The following shall be and are hereby declared to be the fire limits within the city: Blocks 118, 119, 120, 121-B, 121-A, 136, 137, 138, 152 and 153, of the original townsite for the city.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-1)
It shall be the duty of every contractor or builder who shall make contracts for the erection, construction or repair of buildings for which a permit is required, and every contractor or builder making such contracts and subletting the same or any part thereof, to pay a license tax as provided in the fee schedule in appendix B to this code, per year, and to register their name in a book provided for that purpose with the building official, giving full name, residence and place of business, and, in case of removal from one place to another, to have made corresponding change in the register accordingly. It shall be the duty of every such person to give good and sufficient bond in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) in cash, or issued by a bonding company licensed to do business in the state, to be subject to approval by the city attorney, conditioned to conform to the building regulations, the regulations of this section and other ordinances or laws of the applicable governing body in reference to buildings or provide proof of a liability insurance policy, in the minimum amount of $300,000.00 per occurrence, in the name of the contractor or builder.
(Ordinance 1782 adopted 10/27/20)
Consistent with the remainder of this section, construction of new housing by Habitat for Humanity or other similar nonprofit organizations conducting programs of construction of new single-family housing for low to moderate income families shall be and is hereafter exempted from the payment of water service connection fees and sewer tap charges as set out in the Code of Ordinances of the city, and from the payment of building inspection and permit fees as those fees are established in the city’s building code, plumbing code, electrical code, mechanical code, gas code, or otherwise.
To qualify for such exemptions, a separate application for each property shall be made to the city’s director of neighborhood housing development, who shall determine that the housing proposed for exemption is being constructed by a qualified agency as set out herein, and that said housing is intended to be occupied only by families satisfying the low to moderate income limits for the Kilgore area as established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. If all criteria are satisfied, the exemption from payment of fees shall be approved. If the director of neighborhood housing development shall determine that a property or properties do not satisfy the criteria set out herein, the application for exemption shall be denied. Any application for exemption from fees denied by the director of neighborhood housing development shall be entitled to appeal to the city manager, and thence to the city council.
Any exemption from payment of fees granted hereunder shall not exempt the construction of any such property, nor the builders thereof, from the obligation to comply fully with the city’s building codes, utility codes or ordinances applicable to said construction.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-3)
Whenever any house, building or other structure (including fences or signs) has been rendered unusable or destroyed by reason of fire, demolition or decay, the premises shall be cleared of all debris, surface pipes, foundation material (including concrete slabs), and lumber, by the owner of record of the structure, within sixty (60) days after the date that the building is declared destroyed or rendered unusable by the fire marshal report, or is declared unsuitable for habitation by the building inspector or has been declared a dilapidated or unsafe building. A violation of this section may be punishable by fine as provided in section 1.01.009 of this code per day. Each day that the condition exists shall be considered a separate violation of this section.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-75; Ordinance adopting Code)