All construction, such as street grading, street paving, drainage structures, curb and gutter, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and water mains, shall be subject to inspection during the construction period by the proper authorities of the City, and shall be constructed in accordance with the approved engineering plans, Subdivision Ordinance requirements and the City of River Oaks Standard Specifications governing such work.
Upon completion of construction the developer or subdivider shall request the City Engineer to make a final inspection of the work and to file a report of the results of such inspection.
(Ordinance 1209-2018 adopted 11/27/18)
All contractors employed by the Subdivider shall furnish the City a good and sufficient performance bond, in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the costs of the improvements required, and a good and sufficient two (2) year maintenance bond, in an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the costs of the improvements required; both bonds shall be executed by a reputable and solvent corporate surety, holding a license to do business in the State of Texas, or other security approved by the City Attorney, in favor of the City to indemnify the City against any performance for project completion or repairs which may become necessary to any part of the construction work performed in connection with the subdivision, arising from defective workmanship or materials used therein, for a full period of two (2) years from the date of final acceptance of the entire project. Final acceptance will be withheld until said maintenance bond is furnished to the City. Such Bond or other security shall be approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney.
(Ordinance 1209-2018 adopted 11/27/18)
Acceptance of improvements by the City shall be in the form of a letter from the City Manager or other authorized City Official to the Subdivider stating that inspections were conducted as the facilities were completed in accordance with specifications and standards provided for herein or approved by the City Council at the time the final plat was approved for said subdivision.
After the work has been accepted by the City, as-built construction drawings of such work shall be submitted to the City. One (1) full size set of mylars and one (1) full size set of prints shall be submitted to the City Engineer.
(Ordinance 1239-2019, sec. 49, adopted 8/13/19)
No building permit, water, sewer, plumbing or electrical permit or service shall be issued or allowed to a Subdivider, owner or any other person with respect to any property in any subdivision covered by this Ordinance until such time as all of the applicable requirements of this Ordinance have been satisfactorily completed and the construction accepted by the City.
The City Manager may authorize special exceptions to Article 33, subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, in order to permit reasonable development and improvement of property.
(Ordinance 1209-2018 adopted 11/27/18; Ordinance 1239-2019, sec. 50, adopted 8/13/19)