
Solid Waste.
Means all non-hazardous (as defined by CERCLA and other applicable laws) and non-special (see special waste definition) solid waste material including unwanted or discarded waste material in a solid or semi-solid waste, including but not limited to, garbage, ashes, refuse, rubbish, yard waste (including brush, tree trimmings and Christmas trees), discarded appliances, home furniture and furnishings, provided that such material must be of the type and consistency to be lawfully accepted at the sanitary landfill under the applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and permits governing each.
Stable Matter.
Means all manure and other waste matter normally accumulated in or about a stable, or any animal, livestock or poultry enclosure, and resulting from the keeping of animals, poultry, or livestock.
(Ordinance 1465-02 adopted 4/2/02; Ordinance 2396-24 adopted 5/21/2024)
Every residential, commercial and industrial unit, within the city shall be required to use the city collection service and pay the applicable garbage collection fee as established by resolution for residential rates and solid waste contract for commercial and industrial rates of the city council from time to time whether billed directly by the city or through its contracted garbage collector. It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the removal, handling, transfer, or in any manner dealing with garbage, rubbish, manure, refuse, or other waste matter, either in person or by his agent, employee or servant, to separate, unload, offer for sale, trade, or exchange all or any part of such garbage, rubbish, waste, manure, refuse, or other waste material, within the jurisdiction of the city, except at places designated by and in compliance with this article.
(Ordinance 1467-02 adopted 4/16/02)
No person except employees of the city, or duly appointed permittees of the city shall remove from any garbage box, barrel, can, or other receptacle, any garbage or waste material, refuse of any kind or in any way interfere with any such container or receptacle; provided, however, this provision shall not apply to any owner or occupant of premises on which such receptacle or container is located.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.800, Section 11.803)
Private persons or companies who may obtain permits to collect and remove garbage from the city shall remove garbage and trash under the terms specified by the city.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.800, Section 11.804)
No permit issued to any junk dealer by the city shall authorize any such permittee to remove any such waste material from any garbage container or receptacle or in any way interfere therewith.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.800, Section 11.805)
The provisions of this article shall not apply to any charitable organization in the gathering of clothes and other salvageable materials under the terms set forth by the city.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.800, Section 11.806)
Garbage and recycling carts must meet the following requirements:
Garbage cart — 95-gallon polycart issued by the city.
Recycle cart — 95-gallon polycart issued by the city.
All residential waste shall be placed inside of the city-provided 95-gallon cart. Residential customers shall utilize a plastic refuse bag that is designed and sold for the purpose of placing garbage, trash, or refuse in it for disposal. The plastic refuse bags shall be placed inside of the 95-gallon cart for disposal. Plastic refuse bags shall not be used for recycling material. Acceptable recycling material should be placed directly inside the 95-gallon recycling cart.
Commercial and industrial carts shall be provided by the city's waste hauler.
Required Location - Residential Collection.
No person shall place or throw any garbage, refuse or waste of any kind upon any street, sidewalk, alley, public way, parking lot or open space in the city except in a cart provided by the city. Such cart is to be placed on the rear of the premises adjoining the alley, at point accessible to the garbage collectors and at such times designated by the city. Where a residence is not served by an alley, public utility easement or other public way in the rear or alongside thereof, all carts shall be placed upon the front edge of the front sidewalk as to be accessible to the garbage collectors, and at such times designated by the city. It shall be unlawful for any person to place any such cart in any alley within the city.
Placing for Collection from Businesses.
Any business establishment desiring to place garbage for collection in 95-gallon carts shall place the carts on or near the curbline in front of such place of business or in an alleyway adjacent to such place of business, in such manner and at such time as shall be prescribed by the city. All boxes and cartons must be broken down and bundled, and no bundle shall exceed seventy-five (75) pounds in weight.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.800, Section 11.807; Ordinance 1465-02 adopted 4/2/02; Ordinance 2396-24 adopted 5/21/2024)
Residential refuse and recyclables shall not be placed at the curb before 6:00 p.m. on the day prior to the scheduled collection day. To ensure collection, residential refuse and recyclables should be placed at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection.
