The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
means all waste normally generated by a household or business, including putrescible matter, except yard waste, special waste, or large accumulations of trash, debris, or other material that cannot be broken down to fit in regular solid waste containers.
means businesses, boarding houses, offices, theaters, hotels, private residences, motels, churches, schools, vacant lots, and all other premises within the limits of the city where garbage and/or trash accumulates.
Special waste
means any garbage, trash, hazardous waste, infectious waste, chemicals, oils, manure and animal waste, animal remains, or other solid waste that because of its quantity, concentration, physical or chemical characteristics, biological properties, or designation by federal or state regulation is not acceptable for disposal in the city’s landfill or requires special handling prior to collection and disposal.
Trash or rubbish
means all nonputrescible waste and refuse material that is not garbage, yard waste, or special waste.
Yard waste
means leaves, grass clippings and yard debris, brush, including clean woody vegetative material that results from landscaping maintenance and land clearing operations. This does not include stumps, roots, or shrubs with intact root balls.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 1, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-1)
Any person found to be in violation of the terms contained in this article shall be guilty of a class C misdemeanor and subject to a fine not to exceed that provided in V.T.C.A., Local Government Code section 54.001 et seq.
(Ordinance 978, art. III, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-2)
The emptying or disposing of any solid waste, or the accumulation of such matter, in any place within the city is hereby prohibited, and no one except the duly authorized agents and employees of the city shall collect solid waste or empty cans containing solid waste substances, or convey or transport solid waste substances on the streets, alleys and public thoroughfares of the city, except as otherwise expressly provided in this article.
The sanitation department shall not make any collections of solid waste unless the solid waste is prepared for collection and placed as provided in this article.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 2, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-3)
Use of containers required.
It shall be unlawful for any person within the city to permit solid waste to accumulate on any premises in the city without suitable provision being made to keep the solid waste collected in receptacles or containers and without collecting the solid waste to be removed and disposed of as provided in this article.
Heavy material.
Mechanically loaded solid waste containers will be furnished by the city for disposal of solid waste. Building material, rocks, bricks, junk metal, dirt and other material that produces excessive weight may not be placed in the container.
Yard waste.
Yard waste shall be placed in separate yard waste containers, where such containers are provided by the city and designated for such purpose. It is a violation of this article to place any type of waste other than yard waste in the yard waste containers.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 3, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-4)
All solid waste containers shall be placed and kept at or near the alley line for convenience in removing the containers. When there is no alley, the method of collection and/or the placement of containers shall be determined by the city manager or his designee.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 4, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-5)
As part of regular solid waste service, the city will provide manual collection of bulk trash items, such as small accumulations of metal, wood, scrap lumber, and tree limbs, etc., that cannot be placed in the regular solid waste containers.
The solid waste customer shall place manual collection items neatly at the rear alley on the customer’s own property, or as close to it as practical, away from any solid waste container or natural gas meter, and without obstructing vehicular use of the alley. If there is insufficient room at the alley, the customer should contact the sanitation department to make other arrangements. Placement of such items anywhere other than as provided in this subsection, including placement on or adjacent to other property not under the care and control of the customer or in such a way as to cause an obstruction in the alley, is a violation of this article.
Any tree limbs or brush must be cut to lengths of no more than four feet.
As soon as practical upon placement of the items for manual collection, the customer shall contact the city sanitation department to schedule collection. Placement of trash items for manual collection without contacting the city is a violation of this article.
Accumulations acceptable for manual collection do not include garbage. Depositing garbage other than in designated containers or as may be otherwise provided is a violation of this article.
In resolving any question of what constitutes an accumulation acceptable for manual collection under this section, the general rule is an aggregate volume of no more than 1.5 cubic yards with individual items weighing no more than 50 pounds.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 5, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-6)
Heavy accumulations, such as brick, broken concrete, lumber, yard waste, construction materials, cinders, dirt, plaster, sand or gravel, automobile frames, dead trees and other bulky, heavy material, including debris from vacant lots, shall be immediately disposed of at the expense of the owner or person controlling same. Such heavy accumulations shall not be stored or placed in an alley or other public right-of-way or on any private property except the premises on which the accumulation originated.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 6, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-7)
The city manager or his designee shall maintain a list of special waste that is not acceptable for collection and disposal by the sanitation department. The city manager or his designee may also make reasonable rules regarding the collection and disposal by the city’s sanitation department of any garbage, trash, or other solid waste that requires special preparation or handling to meet the requirements of any state or federal law or regulation or which are otherwise necessary to safely and properly collect, transport, and provide for disposal. The list of special waste and the rules shall be written and kept on file by the city and be available for public inspection during regular business hours.
No person shall deposit in any container serviced by the city sanitation department any special waste. The city sanitation department may refuse to collect, transport or dispose of special waste or any other garbage, rubbish, trash, or other solid waste that does not comply with this article or the regulations made by the head of the sanitation department.
