Each owner, agent of the owner or occupant of any house situated in the city shall place or permit to be placed thereon in some conspicuous place on the outdoor, front portion of such house an official house number, so that the number may be plainly seen and observed from the adjacent street.
Each owner, agent of the owner or the occupant of any house situated in the city shall place or permit to be placed an official house number in some conspicuous place on the outdoor, rear portion of such house, so that the number may be plainly seen and observed from the adjacent alley or alley easement.
(Ordinance 2013-0952 adopted 9/5/13)
All houses shall be considered officially numbered when numbered in strict accordance and compliance with the terms of this article and in accordance with the plat delineating and prescribing the method of numbering houses and heretofore adopted and on file recorded in the office of the building inspector of the city. The building inspector of the city, upon application, shall give the proper number for houses to persons requesting the same. Such persons shall be required to state the street upon which the house is situated and the direction and distance the same is situated from the nearest cross street.
(1992 Code, sec. 3.1102)
The owner of any house shall have an official number placed thereon. In case the owner is a nonresident of the city, the agent of the owner or the occupant of such house, when such agent or occupant is notified by the building inspector, shall place such official number on the house; provided, that such agent or occupant so notified shall be allowed five (5) days’ time from the date of the receipt of the notice to place such official number of the house.
(1992 Code, sec. 3.1103)
The official number required by this article shall be at least three (3) inches high and composed of bright metal which will not tarnish or corrode on account of the action of the elements, aluminum numbers being preferable; provided, that in case the city council should determine to do the official numbering, then the official numbers shall be composed of such material and be of such size and character as may be adopted by the city council; provided further, that nothing herein shall prohibit any number from being painted by any person when such character of material is used as will, in the judgment of the building inspector of the city, be equal in strength, durability and service to the metal number required by this section; and provided further, that all such painted numbers shall be put in at the same time that the city council places the official numbers.
(1992 Code, sec. 3.1104)
The city council, may, if deemed advisable, officially number the houses within the city and for such purpose may employ such persons as the city council deem suitable to do and perform such work and may prescribe the compensation to be paid such persons. All persons owning or occupying any house shall permit such persons to freely enter thereon for the purpose of doing and performing such work of officially numbering any house.
In case the city council determines to do the work of officially numbering the houses within the city, the official numbers shall be furnished free of charge. No person shall charge any tenant, occupant or owner of any house any compensation for such official number.
In the event the city council shall determine to do the work of officially numbering the houses within the city, each official number shall be placed on each house in the manner provided by this section and no person shall thereafter willfully deface, injure or remove any such official number from the place so fixed by the official numberers; provided, that a person shall have the right to remove such numbers when altering or changing the house and place such number temporarily at some other part of such house where it will show conspicuously from the street.
In case the city council determines to do the work of officially numbering the houses of the city, the owner, occupant or tenant shall not be liable for a failure to place any number on any house, as required by this article, during such time.
(1992 Code, sec. 3.1105)
After an official number has been placed on a house by the city, under the discretion of the city council, no person shall fail to keep an official number placed on any house owned or occupied by him/her.
(1992 Code, sec. 3.1106)
After the official numbering has been completed on all houses of the city by the city council, persons thereafter erecting new houses or occupying the same shall obtain an official number at their own expense from the building inspector and place the same upon the house in the manner provided by this article.
(1992 Code, sec. 3.1107)
The odd house numbers shall appear on the north side of, and the even house numbers on the south side of, the streets running in an easterly or westerly direction; and the odd house numbers shall appear on the west side of, and the even house numbers on the east side of, the other streets; provided, however, consecutive numbers shall be assigned by the building inspector according to a series pattern in shopping center areas when the names of such areas have been designated by the city planning commission.
(1992 Code, sec. 3.1108)
The basic unit of space for each house number shall be twenty-five (25) feet; however, within shopping center areas mentioned above and within business areas the unit of space shall be fifteen (15) feet where the application of the twenty-five (25) foot unit is not feasible.
The basic unit of the length of a block will be three hundred (300) feet, where feasible.
Individual dwelling units within apartment houses and projects shall have house numbers assigned by the building inspector according to a standard pattern when the locations of the structures have been indicated according to the basic house numbering pattern set forth above.
(1992 Code, sec. 3.1109)
The intersection of Main Street and Palestine Street, as hereinafter indicated, shall be the base line for the purpose of house numbering. Each street running east and west or substantially in that course shall, for the purpose of such numbering, have its beginning point at the east and west sides of Main Street, the numbering to begin at such initial point with the number of one hundred (100) and to increase easterly and westerly to the city limits. Each street running north and south or substantially with that course shall begin at the north and south sides of Palestine Street, as the case may be, with the number of one hundred (100) increasing north and south, as the case may be, from such initial point to the city limits.
(1992 Code, sec. 3.1110)