The following rates are hereby established and shall be collected through the city’s bill for public utilities pursuant to subchapter C of Chapter 402, Local Government Code, V.T.C.A., including, without limitation, section 402.048, and other applicable law:
Each separately metered residential account (per account per month, for water or sewer, or both)
Apartment, duplex, and other multifamily structures with residential units which are not separately metered (per residential unit per month, for water or sewer, or both)
All nonresidential accounts (per account per month, for water or sewer, or both)
The rates established above apply to the accounts maintained by the city for water or sewer services; the accounts receiving both water and sewer shall be charged only one (1) charge for the municipal utility drainage system.
All buildings, credits, exemptions and other procedures relating to this charge shall be subject to the provisions of subchapter C of Chapter 402, Local Government Code, V.T.C.A., including, without limitation, Section 402.041.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Article 28.000; Ordinance 1601-04, sec. 7, adopted 9/21/04)