It shall be the duty of all persons owning, controlling, supervising and employed in any capacity at any location within the territorial limits of the town where construction activity is being conducted to manage and control waste generated at the location or by the construction activity. As used in this article, waste includes but is not limited to discarded building materials, concrete truck washout water, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site.
It shall be an offense for any person to fail to comply with the following requirements at construction sites and it shall be the duty of all persons owning or in control of a construction site in the town to comply and to ensure compliance with the following standards:
All waste materials generated at a construction site or by construction activity shall be kept within either a container or an enclosed waste collection area on site that prevents the waste materials from scattering on and off-site, that does not receive a substantial amount of runoff from upland areas, that does not drain directly to a water body, and prohibits pollutant runoff from the construction site.
Chemicals, paint, petroleum, fertilizer, and pesticides must be stored in a covered non-leaking enclosure or container.
Above-ground petroleum storage tanks must be placed in a bermed enclosure.
Empty or unused chemical containers must be disposed of in accordance with label instructions.
Potentially hazardous waste must be segregated from non-hazardous waste.
Daily cleanup of a construction site must be conducted so as to ensure that all litter and waste is contained in an appropriate enclosure or container to prevent spread to other parts of the property and to other properties and does not accumulate on the ground.
All construction site waste material must be disposed of at authorized disposal facilities.
Recycling of waste materials is encouraged where feasible.
Concrete truck washout water must be contained on site in a designated washout pit and concrete residue should be removed at conclusion of construction.
Sanitary waste collection or storage facilities shall be located a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from storm drain inlets, and all such facilities must be used and maintained so as to prevent leakage.
(Ordinance 2005-1114-01 adopted 11/14/05)
It shall be unlawful for any person to clean any truck or other vehicle, or any other equipment containing cement, concrete or other building material, upon any public street in the city, or to allow water containing any such materials to run off into or upon any street, right-of-way, ditch, curb, sewer, culvert, gutter or drain or other public or private property in the town.
(Ordinance 2005-1114-01 adopted 11/14/05)
It shall be unlawful for any person to mix or cause the mixing of concrete on any paved street in the town, except on a platform, or in a box or other receptacle so constructed as to prevent such concrete from falling on the pavement.
(Ordinance 2005-1114-01 adopted 11/14/05)
When any equipment is used on any public or private street or roadway in the town which requires the use of stabilizing devices, such devices shall be equipped with street pads. The minimum size of the street pads shall be determined by the town engineer, mayor, or their designee.
(Ordinance 2005-1114-01 adopted 11/14/05)