Every board, commission, and committee member shall attend all called and scheduled meetings of the board, commission, or committee of which he or she is a member. Missing three consecutive meetings or more than 25 percent of the meetings in a 12-month period in which the board, commission, or committee meets more than four times per year shall be considered grounds for removal of the member by the city commission from such board, commission, or committee. This provision shall apply even if the meeting or meetings in question are canceled or postponed due to lack of a quorum. Attendance records will be maintained by the city secretary.
The procedure for removal of a member is as follows. After a member is determined to have missed the number of meetings as set forth above, the chairperson of the board, commission, or committee shall submit a request to place consideration of the matter on a city commission agenda. The city commission may then remove the member and declare his or her position vacant. The city commission may then fill the vacancy in the normal manner for such board, commission, or committee.
(Ordinance 1069 adopted 8/3/09; 2008 Code, sec. 2-121)
There is hereby created a planning and zoning commission for the city which shall consist of six members to include the following: five members, citizens of the city, appointed by the city commission on the basis of their particular fitness for their duty on said planning and zoning commission, and one member of the city commission, appointed by the city commission, as an ex-officio nonvoting member.
(1967 Code, sec. 2-43; 1976 Code, sec. 2-141; Ordinance 980, sec. 1, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 2-141)
Three members shall initially serve for a period of two years, and two members for a period of three years. Thereafter, such appointed citizen members shall serve for periods of three years. The city commissioner serving as ex-officio member of the planning and zoning commission shall be appointed for a term of one year. Vacancies shall be filled by appointments for unexpired terms only. All members of the commission shall serve without compensation.
(1967 Code, sec. 2-44; 1976 Code, sec. 2-142; Ordinance 980, sec. 2, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 2-142)
The members of the planning and zoning commission shall meet annually after the annual appointment, organize, elect such officers as they may deem necessary, and adopt, and later change or alter, rules and regulations of organization and procedure consistent with city ordinances and state laws. The commission shall keep written records of its proceedings, which shall be open at all times to public inspection.
(1967 Code, sec. 2-45; 1976 Code, sec. 2-143; 2008 Code, sec. 2-143)
The planning and zoning commission shall prepare and recommend to the city commission a comprehensive plan of public improvements, looking to the present and future development and growth of the city. Such a plan, after its adoption by the city commission, will be known as the official plan. Such plan shall include reasonable requirements in reference to streets, alleys, and public grounds within the corporate limits and in contiguous territory outside of and within its extraterritorial limits as defined by statute, and not included in any municipality, such requirements to be effective whenever such lands shall be subdivided after the adoption of such plan.
The planning and zoning commission shall prepare and recommend to the city commission, from time to time, such changes in the plan or any part thereof as may be deemed necessary by the city commission or by the planning and zoning commission.
The planning and zoning commission shall prepare and recommend to the city commission, from time to time, plans and/or recommendations for specific improvements in pursuance of such official plan.
The planning and zoning commission shall give aid to the city officials charged with the direction of projects for improvements embraced within the official plan, to further the making of such improvements, and generally to promote the realization of the official plan.
The planning and zoning commission shall arrange and conduct any form of publicity relative to its activities for the general purpose of public understanding.
The planning and zoning commission shall cooperate with municipal or regional planning commissions and other agencies or groups to further the local planning program and to ensure harmonious and integrated planning for the area.
The planning and zoning commission shall exercise such other powers germane to the powers granted by statute.
The planning and zoning commission may exercise the powers authorized by V.T.C.A., Local Government Code section 211.007. The commission shall recommend boundaries for the original zoning districts and appropriate zoning regulations for each district.
The planning and zoning commission shall make a preliminary report and hold public hearings on that report before submitting a final report to the city commission. The city commission may not hold a public hearing until it receives the final report of the planning and zoning commission unless the city commission by ordinance provides that a public hearing is to be held, after the notice required by V.T.C.A., Local Government Code section 211.006(a), jointly with a public hearing required to be held by the planning and zoning commission. In either case, the city commission may not take action on the matter until it receives the final report of the planning and zoning commission.
(1967 Code, sec. 2-46; 1976 Code, sec. 2-144; 2008 Code, sec. 2-144)