It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation or any other entity or organization to conduct, operate or assist in conducting or operating any theatrical performance, medicine show, carnival, tent show or circus without first having obtained a permit as herein provided.
(2003 Code, sec. 4.1301)
Any person desiring to hold, conduct or maintain any theatrical performance, medicine show, carnival, tent show or circus within the city shall make application in writing to the city manager for a permit to hold such theatrical performance, medicine show, carnival, tent show or circus within the city at least ten (10) days prior to the date said show is to be given.
(2003 Code, sec. 4.1302)
The application for permit shall be made under oath by the person who either owns or shall be responsible for such presentation within the city and shall contain the following:
The name and permanent address of the person making such application;
The names and permanent addresses of the owners of the show sought to be presented;
The name, sex, age and permanent address of all participants therein;
A list by name and description of all shows, rides, booths and other attractions operated in connection therewith;
A statement of any admission charges to be made;
A description of the property where such proposed show is to be located;
The dates and numbers of performances to be given, including the hours during which such show is to be opened; and
A statement that the operator agrees to conduct the presentation and all attractions and exhibits therein in a decent, orderly and law-abiding way.
(2003 Code, sec. 4.1303)
No permit shall be granted until a permit fee as specified in appendix A of this code has been paid.
(Ordinance 12-03, sec. 34, adopted 2/21/12)
The chief of police shall make an investigation after the filing of such application to determine whether or not the proposed performance is in conflict with any of the provisions of this article or the laws of this state, and submit a recommendation for approval or denial to the city manager. The city manager shall then submit the application and recommendation to the city council for consideration.
(2003 Code, sec. 4.1305)
All permits granted under this article shall be subject to revocation by the city council should it be ascertained that there was a mistake made in issuing such permit or that it is being given in violation of this article or the laws of the state, or that there has been a misrepresentation or concealment of any material fact concerning the character or quality of the medicine show, carnival, tent show, circus or theatrical performance.
(2003 Code, sec. 4.1306)
This article shall not be applicable to charitable or civic affairs given for purely charitable or civic purposes.
(2003 Code, sec. 4.1307)