Each property owner shall be responsible for arranging with an authorized private hauler for the collection, removal, and disposal of any special waste or other garbage, trash, rubbish, or other solid waste which the city’s sanitation department will not collect.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 7, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-8)
All contractors, builders, or firms engaged in commercial building trades or related business shall provide, at their own effort and expense, for hauling and disposal of all waste generated by their activities. All individuals or firms regularly engaged in commercial lawn and garden service, tree trimming, or related business shall provide, at their own effort and expense, for hauling and disposal of all waste generated by their activities.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 8, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-9)
The city shall make or cause to be made collections for the removal of solid waste from all premises in the business and residential district of the city. All vehicles and trailers transporting material to the landfill must have loads secured in whatever manner that is necessary to prevent waste from falling out.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 9, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-10)
It shall be unlawful for any person to place or dispose of any garbage or trash in or upon any street, alley or sidewalk within the city or within 5,000 feet of the city limits. Every owner or operator of any premises shall keep the alleys, streets and sidewalks abutting on such premises free and clear of all such garbage and trash.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 10, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-11)
It shall be unlawful for any person to meddle or tamper with any garbage can or receptacle, or any trash or rubbish receptacle, or with any solid waste, or to in any manner pilfer with such cans or receptacles or with such solid waste, or to scatter the contents thereof in any street, alley, sidewalk or premises in the city.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 11, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-12)
Every owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee using or occupying any building, house, or structure within the corporate limits of the city for residences, churches, schools, colleges, universities, lodges, or commercial, business or other purposes which is served for trash and garbage collection service by a container provided by the city shall be required to first reduce the size of any bulky object before placing it in the metal container for disposal. Bulky objects shall include, but not be limited to, cardboard boxes, paper containers, wooden boxes and crates, and other such objects larger than 18 inches in height.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 15, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-16)
Solid waste service may be made available to customers outside the corporate limits of the city at the discretion of the city manager. Charges for such service outside the city limits shall be as established from time to time by the city commission.
It is unlawful for nonresidents of the city who are not receiving solid waste service from the city to deposit trash in dumpsters that are located inside the city limits.
(Ordinance 978, art. I, sec. 16, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-17)
The fees for solid waste collection service and for disposal of waste in the landfill are on file in the city secretary’s office.
(Ordinance 1085, sec. 1, adopted 11/7/11; 2008 Code, sec. 58-100)
Terms of payment.
All rates specified are net, and the gross rates for delinquent payments are ten percent (10%) higher. Each bill for service is due within thirteen (13) days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next workday. If full payment is not received at the city’s offices or other approved payment location on or before the due date, all of the customer’s utility services will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection.
Upon request for solid waste service, or city water service, from a prospective customer, the city manager, or a duly authorized representative, shall assign the appropriate rate classification for solid waste services to the applicant requesting service. This assignment may be based upon information provided by the applicant, or other information available at the time that the assignment is made.
If a customer receiving service changes the nature or character of solid waste service requirements, then the city manager or a duly authorized representative shall upon review of the information available pertaining to the revised solid waste service requirement, reassign the customer to the appropriate rate schedule.
Each customer who receives individually metered water service from the city shall receive and pay a bill for solid waste service.
Policies for solid waste collection.
The effective date for new or changed service will be established by the sanitation department superintendent. The billing department will adjust the customer’s bill accordingly.
Any city customer who has individually metered water service with the city shall be subject to charges for sanitation service and shall comply with all city health ordinances regarding the disposal of solid waste.
The city’s solid waste service is exclusive and no other person, firm or corporation shall provide sanitation services within the city limits.
Solid waste services are available to customers outside the city limits at the discretion of the city manager, or his delegate.
The lids of all trash containers shall be kept secure to prevent scattering of the contents by the wind and so that flies and other insects may not have access to the contents.
Disposal of hazardous waste, explosives, ammunition, used oil and filters, flammable liquids, radioactive waste and/or lead-acid batteries is strictly prohibited.
The city will provide routine collection of bulk items, such as metal, wood, old furniture, and scrap lumber. The customer shall place bulk items to be collected on the customer’s property, or directly behind the customer’s property.
Heavy accumulations of brick, concrete, lumber, cinders, automobile frames, trees, shrubbery, large dead animals, industrial waste or by products, and shingles of all types shall be disposed of by the owner, or the person in charge, at the city’s landfill.
Tree limbs are required to be cut to no more than four (4) foot in length for bulk collection.
(Ordinance 1149 adopted 8/2/17; Ordinance 1152 adopted 7/2/18)
All dumping of solid waste in the city landfill shall be under the supervision and direction and subject to the approval of the city.
(Ordinance 978, art. II, sec. 1, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-41)
All water, sewer or solid waste customers of the city shall be charged the sum which is on file in the city secretary’s office as a landfill impact fee. This fee shall be in addition to any other fees charged, including but not limited to service charges.
It is expressly provided that, if and when the impact fee ceases to be assessed, this section shall become null and void.
(Ordinance 978, art. II, sec. 2, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-42)
It shall be unlawful for any person to scavenge or hunt in, or remove objects from, the city landfill.
(Ordinance 978, art. II, sec. 3, adopted 12/15/03; 2008 Code, sec. 58-43)