Residential; Church; Public Schools.
The monthly rates for sanitary sewer service will be based upon the individual customer’s monthly water usage, as follows:
Base Rate.
The base rate shall include 0–1,000 gallons of metered water usage.
Base rate (minimum bill): $12.87.
Volume Charge.
A sewer volume charge of $12.87 per 1,000 gallons of water usage over the base rate usage shall be charged in addition to the sewer base rate according to an average monthly water usage amount for the preceding winter months of December, January, February and March. This maximum sewer charge shall be calculated by dropping the two months of highest usage and averaging the remaining two months usage. This fixed sewer volume charge shall remain in effect for one year only. The maximum sewer volume charge for new accounts shall be calculated on the basis of 7,000 gallons of water usage until such time as the average of the winter months can be calculated and billed on the first billing cycle thereafter.
Senior Citizen Discount.
Any residential customer with a sewer account with the city, age sixty-five or over on January 1st is entitled to a three dollar discount per month on their primary residence beginning the month following application with the utility billing department of the city.
Multifamily and Mobile Homes.
The monthly rates for sanitary sewer service will be based upon the individual customer's monthly water usage, as follows:
Base Rate.
The base rate shall include 0–1,000 gallons of metered water usage.
Base rate (minimum bill): $12.87.
In all cases of multifamily or mobile home dwellings where more than one (1) residential living unit is supplied water measured through a single meter and the sewer service charge is made in connection therewith, not less than the minimum base rate charge provided herein of $12.87 shall be made for each unit supplied water through such meter. The method of determining the number of units shall be by count. Each unit counted shall include 1,000 gallons base rate usage.
Volume Charge.
A sewer volume charge of $12.87 per 1,000 gallons of water usage over the base rate usage shall be charged in addition to the sewer base rate according to an average monthly water usage amount for the preceding winter months of December, January, February and March. This maximum sewer charge shall be calculated by dropping the two months of highest usage and averaging the remaining two months usage. This fixed sewer volume charge shall remain in effect for one year only.
Senior Citizen Discount.
Any residential customer with a sewer account with the city, sixty-five or over on January 1st is entitled to a three dollar discount per month on their primary residence beginning the month following application with the utility billing department of the city.
Commercial and Industrial.
The monthly rates for sanitary sewer service furnished to commercial and/or industrial customers within the corporate limits of the city will be based upon the individual customer's water or sewer usage, where the sewer produced by such customer is a normal strength wastewater (250 mg/BOD and 250 mg/l suspended solids) unless provided otherwise in this article, as follows:
Base Rate.
The base rate shall include 0–1,000 gallons of metered water or sewer usage.
Base rate (minimum bill): $12.87.
Volume Charge.
A sewer volume charge of $12.87 per 1,000 gallons of water or sewer usage over the base rate shall be charged in addition to the sewer base rate.
When City Does Not Supply Water.
The charges set forth above are based upon the amount of water used, as measured by a single meter, in increments of one thousand (1,000) gallons. Where water is furnished to residential customers by other than the city, the base charge for sewer shall be twelve dollars and eighty-seven cents ($12.87) per month per residential meter, plus a volume charge of twelve dollars and eighty-seven cents ($12.87) per 1,000 gallons based on 7,000 gallons usage. All multifamily, commercial and industrial customers connected to the sanitary sewerage system who have a source of water supply that is in addition to, or in lieu of, the city water supply must have a meter approved and tested by the water department on the source of water supply and the sewer base rate and volume charges as set forth hereinbefore shall be based on the sum of the volumes delivered by all sources of supply.
(Ordinance 2211-20 adopted 9/15/20; Ordinance 2345-23 adopted 9/19/2023; Ordinance 2351-23 adopted 9/19/2023)