The building inspector or assistant inspector shall inspect personally and pass on all new electric wiring, being constructed or placed in service in the town and shall issue a certificate of approval thereof, if he shall approve the same, or if he shall not approve the same, to direct, by written order to the owner or agent in charge of the premises to stop the installation, construction or use of the imperfect electrical work or parts, until it shall have been made right by repairs, alterations or replacement, as conditions may show as being necessary.
The building inspector or any assistant inspector may enter any house or premises in the town connected to the electrical distribution system serving the town and its inhabitants, when request or complaint is made, and with the permission of the owner or occupant, to examine and inspect any electrical wiring, apparatus or appliance, or connections therewith.
The building inspector shall investigate all alleged violations of the electrical ordinances reported to him, and file complaints against all persons whom he may know to be guilty of violation of any of the electrical ordinances of the town.
The building inspector shall inspect all new wiring and installations, whether now in existence of hereafter to be installed or placed in service on premises served by the electric distribution system serving the town and its inhabitants, and to perform all such other duties as may be directed by the town council of the town.
The building inspector shall keep a complete, legible record of all official work performed, as required by this article, and shall monthly make a detailed report thereof to the town council. The said record shall be so arranged as to provide full information concerning conditions existing at the time of each and every inspection made.
The building inspector shall have the power, and it shall be his duty, where any building has or contains improper or defective electrical conditions or where same has been installed or placed in service without a permit as provided by law and the ordinances of the town to order the power company serving such building to immediately cut off the electric power supply and to prevent any re-connection until the improper or defective electrical condition shall have been made to comply fully with the laws and ordinance, and a certificate of approval of the building inspector has been issued.
The National Electrical Code, and amendments thereto, as adopted by this chapter are the rules and regulations to govern and to be observed and followed in all electrical wiring, and in all construction, installation, repair, alteration, operation and maintenance of electrical wiring, apparatus and fixtures, except as otherwise specifically provided in this article and in the code, and the said rules and regulations are hereby made a part of this article by and for the town as fully and to the same extent as if copied herein in full. The rules and regulations as printed in any copy of the “National Electrical Code,” as adopted by this chapter, shall be admitted in evidence with the same force and effect as the original rules and regulations without or further proof, and the interpretation of such National Electrical Code by the building inspector shall be final and conclusive.
All electrical wiring, for light, heat and power purposes, hereafter to be used or installed within the primary fire zone limits of the town except residential buildings, shall be as respectively described in the subsections hereof, and shall be contained and encased in metallic or PVC conduit, via:
All electric wiring for all purposes in buildings situated within the primary fire one.
All brick, tile, stone, concrete, or wood commercial buildings within the corporate limits of the town.
All electric wiring in residential buildings shall be “Romex” or better.
All supply wiring for electric signs.
All electric wiring for inside decorative or display lighting, except where the decorative or display wiring is temporary, and not to be used for any period exceeding thirty (30) days, in which case or cases, the building inspector may grant permission for the use of open wiring, provided an assurance is given that all such wiring will be removed in its entirety at the expiration of thirty (30) days. If the owner of the temporary wiring does not remove it at the expiration of the permitted thirty (30) days, it shall be the duty of the building inspector to cut off or have cut off, all electricity supply to the premises where the wiring is located, and no reconnection shall be permitted until the defect shall have been remedied.
All kitchens, bathrooms and basement lights must have ceiling fixtures, controlled by wall switches, or all kitchens, bathrooms, and basements may have bracket fixtures, controlled by wall switches and with the fixtures grounded.
All wires now installed, or hereafter to be installed, or maintained over any street, alley, sidewalk or building within the town shall be so arranged by their respective owners in such manner as not to interfere seriously with or obstruct the work of the fire department or in any way interfere with safe use of fire escapes. The town fire marshal shall have authority, and is hereby empowered to order proper rearrangement of any such interfering or hazardous wire or wires.
Whenever possible and expedient, signal wires shall not be carried on the same pole with or in dangerous proximity to high potential electric wires; and where one pole must carry the two or more classes, or where there is a traverse of the system, the high potential electric wire or wires shall be placed and maintained not less than four (4) feet above every signal wire. Where it is impossible to provide for such separation, it shall be the duty of the building inspector to enforce an equitable and safe alternative plan.
It shall be unlawful for any electrician or other person or persons to do, or have done, any electrical wiring or installation of electric equipment within the town without first being in proper possession of a certification of qualification, and such license and permit or permits required by this article; provided, however, the provisions of this article shall not apply to service calls.
Any master electrician holding a valid current license issued by an incorporated city or town situated in the county shall be entitled to a certificate of qualification. Any master electrician holding a certificate of qualification issued by the town desiring to contract electric work in the town shall exhibit his respective certificate to the town secretary, and shall file an application for a license to contract electrical work in the town together with a filing fee as provided in the current fee schedule adopted by the town, and at the same time, shall file with the town secretary a properly executed surety bond in the amount of five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars, payable to the town conditioned to protect the town, and/or any person, firm or corporation, and hold it harmless for any or all loss or damage occasioned by the negligence of the principal therein in failing to execute properly and protect all work done by him, or under his supervision, in any way whatsoever, and further conditioned to observe and abide by all ordinances at any time enacted by the town relating to electrical work.
