In this article, the following words shall have the following meanings:
A person who has filed a written application for a special event or parade permit pursuant to section 1.09.041.
Chief of police.
The chief of police of the city, or the chief’s designated agent in the city police department.
An event that includes performers, animals or other such means of entertainment and is performed in the open, in a tent, or in any other temporary structure, but does not include performances held inside a permanent building or on government-owned property.
Calendar day, unless specifically stated otherwise in this article.
A public display of the attitude of assembled persons toward a person, cause, issue, or other matter.
Fireworks display.
The display, exhibition, or lighting of any firecrackers, cannon crackers, skyrockets, torpedoes, roman candles, sparklers, or any other substance in whatever combination by any designated name intended for use in obtaining visible or audible pyrotechnic display, including without limitation all articles or substances within the commonly accepted meaning of fireworks, whether or not specifically designated herein.
The assembly of ten or more pedestrians that will require special traffic controls, or five or more vehicles that will be operating at reduced speeds or require special traffic controls, for the common design and purpose of traveling or marching or otherwise traveling in procession from one location to any other location for the purpose of advertising, promoting, celebrating, or commemorating a thing, person, date, or event or point of view on political, religious or social issues.
Permit holder.
A person who has received a permit for a special event or parade pursuant to this article.
An individual, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity.
That portion of a street intended for the use of pedestrians that is located between the curblines, or lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines.
Special event.
A temporary event or gathering that involves one or more of the following activities:
Any occurrence that takes place wholly or partially on city property or right-of-way and could cause an interruption of traffic or parking on city streets in such a way that it requires the special attention or involvement of city personnel such as closing a street, directing traffic, or erecting barriers or other safety signs or devices;
Use of loudspeakers or sound amplifiers in a place that is not completely enclosed in a building and is within 150 feet of a single-family, duplex, or multiple-family dwelling;
A fireworks display; or
A circus.
A special event does not include a parade.
The entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained, when any part is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel.
(Ordinance 251, sec. 1, adopted 6/13/06)
Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this article shall be fined as provided in section 1.01.009 of this chapter for each other offense arising under this article. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ordinance 251, sec. 17, adopted 6/13/06)
The provisions of this article shall be administered and enforced by the chief of police.
The chief of police has the authority to issue, deny or revoke a special event or parade permit pursuant to this article.
(Ordinance 251, sec. 2, adopted 6/13/06)
The provisions of this article are cumulative of all city ordinances. Building permits, electrical permits, food establishment permits, alcoholic beverage licenses, and all other permits required by ordinance or other law for specific activities to be conducted in conjunction with or as part of the special event or parade must be applied for separately in accordance with the applicable ordinance or law.
(Ordinance 251, sec. 3, adopted 6/13/06)
The provisions of this article shall not apply to:
Construction activity;
House moving;
Events conducted and completely contained within an enclosed structure;
Events covered by an interlocal contract between the city and another governmental entity;
City park activities that are limited to the use of picnic and shelter pavilions or sports and recreation facilities, that are regulated by the director of parks and recreation, and that do not affect property outside the park;
The armed forces of the United States or the state, or law enforcement or fire protection units acting within the scope of their duty;
City-sponsored activities;
Funeral processions proceeding by vehicle in the most reasonable route from a funeral home, church, or residence of the deceased to the place of service or interment; and
Events conducted by the Fort Worth Independent School District, or other such public or private educational institution.
(Ordinance 356 adopted 5/14/13)
Use of streets and other city property.
If the special event or parade requires the use of city streets or other city property, the following conditions shall be applicable:
No permanent improvements of any kind shall be placed upon said property by the applicant, and any temporary structures shall be removed upon termination of the permit, so that the property permitted shall be returned to the city in the same condition as it existed prior to the granting of the permit by the city.
The applicant shall maintain and keep the property clean of any unreasonable accumulation of trash, or any other condition that would be a nuisance to the city.
The applicant shall not unduly deny or restrict access to any business or owner in the area.
The applicant shall only enter and exit the permitted property by ways approved by the chief of police.
If specified in the permit, the applicant shall make arrangements to barricade any permitted areas from the general public and erect any safety equipment, including lighting, that is reasonable and necessary and required by the chief of police.
