In this division:
Concealed handgun.
A handgun, the presence of which is not openly discernible to the ordinary observation of a reasonable person.
Any device designed, made, or adapted to expel a projectile through a barrel by using the energy generated by an explosion or burning substance or any device readily convertible to that use.
Any firearm that is designed, made, or adapted to be fired with one hand.
(Ordinance 472 adopted 12/19/95)
When notice is posted, a person, including a person licensed to carry a concealed handgun, shall not carry a firearm:
In a city-owned building; or
On any real property owned and operated by the city, excluding streets, parks, easements, and alleys.
This section does not apply to a peace officer.
(Ordinance 472 adopted 12/19/95)
The city manager is directed to cause signs to be posted at the entrances of the locations specified in section 8.06.032, indicating that the carrying of a firearm is prohibited at the specific location.
(Ordinance 1239-2019, sec. 39, adopted 8/13/19)
A person commits an offense if the person carries a firearm at any park within the city.
It is an exception to subsection (a) if:
The person is a peace officer; or
The person is licensed to carry a concealed handgun under article 4413(29ee), Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes, and is carrying a concealed handgun in conformance with that law.
(Ordinance 472 adopted 12/19/95)
Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of section 8.06.034 of this division shall be fined as provided in section 1.01.009 for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ordinance 472 adopted 12/19/95)
In this policy:
City building.
Any and all buildings or portions of buildings owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the city.
City work site.
City buildings and real property;
Other assigned work locations;
City vehicles and equipment; and
Private vehicles while being used on city business, for which the city is paying a car allowance or mileage reimbursement.
Pursuant to section 32 of article 4413(29ee), Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes, it is the policy of the city that employees (other than peace officers) shall not carry:
A firearm or handgun on or about his or her person, at a city work site.
A concealed handgun in any city building, regardless of whether or not the person is licensed by the state to carry a concealed handgun; or
A firearm on or about his or her person at any time while conducting city business, regardless of whether the person is licensed by the state to carry a concealed handgun.
(Ordinance 472 adopted 12/19/95)