The building inspector or assistant inspectors, shall inspect and pass on all plumbing now in use or being constructed or placed in service, or which may hereafter be installed, constructed or placed in service, or which may hereafter be installed, constructed or placed in service in the town and to issue a certificate of approval thereof, if he shall approve the same, or if he shall not approve the same, to direct, by written order to the owner or agent in charge of the premises, to stop the installation, construction or use of the imperfect plumbing work until it shall have been made right by repairs, alterations or replacement, as conditions may show as being necessary; provided, however, that the building inspector or the assistant inspector shall possess a plumbing inspector’s license in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing License Law of 1947, and amendments thereto, prior to making any inspections provided for herein.
The building inspector or any assistant inspector may enter any house or premises in the town when request or complaint is made, and with the permission of the owner or occupant, to examine and inspect any plumbing.
The building inspector shall investigate all alleged violations of the plumbing ordinances reported to him, and file complaints against all persons whom he may know to be guilty of violations of any of the plumbing ordinances of the town.
The building inspector shall keep a complete legible record of all official work performed, as required by this article, and shall monthly make a detailed report thereof to the town council. The said record shall be so arranged as to provide full information concerning conditions existing at the time of each and every inspection made.
The building inspector shall have the power, and it shall be his duty, where any building has or contains improper or defective plumbing, or where same has been installed or placed in service without a permit, as provided by law and the ordinance of the town to order water or gas service discontinued to such building immediately, and to prevent restoring such service until the improper or defective plumbing shall have been made to comply fully with the laws and ordinances, and a certificate of approval of the building inspector shall have been issued.
Neither the building inspector nor any of his assistants shall, when acting in good faith without malice, be liable for damages by reason of duty performed under the provisions of this article.
It shall be unlawful for any plumber or other person or persons to do so, or have done, any plumbing within the town without first being in proper possession of a license and permit or permits as provided in this article.
“Plumbing”, as used in this article, means and shall include:
All piping, fixtures, appurtenances and appliances for a supply of water or gas, or both, for all personal or domestic purposes in the buildings where a person or persons live, work or assemble; all piping, fixtures, appurtenances and appliances outside a building connecting the building with the source of water or gas supply, or both, on the premises, or the main in the street, alley or at the curb; all piping, fixtures, appurtenances, appliances, drain or waste pipes carrying waste or sewage from or within a building to the sewer service lateral at the curb or in the street or alley, or other disposal terminal holding private or domestic sewage;
The installation, repair, and maintenance of all piping, fixtures, appurtenances and appliances in the buildings where a person or persons live, work or assemble, for a supply of gas, water, or both, or disposal of waste water or sewage.
A “master plumber,” within the meaning of this article, is a plumber having a regular place of business, who, by himself, or through a person or persons in his employ, performs plumbing work, and who is licensed by the state board of plumbing examiners, as provided by the Plumbing License Law of 1947, and amendments.
A “journeyman plumber,” within the meaning of this article, is any person other than a master plumber who engages in or works at the actual installation, alteration, repair and renovating of plumbing, and who is licensed by the state board of plumbing examiners, as provided by the Plumbing License Law of 1947, and amendments thereto.
Any person who shall possess either a master or journeyman license in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing License Law of 1947, and amendments thereto, desiring to operate a plumbing business or do plumbing work in the town shall exhibit his license to the town secretary, and shall file an application for a license to operate a plumbing business or do plumbing work in the town and at the same time shall file with the town secretary a properly executed surety bond in the amount of five thousand ($5,000) dollars, payable to the town, conditioned to protect the town and/or any person, firm or corporation, and hold it harmless for any or all loss or damage occasioned by the negligence of the principal therein in failing to execute properly and protect all work done by him, or under his supervision in any way whatsoever, and further conditioned to observe and abide by all ordinances at any time enacted by the town relating to plumbing work.
When said bond has been approved and the applicant has fully complied with the requirements of this article, a license will be issued to him licensing him as a master plumber or journeyman plumber, to do or have done plumbing work in the town which license shall continue in effect to the end of the calendar year in which issued.
The said license will be issued by the town secretary upon payment of a fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code. Such license may be renewed for the ensuing calendar year by filing of a new bond in the same amount and upon the same conditions as were provided for herein for the issuance of the original license and the payment of a renewal fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code. No refund will be paid in the event of the revocation or surrender of any such license; provided, however, that renewal may not be granted if the town council shall have found the business or moral integrity of the holder of said license to be not such as would entitle him to such renewal.
Said licenses are personal only to the holder and are not in any manner or effect transferable, and all such licenses are revocable for sufficient cause shown upon the filing of written specific charges, under oath, after notice and hearing before the town council.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to do, or have done, any plumbing work until a plumbing work permit to do same has been obtained authorizing the work to be done.
The permits for plumbing work will be issued by the town secretary only upon written request or application which has been filed with the town secretary and shall properly describe the exact character and extent of the plumbing work proposed to be done.
The town secretary shall collect an inspection fee at the time of filing the application for the permit as provided for in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code.
Upon inspection of the plumbing for any building, the building inspector or his assistant shall leave a tag or notice attached to, or near some part of the plumbing, stating if approved, or, if to be kept open for further inspection. No person shall lathe, ceil, or in any manner conceal any plumbing until it has been approved by the building inspector.
Nothing contained within this article shall ever be construed or operate to prevent any person from actually doing his own plumbing work on his own property or premises, provided the permit is paid for and obtained, and that the materials and equipment and the work be in strict accord with the rules and regulations of the plumbing ordinances and that the building inspector’s approval can be obtained upon inspection in regular order; and further provided that the property owner must actually perform the work and that no other than the actual owner shall do any part of it, unless the other person or persons are bonded and licensed in full compliance with all of the provisions of this article.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article or who shall fail to comply with any requirement of this article, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code, and each and every day’s continuance of any violation of any provision of this article shall constitute and be deemed a separate offense.
In case of any such violation of any of the terms of provisions of this article by any corporation or company, the officers and agents and person or persons actually performing the violation for such corporation or company shall be subject to the penalties herein provided.
(2002 Code, art. 3.300; Ordinance adopting Code)