The applicant and its agents, employees and contractors shall perform all acts in a safe manner and in compliance with all laws of the city, state and federal government.
The applicant shall obtain the consent and permission of any property owner before requesting the closure of any streets, rights-of-way, or other city property, if required by law, and indemnify the city, its officers and employees from any claim filed by owners of property affected by the closure of the streets, rights-of-way, or other city property.
The city shall have the authority, when reasonably necessary as determined by the police department based on pedestrian and traffic safety, to prohibit or restrict the parking of vehicles along a street or highway or part thereof adjacent to the site of the special event or parade. The city shall post signs, at the applicant’s cost, indicating that it shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave unattended any vehicle in such areas.
Trailers or other vehicles may be temporarily occupied as living quarters at the site of a special event, provided the trailers have self-contained sanitation facilities or are connected to approved sanitary disposal systems. Such vehicles and trailers shall be parked at least 300 feet or more from any developed residential district and located so as not to impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
Amusement rides.
Rides and/or other attractions associated with special events shall conform to statutory rules and regulations set forth in chapter 2151 of the Texas Occupations Code, as amended, designated the Amusement Ride Safety Inspection and Insurance Act.
Tents and temporary structures.
Any use of a tent, canopy, or temporary structure, including a stage, shall meet the requirements in the fire code, except that a separate permit is not required when a special event or parade permit has been obtained. Fire lanes for emergency equipment must be provided and the site prepared in a manner so as not to be a fire hazard as determined by the fire chief. The tent or temporary structure must also be properly anchored and supported for purposes of public safety.
Food service.
Where food service is provided, said operation shall be in compliance with all provisions of applicable laws and ordinances concerning food service, including without limitation applicable provisions of the Texas Health and Safety Code, as amended.
Sanitary facilities.
The chief of police, with advice from the county department of health, shall establish the requirements in park areas for portable type sanitary facilities based on the estimated number of people, other available facilities in the area, and the term of the event.
The applicant shall make arrangements to remove all waste from animals used in any special event or parade. Should animals be kept within the city limits at night, they shall be kept at least 300 feet or more from any developed residential district. Animals in parks are subject to park rules.
Water usage.
Any special event or parade requiring the use of water from the city water system must coordinate with the utility department to obtain a temporary meter. The deposit for the meter and payment for water used shall be in accordance with ordinances of the city.
Solid waste dumpsters.
The director of administrative services shall establish the requirements for solid waste dumpsters based on the estimated number of people, type of events, other facilities in the area and term of the event.
Loudspeakers and amplifiers.
The use of loudspeakers and amplifiers for special events or parades shall be in accordance with regulations of all city ordinances.
Notification of residents; meetings with chief of police.
An applicant shall comply with the following special requirements:
Notify any residents whose access to their own property will be limited or restricted by reason of the special event or parade; and
Meet with the chief of police, or designated agent, on a timely basis prior to the special event or parade, at a time and place designated by the chief of police.
(Ordinance 251, sec. 13, adopted 6/13/06)
A person commits an offense if that person:
Commences or conducts a special event or a parade without a permit;
Fails to comply with any requirement or provision for a special event or parade pursuant to this article; or
Obstructs, impedes or interferes with any parade or special event, or with any person, vehicle or animal participating in a parade or special event.
If conduct that would otherwise violate this section consists of speech or other communication in a gathering with others to hear or observe such speech or communication, or in a gathering with others to picket or otherwise express in a nonviolent manner a position on social, economic, political, or religious questions, the person may not be arrested or cited unless the person has first been ordered to move, disperse, or otherwise remedy the violation.
(Ordinance 251, sec. 14, adopted 6/13/06)
Special event permit.
A person desiring to hold a special event shall apply for a permit by filing with the chief of police one written application on a form provided for that purpose. A separate permit is required for each location where a special event will be conducted. The application must be filed not less than 21 days before the first special event is to begin.
Parade permit.
A person desiring to hold a parade shall apply for a permit by filing with the chief of police one written application on a form provided for that purpose. An application for a parade must be filed not less than 21 days prior to the date and time the parade is to begin.
Waiver of filing requirement.
