Collection of Pro Rata Line Charges.
The applicant for connection to an existing water or sewer line within the City will be required to pay a pro rata line charge established for such line by the director of public works in accordance with the schedule approved by the city council in its master fee resolution.
Exemption of Certain Property from Pro Rata Line Charge:
Any person who resides in a community development target area who is also eligible for a rehabilitation grant under the city's community renewal program shall be exempt from the payment of pro rata line charges required hereinabove if the water or sewer line to which the applicant wishes to connect has been constructed in full or in part with funds derived from any federal grant-in-aid program.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to exempt any person from any other charge required in this code, including, but not limited to, meter and service line charges.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Article 26.000; Ordinance 1377-00 adopted 9/19/00)