Sexually oriented businesses:
Initial license (nonrefundable): $5,000.00.
Annual license: $2,000.00.
Transfer ownership fee: $2,000.00.
Bed and breakfast annual permit: $500.00.
Circus/carnival/tent events: $200.00.
Peddlers and solicitors retail business permit: $150.00.
Liquor license and renewal permit:
Initial license: 50% of state fee (TABC title 3 section 11.38) nonrefundable.
Renewal license: 50% of state fee (TABC title section 11.38) nonrefundable.
(Ordinance 2021-0907-01 adopted 9/7/21; Ordinance 2023-12 adopted 9/18/2023)
Permanent business:
Facade or hanging sign: $175.00.
Freestanding and monument sign fees: $400.00.
Business and residential signs: No charge.
Residential sign: No charge.
Political sign: No charge.
Construction sign: No charge.
Special event/garage sale sign permit: No charge.
Variance sign application: $450.00.
Sign installed without permit: Scheduled fee doubled.
Reinspections**: $80.00.
Red tag fee*: $80.00.
* The red tag is issued when a project is started without a permit or where there is a violation of the Town of Cross Roads' Building Code or other town ordinances. All work must stop on the project until the red tag fee has been paid and the building inspector or a representative approved by the [inspector has removed the red tag].
** The reinspection fees listed above shall be assessed for each reinspection where an inspection has been called for and upon arrival of the inspector the portion of such work for which the inspection was called for is found not to be complete and ready for inspection, or where it is found that the [corrections called for have not been made].
(Ordinance 2021-0907-01 adopted 9/7/21; Ordinance 2023-12 adopted 9/18/2023)
Grocery (per department - 2 inspections a year): $450.00.
Restaurant/club (new application and annual inspections): $400.00.
Convenience store:
Without deli (new application and annual inspections): $300.00.
With deli (new application and annual inspections): $385.00.
Mobile food vendor/commissary (new application or renewal): $125.00.
Day care license and inspection: $450.00.
Food sales at temporary event: $150.00/hour, 2 hour minimum..
Penalty for fees not paid prior to February 15th each calendar year: $200.00.
(Ordinance 2021-0907-01 adopted 9/7/21; Ordinance 2023-12 adopted 9/18/2023)