The chief of police may waive the 21-day filing requirement if the chief of police determines that the application can be processed in fewer than 21 days, taking into consideration the applicable requirements to be imposed, number of agencies and other departments involved, and whether a similar event has previously been permitted.
Notice; appeal.
The chief of police shall send to the applicant, by personal delivery or by certified mail, return receipt requested, written notice of whether the 21-day filing requirement will be waived. The applicant may appeal the chief of police’s refusal to waive the 21-day filing requirement pursuant to the procedure set forth in section 1.09.048.
Application fee.
An application for a special event or parade permit must be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee as determined on the city’s fee schedule. The city council or the chief of police shall have authority to waive application fees for community or nonprofit events.
(Ordinance adopting 2012 Code)
An application for a special event or parade permit must be signed by the applicant and contain the following information:
The name, address, email address and telephone number of the applicant and of any other persons responsible for the conduct of the special event or parade;
A description of the special event or parade and requested dates and hours of operation for the special event or parade;
The estimated number of persons and vehicles to participate in the special event or parade;
A sketch showing the area or specific route to be used during the special event or parade (including, if applicable, the starting and termination points), along with the location of proposed structures, stages, tents, fences, barricades, signs, banners, restroom facilities, and loudspeakers and amplifiers;
Provisions for parking, with a designation of where “no parking” signs will be used;
Details of how the applicant proposes to provide security;
The time and location of street closings, if any are requested;
A description of and the number of animals to be used in the special event or parade, if any;
Details of how the applicant will clean up the area used after the special event or parade, if on public property;
Proof that the applicant possesses all licenses and permits required by this article or other city ordinance or state law for the conduct of the special event or parade;
Proof that the applicant possesses liability insurance in a form and in an amount found to be adequate by the chief of police, taking into consideration the number of people, the risk involved, and the time of the event, to cover the activities licensed herein. The applicant shall name the city and its officers and employees as additional insured. The applicant shall also provide a certificate of insurance, (unless waived by the chief of police), showing such required insurance, to the chief of police within a reasonable time prior to the scheduled event. If the applicant is of the opinion that the amount or form of insurance is not reasonable, the applicant may appeal pursuant to the procedure set forth in section 1.09.048;
Any other information requested by the chief of police relevant to the application.
(Ordinance adopting 2012 Code)
Upon receipt of the completed application for a special event permit, the chief of police shall forward a copy of the application to the departments of fire, public works, and building inspection, and the county health department, if needed. Each department shall review the application and return it, with any comments, to the chief of police within five working days of receipt, or as otherwise required by the chief of police if the 21-day filing period has been waived pursuant to section 1.09.041(c) or (d).
(Ordinance adopting 2012 Code)
The department directors and the chief of police may impose conditions and restrictions necessary for the safe and orderly conduct of a special event or parade, to be incorporated into the permit before issuance.
The chief of police and department directors shall develop a schedule of actual costs for city personnel, equipment and supplies that are needed in conducting special events or parades and that the applicants are required to reimburse. Once approved, and prior to the issuance of a permit, the applicant shall be advised of the required reimbursement to the city. The applicant shall pay such cost or provide security for payment in an amount deemed adequate by the chief of police. In the alternative, if the applicant can provide the required services by other means approved by the chief of police, the permit shall be approved on that basis.
The chief of police shall send to the applicant, by personal delivery or by certified mail, return receipt requested, written notice of the conditions, restrictions, and costs incorporated into each permit. The applicant may appeal these conditions, restrictions, and costs pursuant to the procedure set forth in section 1.09.048.
To the extent of any conflict, such conditions, restrictions, and costs incorporated into each permit shall supersede the provisions set forth herein.
(Ordinance 251, sec. 8, adopted 6/13/06)
For a special event permit, after reviewing the application and the departmental comments, the chief of police shall issue the permit unless denial is required by the provisions of this article. The chief of police shall give written notice, by personal delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, of the approval or denial of the special event permit within a period not to exceed 10 days from the date the application was submitted.
For a parade permit for a parade with ten to 24 persons, after reviewing the application, the chief of police shall issue the permit unless denial is required by the provisions of this article. The chief of police shall give written notice of the approval or denial of this parade permit within a period not to exceed three working days from the date the application was submitted.
