In addition to the pro rata charge on water and sewer mains, the property owner or builder must pay the following charges as established by the city:
Water service charges shall be:
It shall be the responsibility of the city to furnish water meter, meter tail, meter gaskets, meter box and tapping the existing water main. Water taps larger than two inches (2") shall be the responsibility of builder, developer, or owner. These charges are as follows:
Size of Meter
5/8 inch
$ 210.00
1 inch
$ 260.00
1-1/2 inch
$ 490.00
2 inch
$ 625.00
The charge for larger meters shall be a negotiated amount based on cost.
It shall be the responsibility of the property owner or builder to make the water service extension to the desired property line location, which includes furnishing all material, equipment, and labor necessary to convey the water from the tap, (installed by the city) to the desired property line where meter box is to be located. This work will include excavations needed to expose the water main for tapping, arrangements for boring and/or street cuts, if necessary, and returning work area to an acceptable standard of appearance as required by the city. Work occurring on predeveloped areas must be restored to original condition, including sodding if required.
Each living unit that is to be sold independently in fee simple shall have a separate water service.
The charge for all sewer connections shall be:
Tap fee shall be as follows:
Preexisting/Without Service
4 inch
$ 70.00
6 inch
$ 70.00
8 inch
$ 70.00
The charge for larger service connections shall be a negotiated amount based on cost.
It shall be the responsibility of the city to perform all tapping procedures on existing sewer mains.
It shall be the responsibility of the property owner or builder to make all arrangements for material, equipment, labor and/or special service required to make the extension from the tap on the sewer main to the desired property line location. Responsibilities also include boring, excavation, and/or exposing the sewer main for tapping by the city. Work occurring on predeveloped areas must be restored to original condition, including sodding if required.
Each living unit that is to be sold independently in fee simple shall have a separate sewer service.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Article 27.000)