Although not a requirement of this chapter, prior to proceeding with SWM site plan preparation and submission, the applicant is encouraged to request a preapplication meeting with the Borough's Engineer and a staff member of the York County Conservation District to discuss the plan concept and responsibility for submission of required documents and information. Appropriate sections of the Borough's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance,[1] and other applicable ordinances of the Borough regarding subdivision and land development plan preparation and applicable plan requirements, shall be followed in preparing all SWM site plans, regardless of whether or not a SWM site plan involves a subdivision and/or land development plan. The Borough shall not approve any SWM site plan that is deficient in meeting the requirements of this chapter. At its sole discretion, and in accordance with this article, when a SWM site plan is found to be deficient, the Borough may either disapprove the submission, or, in the case of minor deficiencies, the Borough may accept the submission of a revised SWM site plan as noted in § 200-24 of this chapter. The following items shall be included in the SWM site plan:
Provisions for permanent access and/or maintenance easements for all physical SWM BMPs, such as ponds and infiltration structures, as necessary to implement the operation and maintenance (O & M) plan discussed in Subsection C(9), below.
The following signature blocks for the Borough and design engineer:
"(Municipal Engineer), on this date (date of signature), has reviewed the SWM site plan and finds it to be consistent with the design standards and criteria of the Jacobus Borough Stormwater Management Ordinance, Ordinance No. (_____)."
"(Design engineer), on this date (date of signature), hereby certifies that the SWM site plan meets all design standards and criteria of the Jacobus Borough Stormwater Management Ordinance, Ordinance No. (_____)."
If not required by the Municipal Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, as specified in § 200-21A of this chapter, the SWM site plan shall also provide the following information where applicable:
The overall stormwater management concept for the project, including any additional information required for a post-construction stormwater management plan (PCSWMP) as applicable.
A determination of site conditions in accordance with the BMP Manual. A detailed site evaluation shall be completed for projects proposed in areas of carbonate geology or karst topography, as well as for other environmentally sensitive areas, whether natural or man-made, including but not limited to floodplains, streams, lakes, ponds, hydric soils, wetlands, brownfields and wellhead protection zones.
Stormwater runoff design computations, and documentation, as specified in this chapter, or as otherwise necessary to demonstrate that the maximum practicable measures have been taken to meet the requirements of this chapter, including the recommendations and general requirements in § 200-14.
Expected project time schedule.
An E & S plan in accordance with the following:
Earth disturbance, zero to 5,000 square feet: Implement erosion and sediment control measures on site; a written erosion and sediment control plan and York County Conservation District approval is not required unless required by state and/or federal permit(s) or deemed necessary by the Borough. If earth disturbance is in a high-quality or exceptional-value watershed, then a written erosion and sediment control plan and YCCD approval is required.
Earth disturbance, 5,001 square feet to less than one acre: A written erosion and sediment control plan and implementation of the plan on site is required. YCCD approval may be required by the Borough or state and/or federal permit(s). If earth disturbance is in a high-quality or exceptional-value watershed, then YCCD approval is required.
Earth disturbance, one acre or greater: A written erosion and sediment control plan, YCCD approval and implementation of the plan on site is required.
In addition, under 25 Pa. Code Chapter 92, an individual or general, as applicable, DEP "NPDES Construction Activities" permit is required for regulated earth disturbance activities of one acre or greater.
The effect of the project in terms of runoff volumes, water quality, and peak flows on surrounding properties and aquatic features, and on any existing stormwater conveyance system that may be affected by the project.
Plan and profile drawings of all SWM BMPs, including but not limited to drainage structures, pipes, open channels, and swales.
The SWM site plan shall show the locations of existing and proposed on-lot wastewater facilities and water supply wells.
The SWM site plan shall include an operation and maintenance (O & M) Plan for all existing and proposed physical stormwater management facilities. This plan shall address long-term ownership and responsibilities for O & M as well as schedules and costs for O & M activities. This O & M plan may be part of the SWM site plan or may be a separate recorded document.
