It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to operate or drive upon any paved public street in the city, any vehicle which has on its periphery any block, lug, stud, cleat, ridge, bead or any other protuberance of metal, that shall project more than one-fourth (1/4) of an inch beyond the tread or traction surface of the tire, unless the said wheels are protected by bands, wooden blocks, skids or some sufficient device to protect the street against injury by reason thereof.
Nothing shall herein prevent the use of tractors with cleats on the driving wheels thereof on dirt or unimproved streets, or the use of vehicles actually engaged at the time in construction or repair of streets.
(1992 Code, art. 10.800)
The speed limit within the city limits shall be no greater than thirty (30) miles per hour unless otherwise posted or zoned.
(1992 Code, sec. 10.605)
The maximum speed limit on any alley of the city shall be ten (10) miles per hour and it shall be unlawful for any person to operate or drive any motor vehicle or other vehicle in said alleys at a greater speed than ten (10) miles per hour.
(1992 Code, sec. 10.603)
The maximum speed limit on any road, street, alley or path of any city park shall be ten (10) miles per hour.
(1992 Code, sec. 10.604)
No person shall operate or drive any motor vehicle or other vehicle on the following designated streets or portions of streets, roads, alleys, paths, city parks at a greater speed that the speed designated for them or portion of them as set forth in this article, and any speed in excess of such limits shall be prima facie evidence that such speed is neither reasonable nor prudent and is unlawful.
(1992 Code, sec. 10.601)
The speed limits on all streets are thirty (30) miles per hour within the city limits with the following exceptions:
Milers Ferry Rd. (South Main)
From intersection with Palestine Street south to south city limits.
Millers Ferry Rd. (North Main)
From intersection with West Dallas Street north to north city limits.
Dowdy Ferry Rd.
From a point 700 feet east of IH-45 east to city limits line at Trinity River.
Lancaster-Hutchins Rd.
From intersection of North Main (Miller’s Ferry Rd.) southwest to two thousand (2000) feet southwest of Palestine St. intersection.
Lancaster-Hutchins Rd.
From a point two thousand (2000) feet southwest of Palestine St. southwest to city limits line at Wintergreen Rd.
Wintergreen Rd.
From its east origin at Post Oak Rd. west to west city limits line at intersection with Lancaster-Hutchins Rd.
J. J. Lemmon Rd.
From intersection with Lancaster-Hutchins Rd. North to north city limits line at Langdon Rd.
Langdon Rd.
From west city limits line at J. J. Lemmon Rd. east to intersection with Hwy. 310.
Denton Street
From Palestine St. intersection south to end of street at Murray St. intersections.
IH-45 Frontage Roads
Beginning at said point (station 719+70) being at Hutchins south city limits thence continuing along I.H. 45 Frontage Roads in a northerly direction for a distance of 2.653 miles, approximately, said point (station 579+60) being with the Frontage Road turnaround.
Crestridge Drive
From its intersection with Meadowbrook to a point of deadend two hundred fifty-eight (258) feet north of its intersection with Glenview Drive: the one hundred (100) block in its entirety.
Glenview Drive
From its intersection with Crestridge Drive to a point of deadend one hundred eighty (180) feet east of its intersection with Willowgrove Drive: the one hundred (100) block in its entirety.
Glenview Place
The one hundred (100) block in its entirety.
Willowgrove Drive
From a point one hundred (100) feet south of its intersection with Meadowbrook Drive north to its intersection with Glenview Drive: the one hundred (100) block in its entirety.
Meadowbrook Drive
From its intersection with Dowdy Ferry Road to a point of deadend fifty-eight (58) feet east of its intersection with Willowgrove Drive; the one hundred (100) and two hundred (200) blocks, inclusive and in their entirety.
Third Street
From its intersection with Lancaster-Hutchins Road west to a point of its intersection with North Denton.
Kanady Street
From its intersection with North Denton west to its intersection with Lancaster-Hutchins Road.
The chief of police shall post or cause to be posted the maximum speeds as set forth in this section, by appropriate signs in conspicuous places so that every motorist may be aware of the speed limits established by this section.
(Ordinance 839, sec. I, adopted 6/28/07)
A person commits an offense if he operates or drives a vehicle in a school zone in the following designated areas or on the following designated streets at a speed greater than the speed designated by this section for that area or street or portion thereof, and any speed in excess of the limit provided in this section shall be prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable nor prudent and is unlawful. The chief of police shall post or cause to be posted the appropriate street markings and/or warning signs.
The following designated locations, measured from centerline of roadway to centerline of roadway, and areas are declared to be school zones and the maximum speed limit for all motor vehicles operated within such areas and locations and on such streets on school days, when either a flashing warning signal is in operation, or when appropriate signs are in place and conspicuous shall be as follows:
Wilmer Hutchins Elementary School: Twenty (20) miles per hour.
J. J. Lemmon Road from a point 400 feet south of Chatman Street, north to a point 1044 feet south of Langdon Road.
(Ordinance 2015-0978 adopted 5/18/15)