No building permit may be issued in the A, MF, C, LI and U Districts, unless a site plan has been submitted to and approved by the town council. There shall be submitted to the town an application in writing for approval of a site plan. The proposed site plan, together with six (6) copies, shall be filed with the town secretary at least thirty (30) calendar days before the meeting at which the site plan is to be considered. No site plan will be considered by the town until the prescribed filing fees have been paid. The town council’s decision on approval or denial of a landscape plan shall be final and binding.
The site plan shall contain these items:
The boundaries and dimensions of the proposed development, including total area.
Adjoining property, owners, and zoning.
Contour lines at ten feet (10') intervals.
Location map.
Existing or platted streets; public rights of way; easement or railroads within or adjacent to the tract of land.
Existing and proposed utility lines showing sizes of water and sewer lines.
Existing and proposed fire hydrants and fire lanes.
Location of all easements.
Building setback lines.
Location, use and dimensions of structures.
Means of ingress and egress.
Engineering for drainage.
Areas designated for landscaping and location of exterior lighting.
Parking area locations and specifications.
Must be drawn to an acceptable scale.
Must provide signature lines for chairman of planning and zoning commission, and mayor to signify approval.
The town’s consideration shall include paving and layout of streets, alleys, and sidewalks; means of ingress and egress; provisions for drainage and parking spaces; protective screening and open spaces; areas designated for landscaping; and, any other matter deemed by the town necessary to consider in the interest of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare.
No building permit shall be issued prior to the approval of the site plan by the town council. No building permit shall be issued except in conformity with the approved site plan, including all conditions of approval applied by the town.
During the course of considering the site plan, the town may request the applicant to submit a landscape plan if proper approval or disapproval cannot be granted without a detailed landscape plan. The town may further withhold action on the site plan until the submission of the landscape plan.
For the purpose of assisting in-process planning, a properly designated “preliminary” site plan may be submitted for consideration. Such preliminary site plan may contain any or all of the site plan requirements, and must be drawn to scale. Approval of a “preliminary” site plan will not imply approval of all elements of a site plan. No building permit shall be issued on a preliminary site plan.
Final plans for MF, C, LI and U shall be approved by town council. For A and SF districts the town council or their designate shall approve final plans.
(2002 Code, sec. 12.115; Ordinance 2014-0818-02 adopted 8/18/14; Ordinance 2015-1116-01 [A], sec. 3, adopted 11/16/15)
Prior to issuance of any building permit in MF, C, LI and U, six (6) copies of a landscape plan shall be submitted to the town. The plans shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the town council meeting at which they are to be considered. The landscape plan shall be approved or disapproved based on its compliance with the following requirements and any other requirement deemed necessary to promote the character and value of the surrounding neighborhoods.
Plan requirements shall include:
Plans shall be to the same scale as the approved site plan.
A minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the gross area must be landscaped.
The area between the property line and the street shall be included in the landscape plan, but does not count as part of the gross area in item (2), and shall be maintained by the abutting property owner.
Heights of landscaping material shall be such that they do not create safety hazards for vehicular traffic by blocking sight lines at ingress and egress points.
The specifications shall state the common names, sizes (height and width) and quantity of all materials to be utilized.
Where property abuts a different zoning district, it must be screened by a living screen or a screening device. Plantings which serve as a living screen shall be evergreens with an initial four foot (4) height, reach a minimum height in three (3) years of eight foot (8') and provide a solid visual barrier within three (3) years.
Large trees of fifteen (15) gallons minimum size shall be used to break-up large expanse of building facades.
Trees shall be selected from the approved replacement tree list, figure 1, in article 3.08 (tree preservation and protection) of chapter 3 (building regulations) of this code.
It shall be the property owner’s responsibility to permanently maintain the approved landscaping in a neat an orderly manner and plans shall include an irrigation system to assist in proper maintenance of the landscaping and a licensed certified irrigation contractor must certify the plans.
The town shall consider the adequacy of the proposed landscaping in the interest of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare.
Final plans shall be approved by town council. The town council’s decision on approval or denial of a landscape plan shall be final and binding.
Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, all approved screening and landscaping must be in place, or if seasonal considerations prohibit the completion of the landscaping, a temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued for such time as is reasonable to complete the landscaping.