A description of permanent stormwater management techniques, including the construction specifications of the materials to be used for stormwater management facilities.
A notarized signature of the owner of the parcel for which the SWM site plan is proposed.
Existing and proposed land uses.
The location of the proposed regulated activity relative to streets, municipal boundaries, and other significant man-made features.
Significant physical features and associated boundary limits, including flood hazard areas, sinkholes, existing drainage courses, and areas of natural vegetation.
The location of existing and proposed utilities, stormwater facilities, sanitary sewers, and waterlines on the parcel and within 50 feet of property lines.
Proposed changes to the land surface and vegetative cover, and the type and amount of existing and proposed impervious area.
Existing and proposed features, such as structures, buildings, streets, driveways, access drives, and parking areas.
Contour intervals of two feet or less. Dependent upon site conditions, alternative contour intervals proposed by an applicant or his designee may be accepted by the Borough.
The name of the development, the name and address of the owner of the property, and the name and address of the individual or firm preparing the plan. Also to be included are the name, address, signature and seal of any registered surveyor (attesting the accuracy of the boundary survey), professional engineer, landscape architect, or professional geologist (for geomorphological assessments) contributing to and/or with a responsibility for any aspect of the plan where applicable.
Preferred graphic and written scale of one inch equals no more than 50 feet. Dependent upon site conditions, an alternative scale proposed by the applicant or his designee may be accepted by the Borough.
North point (arrow).
A map showing all existing man-made features beyond the subject parcel's boundary lines that will be affected by the proposed regulated activities.
Horizontal and vertical cross sections of all open channels, including hydraulic capacity.
A note on the plan indicating the location, and responsibility for maintenance of, SWM facilities and/or easements that would be located on adjoining properties as a result of proposed regulated activities, and the location of such facilities and/or easements.
A hydrogeologic assessment of the effects of stormwater runoff on sinkholes where present.
The effect of the proposed regulated activity in terms of runoff volumes and peak flows on adjacent properties and/or any existing municipal stormwater collection system that may receive runoff from the project site.
Drainage flow pathways.
Infiltration testing performed in accordance with the BMP Manual shall be completed and the test results provided for any proposed infiltration BMPs.
A justification must be included in the SWM site plan if BMPs other than green infrastructure methods and LID practices are proposed to achieve the volume, rate and water quality controls under this chapter.
Simplified SWM site plan.
The simplified SWM site plan shall require a drawing showing:
The location and dimensions of the proposed new impervious surface, property lines, significant natural and man-made features within the project site.
The approximate location and dimensions of all other impervious surfaces within the project site identifying those placed after the date of the enactment of this chapter.
The location of all wells and sewage disposal systems located within the project site.
The direction of stormwater flow from the existing impervious surfaces within the project site. The direction of stormwater flow from the proposed impervious surfaces within the project site. The general flow patterns across the project site.
The simplified SWM site plan shall require a proposal to manage the stormwater flow from the proposed impervious surfaces. The proposal may involve:
The maintenance of a pervious flow area constructed consistent with the requirements of a DIA as set forth in Appendix B of this chapter, or, if the requirements of Appendix B cannot be met, then an equivalent DIA may be authorized by the Borough.[2]
Editor's Note: Appendix B is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The construction and maintenance of:
Stormwater pits to receive roof water. If the proposed structure exceeds 2,500 square feet in size, stormwater pit(s) shall be sized after the analysis of probe hole(s) and infiltration tests to establish the size of the pit(s) necessary to achieve compliance with this chapter. If the proposed structure is less than 2,500 square feet, the Borough may require probe hole(s) and infiltration tests on a case-by-case basis. Tests shall be performed by the Borough designee or authorized agent at the depth and location of the proposed pits. Infiltration tests shall be performed per § 200-21C(28); or
A detention basin approved by the Borough's Engineer as designed and sized to manage proposed increases in stormwater flow from the project site brought about by the proposed impervious surface. If the detention basin is being utilized for infiltration, prior to approval, there must be analysis of probe hole(s) and infiltration tests to establish the size of basin(s) necessary to achieve compliance with this chapter. Tests shall be performed by the Borough's designee or authorized agent at the depth and location of the proposed basin. Infiltration tests shall be performed per § 200-21C(28); or
Any other proposal approved by the Borough Engineer or the Borough Enforcement Officer as sufficient to manage the increase in stormwater runoff brought about by the regulated activity.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 215, Subdivision and Land Development.
