The following words and phrases, when used in this division, shall for the purpose of this division have the meanings respectively described to them in this section as follows:
Commercial motor vehicle.
A self-propelled or towed vehicle that is used to transport passengers or cargo if:
The vehicle or combination of vehicles has a gross weight, registered weight, or gross weight rating of more than 26,000 pounds;
The vehicle is designed or used to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver; or
The vehicle is used to transport hazardous materials in a quantity requiring placarding by a regulation issued under the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. section 5101, et seq.).
Pole trailer.
A vehicle without motive power:
Designed to be drawn by another vehicle and secured to the other vehicle by pole, reach, boom, or other security device; and
Ordinarily used to transport a long or irregularly shaped load, including poles, pipes, or structural members, generally capable of sustaining themselves as beams between the supporting connections.
School bus.
A motor vehicle that was manufactured in compliance with the federal motor vehicle safety standards for school buses in effect on the date of manufacture and that is used to transport pre-primary, primary, or secondary students on a route to or from school or on a school-related activity trip other than on routes to and from school. The term does not include a school-chartered bus.
A commercial motor vehicle with or without motive power, other than a pole trailer, that is:
Designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle and to transport persons or property; and
Constructed so that part of the vehicle’s weight and load rests on or is carried by another vehicle.
A motor vehicle designed and used primarily to draw another vehicle but not constructed to carry a load other than a part of the weight of the other vehicle and its load.
(Ordinance 2011-0918 adopted 1/24/11)
Except as otherwise provided herein, no person shall operate, leave, park, stand, load or unload, or permit to be operated, parked, loaded or unloaded any commercial motor vehicle, truck-tractor, semitrailer, pole trailer or any combination thereof on any street or alley that is not designated as a truck route under this article.
Every U.S. and state highway and the following locations within the city are hereby designated truck routes:
Name of Street
Myron Goff
From Dowdy Ferry to East Cleveland
E. Cleveland
From Interstate 45 to Republic Services
Lancaster-Hutchins Road
From W. Wintergreen eastward 2,635 feet
Millers Ferry Road
From Palestine Road to the south city limits
Dowdy Ferry Road
From east city limits to Interstate 45
Palestine Road
From Interstate 45 to Main Street
W. Wintergreen Road
From Interstate 45 to the west city limits
E. Wintergreen Road
From Interstate 45 eastward 2,797 feet
It shall be a defense to prosecution under this article if the vehicle is:
An authorized emergency vehicle;
A vehicle operated by a public utility performing utility inspection, utility maintenance or utility repair activities on utility facilities within the city and owned or operated by that utility and such utility facilities are located off the designated truck routes as defined in this division;
A vehicle owned and operated by or for the city performing a public service, including but not limited to trash collection vehicles and street and water utility repair and maintenance vehicles;
A school bus or a bus operated by a mass transit authority;
A towable recreational vehicle; or
A vehicle traveling from a place of origin or delivering goods to a point of final destination or place of repair, loading or unloading over the shortest practicable route. The operator of any such vehicle shall carry evidence of the location of its last stop, origin of trip and of its destination.
(Ordinance 2011-0918 adopted 1/24/11; Ordinance 2023-1176 adopted 8/7/2023)
The public works director or designee, in compliance with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic-Control Devices, is hereby authorized to cause the placement of traffic-control signs at appropriate locations to inform operators of the truck routes and thru-truck zones. The absence of signage shall not be a defense to a prosecution under this article.
It is the intent of the city council in adopting this article that an offense under this article be a strict liability offense; in the prosecution of an offense under this article, no pleading or proof of intent shall be required to establish the guilt of an accused.
(Ordinance 2011-0918 adopted 1/24/11)