Smoking, defined as the lighting, holding or carrying of, or emitting or exhaling the smoke of, a pipe, cigar or cigarette of any kind, is unlawful in the following city facilities:
Hutchins Municipal Center, 321 N. Main.
Hutchins Atwell Public Library, 315 N. Denton.
Hutchins Community Center, 501 W. Hickman.
Hutchins City Shop and Office, 610 W. Hickman.
Hutchins Animal Shelter, 1899 E. Langdon Road.
Hutchins Old Fire Station (Chamber of Commerce Building).
Hutchins Police Department, 205 W. Hickman.
(1992 Code, sec. 7.1201)
A person commits an offense if:
At any of the facilities listed in section 6.04.031 the person smokes and fails or refuses to extinguish smoking materials upon a request by any person to do so.
He or she willfully destroys or defaces a sign posted or required by this division.
(1992 Code, sec. 7.1202)
The responsibility for administering and enforcing this division shall be that of the city administrator and/or department head in charge of a facility, but nothing herein shall prevent any other person from filing a complaint or reporting a violation hereof.
The city administrator and/or department head in charge of a facility shall place signs visible at each public entrance to the premises to notify persons entering the premises that smoking is prohibited. This provision does not include exist used exclusively as emergency exits.
(1992 Code, sec. 7.1203)