Three copies of the SWM site plan and supporting information shall be submitted as follows:
Two copies to the Borough (one for the Borough and one for the Municipal Engineer).
One copy to the York County Planning Commission when a SWM site plan accompanies a subdivision/land development plan application.
Additional copies shall be submitted as requested by the Borough or DEP.
The Borough may establish a fee schedule for the review of SWM plans, the amount of which shall be set by resolution of the Borough Council.
SWM site plans and supporting information shall be reviewed by the Borough for consistency with the provisions of this chapter.
Modification requests.
When reviewing a SWM site plan and supporting information, whether or not the SWM site plan is included in a subdivision and/or land development plan application, the Borough may, after consulting with DEP as noted in § 200-14C of this chapter, grant a modification of the requirements of one or more provisions of this chapter if the literal enforcement will enact undue hardship because of peculiar conditions pertaining to the land in question, provided that such modification will not be contrary to the public interest and that the purpose and intent of the chapter is observed.
All requests for modifications from an applicant shall be in writing and shall accompany and be a part of the application for approval of a SWM site plan and/or a subdivision or land development plan as applicable. The request shall state in full the grounds and facts of unreasonableness or hardship on which the request is based, the provision(s) of the chapter involved and the minimum modification(s) necessary.
The Borough shall keep a written record of all action on requests for modifications. The response of any consultation and/or review by DEP shall be included as an original report if available or otherwise documented in the required written record.
SWM site plan review and approval procedure.
If a SWM site plan and supporting information does not involve a subdivision and/or land development, the review of the SWM site, recommendations, approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval, i.e., the review and decision period, shall occur within 45 days of submission to the Borough. However, the Borough, in its sole discretion, may extend the review and decision period another 45 days due to the nature of the application and/or site conditions. If an extension of another 45 days is imposed or granted by the Borough beyond the first forty-five-day review and decision period designated by this subsection, the Borough shall notify the applicant, in writing, and deliver such notice to said applicant within 15 days of the decision to extend the review and decision period by the Borough. If no extension is imposed or granted by the Borough beyond the first forty-five-day review and decision period, and no decision has been rendered by the Borough within that period, the SWM site plan shall be deemed approved. Similarly, if after a forty-five-day extension of the review and decision period has been imposed or granted by the Borough, and no decision has been rendered by the Borough within that period, the SWM site plan shall be deemed approved.
If a SWM site plan involves a subdivision and/or land development plan, the period of time from the submission to the Borough of the subdivision and/or land development plan application which includes the SWM Plan and the approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval, i.e., review and decision period, shall be in accordance with the procedure for approval of plats in Section 508 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10508.
From the time an application for approval of a plat involving a subdivision or land development plan, whether preliminary or final, which includes a SWM site plan, is duly filed with the Borough, no change or amendment of this chapter or other governing ordinance or plan shall affect the decision on such application in accordance with the provisions of the governing ordinances or plans as they stood at the time the application was duly filed, as specified in Section 508(4)(I) of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
Decision notification procedure. In all cases, the decision of the Borough to approve or disapprove the SWM site plan shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the applicant no later than 15 days following the decision. If the SWM site plan is disapproved, the written decision by the Borough shall specify the defects in the application, describe the requirements which were not met, and shall cite the provisions of the chapter relied upon. If the SWM site plan is approved with conditions, the notification to the applicant shall state the acceptable conditions for approval and the time limit for satisfying such conditions. The time limit for satisfying conditions of approval shall be the time limit prescribed for conditional approval of subdivision and land development plans as stated in the Borough's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.[2]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 215, Subdivision and Land Development.