(Ordinance 2086-17 adopted 5/2/17)
All brush to be collected shall be placed between the curbline and the sidewalk and away from power lines.
(Ordinance 2086-17 adopted 5/2/17; Ordinance 2396-24 adopted 5/21/2024)
Rock, waste, excavation dirt, scrap building materials or other trash resulting from construction or major remodeling, or the same resulting from a general cleanup of vacant or improved property just prior to its occupancy or otherwise resulting from sizable amounts of trees, brush, and debris cleared from property in preparation for construction, will not be removed by the city as a regular service. The owner will have such debris removed at his expense.
(Ordinance 2086-17 adopted 5/2/17)
Industrial wastes from manufacturing or processing operations including wastes from fruit and vegetable produce houses, poultry dressing establishments, meat processing, and meat packing plants must be disposed of by the owner or occupant of the building, business, or premises where such wastes originate. The city shall determine what wastes fall within the above industrial classification.
(Ordinance 2086-17 adopted 5/2/17)
Carcasses of dogs, cats, or any other dead animals shall not be placed in garbage containers. The dead animal pickup service of the department of sanitation of the city will, upon notice to do so, remove such dead small animals. It shall be unlawful for any person to leave or deposit any dead animal in any street or alley except in such manner as shall be designated by the city.
(Ordinance 2086-17 adopted 5/2/17)
It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or throw, or to permit to accumulate in any manner as to emit noxious, disagreeable or offensive smells, or permit or caused to be placed, deposited, or thrown any garbage, brush, loose waste, manure, or refuse of any kind on public or private property outside of any house, building, apartment or tenement in the city, unless the same has been deposited in accordance with the provisions of this article.
The following acts, among others, are declared to be unlawful and in violation of this article, and are declared to be trespasses and subject to penalties prescribed in this code, but such enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive:
The throwing, placing, dumping, or depositing of any garbage, refuse, or animal or vegetable waste matter of any kind on or in any gutter, street, sidewalk, parkway, driveway, curb, alley, or any other public property of the city or in or on any lot, vacant or occupied, driveway or other private property in the city.
To cause or permit to be or remain in or upon any premises, private or public, any animal, vegetable, or mineral matter, or any composition or residue thereof, which is in an unsanitary condition or injurious to public health.
(Ordinance 2086-17 adopted 5/2/17)
It shall be unlawful to deposit or leave any refuse or material in such a place or condition that it can be blown by the wind so as to scatter or cause clouds of dust or particles, and it shall be unlawful to permit the escape of soot, ashes, or other solid products or results of combustion so as to be windblown or scattered.
(Ordinance 2086-17 adopted 5/2/17)
The city currently contracts the removal of residential and commercial refuse. Rates for such services will be determined in accordance with respective service contracts before the city council. Affixing of such refuse rates for service charges shall be determined by the city and approved fee structures shall be referenced to applicable city council minutes for billing purposes.
The city reserves the right to determine whether refuse services will be commercial and/or residential.
(Ordinance 2086-17 adopted 5/2/17)
Vehicles transporting solid waste shall be covered by a metal top, screening or canvas or in such manner so as to prevent the escape of any trash or refuse.
All contractors, private haulers or other person or entity offering solid waste collection and transportation services within the city shall be required to deliver and dispose of solid waste collected within the city at such landfills owned, operated or designated by the city.
(Ordinance 2086-17 adopted 5/2/17)
Solid waste and recycling materials shall be collected in the city by one (1) or more contractors which shall operate under a franchise and/or contract granted by the city.
The city shall be the sole provider of solid waste collection, including temporary roll-off open top construction containers, residential and multifamily recycling services.
It shall be unlawful for any person, business, company or corporation to engage in the business of solid waste collection, removal and transport in the city without first having obtained a franchise, contract, or permit therefor from the city.
(Ordinance 2086-17 adopted 5/2/17; Ordinance 2396-24 adopted 5/21/2024)