(2002 Code, sec. 12.116; Ordinance 2005-1212-01 adopted 12/12/05; Ordinance 2006-0109-01 adopted 1/9/06; Ordinance 2015-1116-01 [A], sec. 4, adopted 11/16/15)
Except as hereinafter provided, no building or structure or part thereof shall be erected, altered or converted for any use permitted in the district in which it is located unless there shall be provided on the lot or tract, on an immediately contiguous lot or tract, or within one hundred fifty feet (150') of such building or structure, vehicle parking in the following ratio of vehicle space for the uses specified in the designated district, except that an established use lawfully existing at the effective date of this article need not provide vehicle parking as hereinafter set forth and that no existing vehicle parking in connection with said use at the effective date of this article may be reduced below the minimum number of spaces as hereinafter required.
In all zoning districts, the minimum off-street parking spaces for residential uses shall be two (2) spaces for each dwelling unit.
Parking space schedule non-residential uses applicable to all districts.
Bank, savings and loan, or similar financial establishment - one (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area.
Bowling alley - six (6) spaces for each lane.
Clinics or doctor’s offices - one (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area (minimum of five (5) spaces).
Commercial outdoor amusement - twenty (20) spaces, plus one (1) space for each one hundred (100) square feet of floor area over one thousand (1,000) square feet.
Convalescent home or home for aged - one (1) space for each six (6) rooms or beds.
Gasoline service station - minimum of six (6) spaces.
Golf course - minimum of thirty (30) spaces.
High school, college or university - one (1) space for each classroom, laboratory or instruction area, plus one (1) space for each three (3) students accommodated in the institution.
Hospitals - one (1) space for every two (2) beds.
Hotel or motel - one (1) space for each room, unit or guest accommodation.
Institutions of a philanthropic nature - ten (10) spaces, plus one (1) space for each employee.
Library or museum - ten (10) spaces, plus one (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area.
Manufacturing, processing or repairing - one (1) space for each two (2) employees, or one (1) space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
Offices, general - one (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area (minimum of five (5) spaces).
Place of public assembly not listed - one (1) space for each three (3) seats provided.
Recreational, private or commercial area or building (other than listed) - one (1) space for every three (3) persons to be normally accommodated in the establishment.
Restaurant or cafeteria - one (1) space for every three (3) seats under maximum seating arrangement (minimum of five (5) spaces).
Retail or personal service - one (1) space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor area (minimum of five (5) spaces).
Schools, elementary or junior high - one (1) space for each classroom, plus one (1) space for each four (4) seats in any auditorium, gymnasium, or other place of assembly, whichever is greater.
Storage or warehousing - one (1) space for each two (2) employees, or one (1) space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
Theaters, meeting rooms, and places of public assembly one (1) space for every three (3) seats.
Off street parking regulations.
In computing the parking requirements for any building or development, the total parking requirements shall be the sum of the specific parking space requirements for each class of use included in the building or development. Provided, however, no overnight parking shall be permitted in or on any public street.
Floor area of structure devoted to off-street parking of vehicles shall be excluded in computing the off-street parking requirements of any use.
Parking requirements for new or unlisted use.
Where questions arise concerning the minimum off-street parking requirement for any use not specifically listed, the requirements may be interpreted as those of a similar use.
Where a determination of the minimum parking requirements cannot be readily ascertained for new or unlisted uses, the determination shall be made according to paragraph (e)(1) above.
(2002 Code, sec. 12.121)
Where an apartment building is erected so as to create enclosed inner courts, the faces of all opposite walls in such courts shall be a minimum distance of thirty feet (30') apart and no balcony or canopy shall extend into such court area for a distance greater than five feet (5').
Location of dwellings and buildings.
Only one (1) main building for one-family, two-family or multiple-family use with permitted accessory building may be located upon a lot or unplatted tract. Every dwelling shall face or front upon a public street, or approved place, other than an alley, which means of access shall have a minimum width of thirty feet (30'). Where a lot is used for retail, commercial, industrial purposes, or a combination of same, or for a combination of retail and dwelling purposes, more than one (1) main building may be located upon the lot, but only when such buildings conform to all the open space, parking and density requirements applicable to the uses and districts and when all such main buildings face upon a public street, other than an alley. Whenever two (2) or more main buildings, or portions thereof, are desired to be placed upon a single lot or tract and such buildings will not face upon a public street, the same may be permitted when the site plan for such development is approved by the planning and zoning commission so as to comply with the normal requirements for platting. No parking area, storage area, or required open space for one (1) building shall be computed as being the open space, yard or area requirements for any other dwelling or other use.
Temporary construction buildings.
Temporary buildings and temporary building material storage areas to be used for construction purposes may be permitted for a specific period of time in accordance with a permit issued by the building official of the town, and subject to periodic renewal by the official for cause shown. Upon completion or abandonment of construction or expiration of permit, such field offices and buildings shall be removed at the direction of the building official of the town.