Once the SWM site plan and supporting documents are finalized and approved, digital copies shall be provided to the Borough and its Engineer.
For any SWM site plan that proposes to use any BMPs other than green infrastructure and LID practices to achieve the volume and rate controls required under this chapter, the municipality will not approve the SWM site plan unless it determines that green infrastructure and LID practices are not practicable.
A revision to a previously submitted or approved SWM site plan that involves a change in SWM BMPs, stormwater management facilities, or changes in analytical techniques, or that involves the relocation or redesign of SWM BMPs, or that is necessary because soil or other conditions are not as stated on the SWM site plan, as determined by the Borough, shall require a resubmission of the revised SWM site plan in accordance with this article, including applicable fees. For NPDES permitted sites, any revised SWM site plan shall also be resubmitted to the York County Conservation District for review. In the case of a SWM site plan which contains minor deficiencies, such as a missing label, omission of a required note or minor construction detail, as determined by the Borough, the Borough may accept a resubmission of such SWM site plan without the requirement of a review fee, or for a lesser fee as provided for in the Borough's fee schedule.
A disapproved SWM site plan may be resubmitted, with the revisions addressing the Borough's concerns as stated regarding the original submission, to the Borough in accordance with this Article IV. The applicable review fee must accompany the submission of a revised SWM site plan, unless such fee is waived by the Borough. (See § 200-24.)
SWM site plans independent of subdivision and land development plans. The Borough's approval of a SWM site plan, when such plan is submitted independent of a subdivision and/or land development plan, authorizes the regulated activity contained in the SWM site plan for a maximum term of validity of five years following the date of approval. The Borough may, in its sole discretion, specify a term of validity shorter than five years in the approval for any specific SWM site plan, particularly if the nature of the proposed SWM facilities require more frequent maintenance and/or short-term replacement of certain components. Terms of validity shall commence on the date the Borough signs the approval for an SWM site plan. If an approved SWM site plan is not completed according to § 200-27 within the term of validity, then the Borough may consider the SWM site plan disapproved and may revoke any and all permits. SWM site plans that are considered disapproved by the Borough may be resubmitted in accordance with § 200-25 of this chapter.
SWM site plans included in a subdivision and/or land development plan. The Borough's approval of a SWM site plan which is a part of a subdivision and/or land development plan authorizes that plan and the regulated activities therein so that no subsequent change or amendment in this chapter or other governing ordinances or plans shall be applied to affect adversely the right of the applicant to commence and to complete any aspect of the approved development in accordance with the terms of such approval within five years from such approval, as specified in Section 508(4)(ii) through (vii) of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10508.
The developer shall be responsible for providing as-built plans of all SWM BMPs included in the approved SWM site plan. The as-built plans and an explanation of any discrepancies with the construction plans shall be submitted to the Borough.
The as-built submission shall include a certification of completion signed by the Borough designee or other qualified person approved by the Borough, on a case-by-case basis, verifying that all permanent SWM BMPs have been constructed according to the approved plans and specifications. If any licensed person contributed to the construction plans, then that licensed person must sign the completion certificate.
After receipt of the completion certification by the Borough, the Borough may conduct a final inspection to verify compliance with, and accuracy of, the as-built plans.
Once the as-built plans are approved by the Borough, digital copies of the as-built plans and executed certification of completion shall be provided to the Borough and their Engineer. This shall be in addition to the digital copies of the plan required by § 200-23E above.
The applicant shall provide financial security to the Borough prior to approval of a SWM site plan to guarantee installation and construction of all stormwater management facilities depicted on the approved SWM site plan (including associated erosion and sedimentation facilities) in the amount of 110% of the total estimated construction cost. Financial security shall be provided in a form that is acceptable to the Borough. The financial security shall comply with the requirements of Section 509 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code,[1] except that the financial security shall only be released upon submittal and approval of an as-built plan and professional certification as required by § 200-27. All remedies available to the Borough pursuant to Sections 509, 510, and 511 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code shall be available pursuant to this chapter.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10509.