Prior to the official filing of a preliminary plat, the subdivider should avail himself of a copy of the Subdivision Ordinance and should prepare a sketch plan of the proposed subdivision. The subdivider should submit four (4) copies of the sketch plan to the Director of Public Works and/or other administrative officer so designated by the City Manager. Preparation and presentation of the sketch plan is not mandatory and no approvals, either tentative or final, will be given on sketch plans; however, their preparation is recommended as an economy measure.
This phase does not require formal applications, payment of a fee, or the filing of a plat, but is rather an informal consultation with the City, in order that the subdivider may save himself time and money in the preparation of the preliminary and final plats by determining the rules, regulations and policies adopted by the City.
The aim and purpose of the pre-application procedure is to offer the developer or subdivider the background and experience of the City Staff in the preparation of the preliminary plat. It is not the intent or policy of this Ordinance for City Staff to do the planning or engineering for the subdivider, but rather to steer his efforts into the most efficient and economical means of coordination with the Subdivision Ordinance.
(Ordinance 1239-2019, sec. 47, adopted 8/13/19)
The subdivider should present such general subdivision information as will outline the existing conditions of the site, utilities, and available community facilities. A simple rough sketch should indicate the location of the proposed subdivision, number of residential lots, typical lot width and depth, commercial areas, park and playground areas, proposed protective covenants or restrictions, and proposed utilities and street improvements.
(Ordinance 1209-2018 adopted 11/27/18)
At the time the sketch plan is presented to the Director of Public Works, a preliminary conference should be held for the general comments and clarifications which are usually necessary. At that time, the subdivider should obtain copies of all forms, publications, design criteria and standards available from the City for his reference and for the benefit of his engineer.
(Ordinance 1209-2018 adopted 11/27/18)