(2002 Code, sec. 12.122)
No permit for the construction of a building or buildings upon any tract or plot shall be issued until a building site, building tract or building lot has been created by compliance with one (1) of the following conditions:
The lot or tract is part of a plat of record, properly approved by the planning and zoning commission and filed in the plat records of the county.
The site plot or tract is all or part of a site plan officially approved by the governing body of the town in a planned development district, after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission, which site plan provides all utility and drainage easements, alleys, streets and other public improvements necessary to meet the normal requirements for platting, including the designation of building areas and such easements, alleys and streets have been required and properly dedicated and the necessary public improvements provided.
The plot, tract or lot faces upon a dedicated street and was separately owned prior to the effective date of this article or prior to annexation to the town, whichever is applicable, in which event a building permit for only one (1) main building may be issued on each such original separately owned parcel, without first complying with the provisions of (1) and (2) above.
(2002 Code, sec. 12.123)
Any of the following uses may be located in any district by special use permit of the town council, after public hearing and after recommendation by the commission, under such conditions as to operations, site development, parking, signs, and time limits as may be deemed necessary in order that such use will not seriously injure the appropriate use of neighboring property and will conform to the general intent and purpose of this article.
Amusement parks, commercial baseball or athletic fields, racetracks, circuses, carnivals and fairgrounds.
Cemeteries, mausoleums or crematories for the disposal of the human dead.
Churches, places of religious worship, and fraternal or civic organization club houses.
Day nurseries.
Drive-in theaters and walk-in theaters.
Golf driving ranges, commercial or illuminated.
Gun clubs, skeet, trap and target shooting ranges.
Hospitals for the insane or feeble-minded, or alcoholic or drug addicts, or penal or correctional institutions.
Picnic groves and fishing lakes, including minor and incidental concession facilities for patrons only.
Nursery sales offices, buildings or greenhouses (wholesale or retail).
Radio, television and microwave towers.
Refuse dumps.
Reservoirs, wells, towers, filter beds or water supply plants.
Riding stables and tracks.
Sewage, refuse, garbage disposal plants or sanitary fills.
Storage and sale of LP gas, other than bulk plants.
Swimming pools, commercial.
Trailer courts, subject to town ordinances.
Buildings, structures and premises for public utility service, of public service corporations, which buildings or uses the town council after report of the commission, deems reasonably necessary for public convenience or welfare.
Alternative financial establishments.
Sexually oriented businesses, as described in article 4.02, as may be permitted in commercial areas in zoning district C-2 only.
Establishments that derive at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the establishment’s gross revenue from the on-premises sale of alcoholic beverages. This use is permissible by special use permit only in the C-1 and C-2 commercial districts and only where the place of business is not within three hundred feet (300') of a church, public school or public hospital.
Establishments which hold and have been issued a private club registration permit or other private club permit under the state alcoholic beverage code, chapter 32 or chapter 33 if:
The establishment derives at least thirty-five percent (35%) of its gross revenues from the on-premises sale or service of alcoholic beverages;
The premises of the establishment are located in a dry area; and
The permit is not issued to a fraternal or veterans organization of the holder of a food and beverage certificate issued by the state alcoholic beverage commission.
This use is permissible by special use permit only in the C-1 and C-2 commercial districts and only where the place of business is not within three hundred feet (300') of a church, public school or public hospital.
The measurement of the distance between the place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold and a church, public hospital and residence, excluding a residence situated on a commercially zoned piece of property, shall be along the property lines of the street fronts and from front door to front door, and in a direct line across intersections. The measurement of the distance between the place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold and the public schools shall be in a direct line from the property line of the public school to the property line of the place of business, and in direct line across intersections.
Retail Sales, Outdoor in the C-2 Commercial or LI - Light Industrial districts only.
Restaurant with drive-through in the C-2 Commercial district only.
Any existing restaurant with drive-through which has a valid certificate of occupancy and which is in operation as of the effective date of this subsection is deemed legal conforming until the earlier of: (A) the change of brand or franchise flag for the restaurant; (B) the transfer of the certificate of occupancy; or (C) the building is damaged or destroyed to the extent that the cost of repair or replacement will equal or exceed sixty percent (60%) of the fair market value of the structure, exclusive of foundations, utility connections, furniture and equipment. In such case, a special use permit shall be required.
(Ordinance 1999-0208-02 adopted 2/8/99; Ordinance 11-24-97-1-A-02-08-99-02 adopted 2/8/99; 2002 Code, sec. 12.128; Ordinance 2013-0520-02, sec. 2, adopted 5/20/13; Ordinance 2021-0621-001 adopted 6/21/21; Ordinance 2023-08 adopted 7/10/2023)