Any person having knowledge of an animal bite to a human or to an animal shall report the incident to the animal control officer immediately, but not later than 24 hours after the time of the incident. The owner of the biting animal shall quarantine the biting animal in accordance with this chapter.
(Ordinance 1136-2017 adopted 2/14/17)
The owner of an animal that has bitten a human is required to quarantine the animal for a period of 10 days at the owner’s expense.
The animal shall be impounded in the city’s animal control facility at the owner’s expense during the quarantine period, unless the animal control officer determines that the owner is capable of maintaining a proper owner quarantine. At the request of the owner and upon the payment of the euthanasia fee, in lieu of the quarantine period the animal may be euthanized and the brain submitted to the proper state authorities for testing.
A wild animal that has bitten a human shall not be held for the quarantine period. A wild animal that has bitten a human shall be humanely euthanized and the brain submitted to the proper state authorities for testing.
The owner of an animal in quarantine must obtain a release from the animal control officer upon expiration of the quarantine period.
The owner of an animal impounded for quarantine may redeem the animal upon the expiration of the quarantine period, providing proof of compliance with the registration and vaccination requirements of this chapter, and the payment of all quarantine fees, impoundment fees, handling fees, and any veterinary expenses incurred.
If the owner of an animal impounded for quarantine does not redeem the animal within 72 hours after the expiration of the quarantine period, the animal is deemed to be abandoned, the owner is divested of ownership in the animal, the city is deemed to be the owner of the animal, and the animal shall be disposed of in accordance with section 2.04.004(b).
It shall be unlawful for a person to:
Fail or refuse to quarantine an animal that has bitten a human; or
Interrupt the quarantine observation period before obtaining a release from the rabies control officer.
(Ordinance 1136-2017 adopted 2/14/17)
The animal control officer is authorized to retrieve the body of a dead animal at the request of the owner or other person having control of the dead animal. The owner of the dead animal shall be responsible for all costs related to the removal of the dead animal.
(Ordinance 1136-2017 adopted 2/14/17)
Any animal found running at-large may be destroyed by a peace officer or animal control officer, if in the judgment of the officer, the animal constitutes an immediate threat to the health and safety of any person, other animal, or the public in general.
The owner of an animal may release the animal to the city to be euthanized upon the signature of the animal release and payment of the euthanasia fee. However, no animal required by law to be quarantined shall be administered euthanasia before the expiration of the quarantine period unless the brain is submitted to the proper authorities as required by law.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, any impounded animal that appears to be suffering from extreme injury or illness may be administered euthanasia or given to a nonprofit humane organization for the purpose of veterinary medical care, as determined by the animal control officer.
No dog or cat may be killed for the purpose of human consumption or for its fur within the city limits.
No livestock, domestic animals, nondomestic animals, or any other animal may be slaughtered within the city limits.
(Ordinance 1136-2017 adopted 2/14/17)