The purpose of this article is to oversee the permitting of small wind energy systems in order to preserve and protect the public health and safety without significantly increasing the cost or decreasing the efficiency of small wind energy systems.
(Ordinance 2009-0511-01 adopted 5/5/09)
For the purpose of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them:
The Federal Aviation Administration or its successor agency.
The mayor of the town or his designee.
Meteorological tower.
Defined to include the tower, base plate, anchors, guy cables and hardware, anemometers (wind speed indicators), wind direction vanes, booms to hold equipment anemometers and vanes, data logger, instrument wiring, and any telemetry devices that are used to monitor or transmit wind speed and wind flow characteristics over a period of time for either instantaneous wind information or to characterize the wind resource at a given location.
The individual or entity that intends to own and operate the small wind energy system in accordance with this article and includes the person or entity that owns the real estate on which the small wind energy system is situated as well as any occupant or person in control or supervision of the real estate.
Rotor diameter.
The cross sectional dimension of the circle swept by the rotating blades.
Small wind energy system.
A wind energy system that:
Is used to generate electricity;
Has a maximum power capacity of 60 kilowatts or less; and
Has a total height of no more than 80 feet in agricultural and nonresidential districts, and 40 feet in residential districts.
Total height.
The vertical distance from ground level to the tip of a wind generator blade when the tip is at its highest point.
The monopole, freestanding, or guyed structure that supports a wind generator.
The Town of Cross Roads, Texas, acting either through its governing body or the mayor or his designee.
Wind energy system.
Equipment that converts and then stores or transfers energy from the wind into usable forms of energy. This equipment includes any base, blade, foundation, generator, nacelle, rotor, tower, transformer, vane, wire, inverter, batteries or other component used in the system.
Wind generator.
Blades and associated mechanical and electrical conversion components mounted on top of the tower.
(Ordinance 2009-0511-01 adopted 5/5/09)
Small wind energy systems shall not be erected, constructed, relocated or maintained in the territorial limits of the town unless a valid permit has first been issued and the wind energy system is in full compliance with the provisions of this article, the ordinances of the town, and all applicable laws and regulations. Small wind energy systems shall not be permitted, erected, constructed or installed on any lot or tract of property if the setbacks and spacing requirements of this article are not met. Wind energy systems that do not meet the requirements of small wind energy systems are prohibited.
A small wind energy system shall be a permitted use in all zoning districts, subject to the issuance of a permit, and subject to the following requirements:
Prohibited locations.
Small wind energy systems shall not be erected, constructed or located within any public right-of-way; within any easement, public or private, without the written consent of the owner of the easement; within any front, side or rear property setback area; and, no part of a small wind energy system shall extend or be located beyond the lot lines of the property on which the system is erected.
Compliance standards.
A small wind energy system shall be erected and installed according to the instructions of the system manufacturer and under the seal of a professional engineer registered in the state. All components of the system must be in compliance with this article, the ordinances of the town, and all applicable state and local building codes. The system must have a certificate of compliance from Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., with the most current standard or UL 1741 Standard for Safety for Inverters, Converters, Controllers, and Interconnection system equipment for use with Distributed Energy Resources. All applicable components of the small wind energy system shall meet and comply with the town’s building codes and electrical code.
Required setbacks; platting.
A tower for a small wind system shall be set back from the property lines and any overhead or aboveground public or private utility line, cable or human inhabited structure, at a distance equal to 100% of the total height. No tract of property shall be subdivided, platted or replatted such that a preexisting small wind energy system will fail to meet the foregoing requirements.
All ground mounted electrical and control equipment shall be labeled or secured to prevent unauthorized access. The tower shall be designed and installed so as to not provide step bolts or a ladder readily accessible to the public for a minimum height of 8 feet above the ground.
Electrical wires.
All electrical wires associated with a small wind energy system, other than wires necessary to connect the wind generator to the tower wiring, the tower wiring to the disconnect junction box, and the grounding wires, shall be located underground.
Sound requirements.
Small wind energy systems shall not exceed a noise level of 55 decibels at the property line.
Appearance, color, and finish.
The wind generator and tower shall remain painted or finished the color or finish that was originally applied by the manufacturer, unless approved in the small wind energy system permit.
The paint, finish, landscaping, and structural integrity of a small wind energy system and each of its components shall be maintained at all times. All such systems shall be kept in good working order.
All lights not required by the Federal Aviation Administration are prohibited. When obstruction lighting is required by the FAA, such lighting shall not exceed the minimum requirements of said agency. A tower structure may be artificially lighted only with steady-burning red obstruction lights (FAA type L-810) or flashing red obstruction lights (FAA type L-864) flashing no faster than 20 flashes per minute. Flashing red obstruction lights (FAA type L-864) flashing faster than 20 flashes per minute, medium intensity flashing white obstruction lights (FAA type L-865 or L-866), high intensity flashing white lights (FAA type L-856 or L-857) or dual flashing red obstruction lights and medium intensity flashing white obstruction lights (FAA types L-864/L-865) may be used only when the FAA specifies that the specific lighting pattern is the only lighting pattern acceptable to promote aviation safety and refuses an applicant’s request for authorization to use the lighting required by this article. Upward lighting, floodlights or other lighting not strictly required by the FAA is prohibited.
Signage prohibited.
No advertising or signage of any type, other than the manufacturer’s or installer’s identification, appropriate warning signs, or owner identification, shall be allowed or permitted on a wind energy system.
Limit of one.
No more than one wind energy system shall be erected, constructed, operated or permitted on any single lot or tract.
One acre minimum.
No wind energy system shall be erected on less than a one-acre tract or lot.
