The main street advisory board is hereby created in accordance
with article II, section 6(6) of the city charter.
(Ordinance 1563 adopted 10/23/12)
(a) Number of members; ex-officio members.
The board will
consist of seven (7) members appointed by the city council and three
(3) ex-officio members consisting of the city manager, the economic
development executive director, or an appointee from the economic
development board, and the chamber of commerce president, or an appointee
of the chamber of commerce president.
(b) Composition.
The city council shall appoint members
of the board representing public and private sector interests, including
at least four downtown property owners or downtown business owners
and one (1) city councilmember.
(c) Appointment of members.
Members of the board shall be
appointed in accordance with the city charter.
(d) Term of members.
The term of office for board members
shall be two years with the exception of the initial term. Up to four
of the initial appointees may serve a single term of three years.
(e) Vacancies.
If for any reason a board position becomes
vacant, an appointment shall be made to fill the unexpired term.
(f) Compensation; expenditure of funds.
Members of the board
serve without compensation. The board and its members have no authority
to expend funds or make an obligation on behalf of the city. Upon
advance approval of the council, members may be reimbursed for authorized
(g) Alternate members.
Ex-officio members are not permitted
to serve as members of the board. Alternate members may be appointed
by the council as needed and will assume the duties and responsibilities
of regular members for the meeting in which the alternates are designated
to serve. The chair will be responsible for designating an alternate
from the panel of alternates when needed.
(Ordinance 1563 adopted 10/23/12)
(a) Generally.
The officers shall be chair, vice-chair,
and secretary. The main street program manager or a city manager appointed
designee shall serve as recording secretary.
(b) Election.
All officers of the board are elected by a
majority vote of the board at its first meeting after the appointment
process annually in January.
(c) Term; vacancies.
Officers serve for a term of one year.
Vacancies in office shall be handled as follows: in the event of vacancy
in the office of the chair, the vice-chair shall serve as the chair.
Vacancies in offices other than the chair will be filled by election
held at the next regularly scheduled meeting or as soon as practicable
for the unexpired term.
(d) Duties.
The chair presides at all meetings and performs
all other duties pertaining to the office, including voting. The vice-chair
in the absence of the chair performs all duties of the chair. The
secretary attests the records of proceedings of all meetings. Staff
liaison will keep custody of all records and documents of the board.
(Ordinance 1563 adopted 10/23/12)
(a) Time and date of regular meetings.
The board shall set
an appropriate date and time for regular monthly meetings.
(b) Special meetings.
Special meetings may be called by
the main street manager with concurrence by the chair or 3/7ths of
the board.
(c) Quorum.
A quorum shall consist of a majority of the
board members, and shall be required for the board to convene a meeting
as well as conduct business. No business meeting may be convened,
nor business conducted without a quorum.
(d) Attendance.
Board members are required to attend 85%
of the board meetings, based on excused absences, and attend 67% of
the regular meetings considering the total absences. Excused absences
shall be determined by the board. Attendance shall be reported to
the city manager, and excessive absenteeism will be subject to action
by the city council.
(e) Voting.
Board members shall vote on all items, except
on matters involving direct personal interests or matters which would
create an appearance of impropriety. In these instances, the member
shall abstain. Any board member excused from voting for these reasons
shall announce at the commencement of consideration of the matter
and shall refrain from any discussion or debate on such matter.
(f) Open meetings.
Board meetings shall be open to the public,
conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Open Meetings
Act and the Texas Conflict of Interest statutes.
(g) Conduct of meetings.
Board meetings will be conducted
in accordance with these bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order.
(h) Call to order.
Board meetings will be called to order
by the chair, or if absent, by the vice-chair. In the absence of both,
the meeting shall be called to order by the secretary, and a temporary
chair shall be elected to preside over the meeting.
(Ordinance 1563 adopted 10/23/12)
(a) Agenda items.
The main street manager will be responsible
for assembly of the meeting agenda. Items may be placed on the agenda
as requested by any board member. The board member requesting the
agenda item will be responsible for the preparation of an agenda item
cover sheet and for the initial presentation at the meeting.
(b) Agenda deadline.
Items to be included on the regular
agenda must be submitted to the main street manager no later than
5:00 p.m. 72 hours before the scheduled board meeting.
(c) Agenda packets.
Agenda packets for all regular meetings
will be provided to all the board members at least 48 hours in advance
of the scheduled board meeting. These packets will contain the posted
agenda, agenda item cover sheets, and written minutes of the last
(d) Citizen participation.
If a citizen wishes to speak
to the board, he or she must file a written request with the board
chair prior to the meeting. To comply with the open meetings act,
the written request must state the specific topic to be addressed
and include sufficient information to inform the board and the public.
(e) Meetings with council; reports to council.
At regular
intervals (at least once a year), the city council shall meet with
the board for the purpose of establishing specific tasks for the board
to undertake, in its advisory role. The city council shall, on an
as-needed basis, hear reports from the board at regularly scheduled
council meetings, to assure greatest possible success.
(Ordinance 1563 adopted 10/23/12)
(a) Formation.
When deemed necessary by a majority of the
board, subcommittees may be formed to handle specific projects related
to board matters. Subcommittees comprised of nonmembers may only be
formed with the prior consent and confirmation of the advisory board.
(b) Expenditure of funds.
No subcommittee has the authority
to expend funds or be reimbursed for expenses on behalf of the board
without prior authorization of the city council.
(c) Open meetings.
Subcommittee meetings shall comply with
the open meetings act.
(Ordinance 1563 adopted 10/23/12)
Recommendations of bylaw amendments must be approved by majority
vote at any regular monthly meeting of the board. After approval by
the board, the amendments shall be submitted to the city council for
final approval. Bylaw revisions are not in effect until approved by
the city council.
(Ordinance 1563 adopted 10/23/12)