Immediately upon filing an appeal to the board of adjustments, the person, firm or corporation making such appeal shall pay to the planning and zoning department of the City of DeSoto, the sum hereinafter set out as the applicable fee. The fee for appeal under this article is as follows:
Three hundred dollars ($300.00) per appeal.
Immediately upon filing of a zoning change request, the person, firm or corporation making such request shall pay to the planning and zoning department of the city, the sum hereinafter set out as the application fee applicable to the size of the tract involved and the type of requested change. A zoning notification sign shall be installed by the city on property being requested for rezoning, with one (1) sign per four hundred (400) feet street frontage. An installation fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per sign is payable at the time of zoning application submittal. The application fees for a change in zoning under this article are as follows:
Type of Zoning
Application Fees
Planned development
Amendment to a planned development
Zoning change
SUP request
Site plan approval
Preliminary plat
$300.00 per plat = $20.00 per lot
Final plat, amended plat, replat and minor plat
$250.00 per plat + $22.00 per lot
Fees for zoning verification letter
Reviewing/processing ROW abandonment requests
Fees for filing with Dallas County.
Filing fee
$60.00 first page; $25.00 each additional page + $4.00 per tax certificate page
$16.00 first page; $4.00 each additional page
DISD tax certificate
Dallas County Tax Certificate
Copying fees. The city shall charge the following copying fees:
Copy fee
Zoning ordinance
Subdivision ordinance
Comprehensive ordinance
Zoning map (color 11x17)
City of DeSoto street map (black and white (11x17)
No charge
Plat copies
Zoning verification letter
Should the applicant request a public hearing before the city planning and zoning commission as provided in the comprehensive zoning ordinance, but thereafter withdraws request after processing has begun, he shall be entitled to a refund in the amount of thirty-five (35) percent of the initial fee.
In the event a zoning change request is denied by the city planning and zoning commission, such matter will not be processed to the city council unless the applicant, within ten (10) days after the denial of the change by the city planning and zoning commission, shall request in writing that the city council review the acts of the city planning and zoning commission at a public hearing.
In the event a zoning change request is denied by the city planning and zoning commission and the applicant for such change does not pursue his request further by appealing to the city council for a public hearing thereon, the amount of thirty-five (35) percent of the fee shall be refunded to the applicant.
Should the applicant request a public hearing before the city council as provided above, but thereafter with draws said request prior to the date of the public hearing, he shall not be entitled to any refund from the initial fee.
Action by the city council is final, and the same zoning change request may not be brought before the city planning and zoning commission again for one (1) year without extenuating circumstances. The city planning and zoning commission shall be the judge of whether the circumstances warrant another hearing.
(Ordinance 2183-20, sec. 2, adopted 1/7/20)