(Ordinance 2009-0511-01 adopted 5/5/09)
A wind energy system that is out of service or not in continuous operation for a continuous period of twelve (12) months shall be deemed abandoned and shall be removed by the owner at the owner’s sole expense. Any person intending to abandon or discontinue, or that is required to abandon or discontinue, the use of a wind energy system shall notify the town in writing of the proposed date of abandonment or discontinuation not less than thirty days before abandonment or discontinuation. Upon abandonment or discontinuation of use, the owner shall remove the entire system at the owner’s sole expense within 90 days of the date of abandonment or discontinuation of use.
(Ordinance 2009-0511-01 adopted 5/5/09)
No grid-interconnected wind energy system shall be installed, constructed or maintained until evidence has been given that the appropriate utility provider has been informed of the owner’s intent to install a grid-connected customer-owned generator. Off-grid systems shall be exempt from this requirement.
(Ordinance 2009-0511-01 adopted 5/5/09)
No person shall erect, construct, maintain or cause to be erected, constructed or maintained a small wind energy system without first having applied for and been issued a valid permit to do so. A small wind energy system permit shall not be issued unless the requirements of this article and this section have been met and satisfied.
A wind energy system may be erected or constructed on a lot or tract of land only after a primary structure has been constructed on the lot or tract.
Permit applications shall be submitted on forms furnished by the town and shall demonstrate full compliance with all applicable state and town building and electrical codes. A small wind energy system permit application shall be accompanied by:
The appropriate permit fee;
A survey and legal description of the lot or tract on which the system is to be erected;
A site plan showing:
The tract or lot lines, the dimensions of the lot or tract, all building and setback lines, and the location of the proposed small wind energy system;
The location of existing buildings and structures, overhead utility lines, and utility easements;
The location and course of all streets and roadways within and adjacent to the lot or tract;
The land uses and zoning district designations of adjacent properties; and
Natural features on the lot or tract.
A detailed depiction and description of the proposed wind energy system showing:
Wind system specifications, including the design and height of the small wind energy system, including the tower, base and footings, the manufacturer and model, and rotor diameter;
All components of the system;
Standard installation drawings of the tower and wind turbine; and
Tower and tower foundation blueprints or drawings;
A standard drawing and engineering analysis or report regarding the system’s tower, and showing compliance with building codes, certified by a professional engineer registered in the state;
Proof of compliance with the town’s electrical code, including but not limited to line drawings of the electrical components in sufficient detail to demonstrate compliance with the electrical code; and
A certificate of insurance or other proof of insurance coverage in an amount of not less than $300,000 insuring the owner against liability arising from the wind turbine and the wind energy system.
The erection or construction of a small wind energy system shall not commence until a valid permit has been issued. Upon completion of construction, a small wind energy system shall not be operated or maintained until an inspection by the town determines that the system meets the requirements of this article.
Meteorological towers shall be permitted under the same standards, permit requirements, restoration requirements, and permit procedures as a small wind energy system.
(Ordinance 2009-0511-01 adopted 5/5/09)
The mayor may revoke or suspend a permit for cause or if it is determined that a wind energy system is not in compliance with the requirements of this article or other laws or regulations. The owner shall be given not less than seven (7) days’ notice of suspension or revocation, which notice shall be presumed received on the expiration of three days after deposit in the mail properly addressed to the owner at the address stated in the application, or immediately upon hand-delivery to the owner.
Upon expiration of the period set forth in the notice, the operation of the wind energy system shall cease. If the violation or event of noncompliance giving rise to the suspension is not corrected, and the suspension lifted and permit reinstated, within ninety (90) days thereafter, the wind energy system shall be removed by the owner at the owner’s sole expense. If a permit is revoked and a new permit is not thereafter issued within ninety (90) days after the date of revocation, the wind energy system shall be removed by the owner at the owner’s sole expense.
The suspension or revocation of a wind energy system permit may be appealed by written notice of appeal, filed with the town, within twenty (20) days after receipt of notice of suspension or revocation. The use and operation of the wind energy system shall cease upon expiration of the period set forth in the notice, notwithstanding the pendency of an appeal. The town council shall have sole and exclusive authority to hear and decide all such appeals, and the decision of the town council shall be final and binding.
(Ordinance 2009-0511-01 adopted 5/5/09)
No wind energy system or component shall be erected, constructed or maintained such that the system or component presents a danger or is hazardous to the public health or safety.
If a wind energy system is determined to present a danger or be hazardous to the public health or safety, the wind energy system or component shall be immediately removed. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, the mayor may issue an order to the owner to immediately remove and abate a dangerous or hazardous wind energy system.
If a wind energy system is determined to present a danger or be hazardous to the public health or safety, the owner or any responsible person may be punished in accordance with the provisions of this article. In addition, the town may pursue civil injunctive relief in any court of proper jurisdiction to restrain such violations, as well as any other remedy available by law. Any and all such remedies are cumulative.
(Ordinance 2009-0511-01 adopted 5/5/09)
It is unlawful for any person to construct, install, maintain or operate a small wind energy system that is not in compliance with this article or with any condition contained in a small wind energy system permit issued pursuant to this article.
It is unlawful for any person to violate any condition, notice or order directed to the owner regarding the discontinuance or removal of a small wind energy system or component thereof.
Any owner, person, firm or association violating any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor offense and upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) and each and every day a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
A violation of any term or provision of this article may be enjoined by civil injunctive relief. The town may, at its sole option, seek injunctive and other equitable relief to restrain any violation of this article and may, in addition, pursue any lawful remedies to correct, abate, or punish any violation hereof.
The penalties and remedies provided for in this article are not exclusive of each other or of any other remedy at law or in equity, and all such remedies are declared to be cumulative.
(Ordinance 2009-0511-01 adopted 5/5/09)