For a parade permit for a parade with 25 or more persons, after reviewing the application, the chief of police shall issue the permit unless denial is required by the provisions of this article. The chief of police shall give written notice of the approval or denial of this parade permit prior to the start of the parade.
Should the application for a parade permit reveal that the parade route requested will interfere with the orderly flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, the chief of police shall have authority to establish a reasonable alternate route and regulate the width of the parade.
(Ordinance 251, sec. 9, adopted 6/13/06)
An applicant for a special event or parade permit must execute a written agreement to indemnify the city and its officers and employees against all claims of injury or damage to persons or property, whether public or private, arising out of the special event or parade, including without limitation claims of the city for damage to city parks and other city property.
(Ordinance 251, sec. 10, adopted 6/13/06)
Grounds for denial of a special event or parade permit are as follows, as applicable:
A special event or parade permit has been granted for another special event or parade at the same place and time.
Another special event or parade has already been permitted at a place and/or time that will directly conflict with the requested special event or parade, and there are not sufficient city resources or other comparable resources to reasonably accommodate both events.
The proposed special event or parade will unreasonably disrupt the orderly flow of traffic and no other reasonable means of rerouting traffic or otherwise meeting traffic needs is available.
The applicant fails to provide for:
Protection for event participants;
Public health and sanitation;
Crowd security, taking into consideration the size of the event;
Emergency vehicle access;
Traffic and pedestrian safety; or
The applicant fails to comply with, or the proposed special event or parade will violate, a city ordinance or other applicable law, unless the prohibited conduct or activity was specifically permitted pursuant to this article.
The applicant makes a false statement of material fact on an application for a special event or parade permit.
The applicant fails to provide proof that the applicant possesses a license or permit required by city ordinance or other applicable law for the conduct of all activities included as a part of the special event or parade.
The applicant has had a special event or parade permit revoked within the preceding 12 months.
The applicant has committed, within the preceding 12 months, a violation of a special event or parade permit or this article.
The applicant fails to pay any outstanding costs or damages owed to the city for a past special event or parade.
The applicant has failed to comply with insurance requirements contained in section 1.09.042(11).
Grounds for revocation of a special event or parade permit are as follows:
The applicant fails to comply with, or the special event or parade is in violation of, a condition or provision of the permit, an ordinance of the city, or any other applicable law, unless the prohibited conduct or activity was specifically permitted pursuant to this article.
The permit holder made a false statement of material fact on an application for a special event or parade permit.
The special event or parade fails to begin within 30 minutes of the appointed time of commencement, and it would not be reasonable to start the special event or parade late, taking into consideration conditions such as traffic impact, nighttime, parking, city personnel necessary, or other such circumstances.
The applicant or permit holder may appeal the decision of the chief of police to deny or revoke a special event or parade permit pursuant to the procedure set forth in section 1.09.048.
(Ordinance 251, sec. 11, adopted 6/13/06)
The appeal procedure in subsection (b) shall be applicable for an appeal from:
The chief of police’s refusal to waive the 21-day filing requirement for a special event permit, pursuant to section 1.09.041(a)(2);
The form and amount of liability insurance required by the director of administrative services pursuant to section 1.09.042(11);
The conditions, restrictions, and costs imposed on a permit for a special event or parade pursuant to section 1.09.044(c); or
The denial or revocation of a permit for a special event or parade pursuant to section 1.09.047.
The action of the applicable city staff member shall be final unless the applicant or permit holder, within five days after the receipt of written or oral notice (as required pursuant to this article), files with the mayor a written appeal. The mayor shall, within 24 hours after the appeal is filed, consider all the evidence in support of or against the action appealed and render a decision either sustaining or reversing the decision of the city staff member. The decision of the mayor shall be final unless the applicant or permit holder, within three days after the receipt of the mayor’s decision, files with the city council a written appeal. The decision of the city council is final.
When, in the judgment of the chief of police, a violation exists that requires immediate abatement because of danger to property, sanitation, or the health or safety of citizens, the chief shall have authority to revoke a permit immediately.
(Ordinance 251, sec. 12, adopted 6/13/06)