Said bond must be acceptable to the town council and shall run to the end of the current calendar year, which is December 31st of each calendar year.
When said bond has been approved and the applicant has fully complied with the requirements of this article, a license will be issued to him licensing him as a contracting electrician, to do, or have done, electrical work in the town which license shall continue in effect to the end of the calendar year in which issued, unless same should be sooner revoked for cause.
The said license will be issued by the town secretary upon payment of the fee for such license. Such license may be renewed for the ensuing calendar year by the filing of a new bond in the same amount and upon the same conditions as were provided for herein for the issuance of the original license and the payment of a renewal fee as set forth previously in this article. No refund shall be paid in the event of the revocation or surrender of any such certificate or license.
In the event that said surety, executing said bond as surety, should for any reason withdraw from said bond as surety thereon, it shall be unlawful for said electrician to continue in, on or with any electrical work then being done by him, until said bond shall have been deposited with the town secretary and approved by the town council.
Nothing contained within this article shall ever be construed or operate to prevent any person from actually doing his own electrical work on his own property or premises, provided the permit is paid for and obtained, and that the materials and equipment and the work be in strict accord with the rules and regulations of the town’s electrical ordinance, and that the building inspector’s approval can be obtained upon inspection in regular order; and further provided that the property owner must actually perform the work and that no other than the actual owner shall do any part of it, unless the other person or persons are bonded and licensed in full compliance with all of the provisions of this article.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to do, or have done, any electrical wiring, any installation of electric equipment, or any extension or alterations of electrical work, until an electrical work permit to do same has been obtained from the town secretary authorizing the work to be done; provided, that no permit shall be required for any electrical work which is to use or be operated with electric current of not exceeding fifty (50) volts potential. No permit shall be required for placing, attaching or using portable electrical appliances of either commercial or domestic purposes. No permit will be required for repairs or maintenance work in any power or industrial plant where a certified electrician for the town is regularly and continuously employed to do such work, but all new work, whether original or extension, shall be done only on authority of a permit by the town.
The permits for electrical work will be issued by the town secretary only upon written request or application which has been filed with the town secretary and shall properly describe the exact character and extent of the electrical work proposed to be done.
The town secretary shall collect an inspection fee at the time of filing the application for the permit as provided for in the current fee schedule as adopted by the town.
That the term “outlet” as used in this article shall include the outlet to which there is to be or can be connected a lighting fixture or any portable appliance. The terms “dynamo” and “motor” shall include any machine, equipment or device requiring electric power for other than actual lighting.
When additional outlets or more power requirements are to be installed than called for on the permit issued, the permit shall be taken to the town secretary, who will add the additional items, if permissible, and shall collect the additional permit and inspection fees. The additions must be noted on the building inspector’s copy of the permit at the same time.
All extension to or of electric wiring or equipment shall be done under the regular permit and shall be inspected by the building inspector of the town all subject to the full requirements of this article.
All wiring or equipment to be installed in any building or on any premises for future use must have permit, inspection and approval per all requirements of this article.
When for good and sufficient cause it is necessary to have electricity turned on any installation before final certificate can be issued, the building inspector may (if all parts of which current is to be applied are in safe and satisfactory condition) authorize a temporary permit to be issued for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days, provided the applicant for the temporary service pays to the town at the time of making application a fee as provided for in the current fee schedule as adopted by the town.
Whenever electric service is discontinued to any commercial building or premises within the fire limits or zone for any cause whatsoever, reinstatement or reconnection of electric service shall not be made or given anyone until a clearance is obtained from the building inspector, who shall first make sure that no changes or additions have been made to the wiring so as to cause overloading of circuits or fire hazards. A reinspection fee shall be applied.
Upon inspection of the wiring for any building, the building inspector shall leave a tag or notice attached to or near some part of the wiring, stating if approved, or if to be kept open for further inspection. No person shall lathe, ceil, or in any manner conceal any wiring until it has been approved by the building inspector.
The building inspector shall have at all times the power to condemn any electrical wiring or apparatus theretofore installed or used, if and when he finds, upon proper inspection, that such work or material or apparatus is unsafe or dangerous to life or property in any manner, in whole or in part. When any such condemnation is made, the building inspector shall serve notice, in writing, upon the owner or operator of such wiring or equipment, and allowing a reasonable time for remedying the defects. If, at the expiration of the time allowed on said notification, the defect or defects have not been satisfactorily remedied, the building inspector shall order the electric current supply for such premises to be cut off immediately, and no reconnection shall be allowed until all defects have been fully remedied, and approved after regular inspection.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article or who shall fail to comply with any requirement of this article or of the National Electric Code hereby adopted, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code, and each and every day’s continuance of any violation of any provision of this article shall constitute and be deemed a separate offense.
In case of any such violation of any of the terms or provisions of this article by any corporation or company; the officers and agents and person or persons actually performing the violation for any such corporation or company shall be subject to the penalties herein provided.
The rules and regulations of the power and light companies holding a franchise to serve the town and its inhabitants with electrical power, regarding service meter and other instrument installations for the kind and character of service to be rendered as approved by the town council are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes.
(2002 Code, art. 3.200; Ordinance adopting Code; Ordinance 2013-0916-04 adopted 9/16/13)