The Borough shall make the final determination as to the adequacy of ownership operation and maintenance provisions prior to final approval of the SWM site plan.
The operation and maintenance plan shall be recorded as a restrictive covenant that runs with the land, unless termination is approved by the Borough, and a reference to the plan, all easements (see § 200-30), and all operation and maintenance agreements (see § 200-31), including at a minimum the place, book, and page where each is recorded, shall also be included on each deed.
Each SWM site plan shall contain provisions which clearly set forth ownership, operation and maintenance responsibilities for all permanent stormwater management facilities. At a minimum, the provisions shall include:
A description of the routine and periodic operation and maintenance activities that are necessary to ensure proper operation and functioning of the stormwater management facilities such as is required to meet the intent of the approved SWM site plan.
Establishment of suitable easements as specified in § 200-30. The Borough, its agents and employees shall have the right to enter easement areas where stormwater management and erosion and sediment control facilities are located for the purpose of inspecting said facilities.
Identification of the responsible party or entity for ownership and maintenance of community stormwater management facilities. In meeting this requirement, the following priority for ownership is herein established:
First: As a first priority, ownership and maintenance of stormwater management facilities shall be the responsibility of a homeowner's association. The Borough shall have complete discretion in determining whether or not the first priority can be achieved. The stated responsibilities of the homeowner's association in terms of owning and maintaining the stormwater management facilities shall be submitted with final plans for determination of their adequacy and, upon their approval, shall be recorded with the approved subdivision and/or land development plan with the Recorder of Deeds of York County, Pennsylvania. In addition, the approved subdivision and/or land development plan and any deed written from said plan for a lot or lots shown therein shall contain a condition that it shall be mandatory for the owner or owners of said lot to be members of said homeowner's association. As part of this ownership priority, in the event that both the owner of the property on which the facility is located and the homeowner's association are to pay such costs in full, the owners of each lot in the subdivision shall be responsible for their proportionate share of the operation and maintenance costs, which share shall be determined by the percentage each lot bears to the total number of lots in the subdivision. This priority shall not apply to minor subdivisions as defined in the SALDO, which shall be addressed pursuant to the terms of the second priority, below.
Second: As a second priority, in the event that the first priority cannot be achieved, or for minor subdivisions, the stormwater management facilities shall be incorporated within individual lots so that respective lot owners will own and be responsible for maintenance in accordance with this section and the recorded deed restrictions, agreements, and other related documents. In addition, a nonrefundable deposit in an amount to be set by the Borough shall be made by the developer for each stormwater management facility that is intended for ownership by the lot owner to cover the cost of inspections and necessary maintenance and repairs, except that the Borough can waive this deposit, and require that the developer create covenants to permit the Borough to place a lien on the residual tract of the subdivision as well as the lot on which the facility is located, in the event that a lot owner's failure to maintain or repair the facility requires the Borough to maintain or repair it.
Third: Borough ownership. The Borough reserves the right to accept or reject the ownership, operation and maintenance responsibility for any or all of the stormwater management facilities.
Where a development site is traversed by federal- or state-regulated natural watercourses, drainage easements shall be provided conforming to the alignment of the watercourse and the physical limits of any associated features that are regulated. If the physical limits of the regulated features are not known, then the width of the easement shall be equal to the top width of the maximum anticipated flow in the watercourse during a 100-year design storm event, or 20 feet, whichever is greater.
Easements provided in compliance with this section shall be depicted graphically on all subdivision, land development and SWM site plans. The provisions in Subsections C through F of this section shall be stated in note form on all subdivision, land development and SWM site plans.
The applicant shall prepare and execute an operation and maintenance agreement (see sample agreement in Appendix A).[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included as an attachment to this chapter.
When ownership will ultimately be the responsibility of a homeowner's association, a proposed agreement shall be provided to the Borough by the applicant/owner/developer defining the terms and conditions under which ownership and maintenance responsibilities will be transferred to the homeowner's association. Other items may be required in the agreement where determined necessary to guarantee satisfactory installation and maintenance of all facilities. The agreement shall be subject to a review and approval by the Borough; upon execution it shall be recorded with the County Recorder of Deeds, and shall constitute a covenant running with the property and/or equitable servitude and shall be binding on the landowner, his administrators, executors, assigns, heirs and any other successors in interests in perpetuity. The agreement shall also be included, or specifically referred to (including at a minimum the place, book, and page where it is recorded), in any and all documents relating to the homeowner's association, including but not limited to any declarations or restrictive covenants.
If the landowner fails to comply with the operation and maintenance agreement, the Borough may take and all appropriate action to enforce the O & M agreement, and/or may perform the services required and charge the landowner appropriate fees, plus an administrative fee of 10%. The Borough may seek to collect reimbursement of such costs, administrative fee, and the costs of collection, including reasonable attorney's fees from the landowner if such costs and fees are not paid within 30 days of the date of the invoice issued by the Borough to the landowner for such costs and fees. Further, the Borough may file a lien against the property on which the services were provided. The Borough's exercise of one right does not waive any other concurrent rights the Borough may have.
Payment of any fees, costs, or expenses incurred by the Borough as a result of this section shall be the responsibility of the homeowner's association, the landowner, or the owners of each lot in the subdivision, as the case may be. Failure by any owners to pay their share, whether all or part, may result in a lien against the property and/or any other action authorized by law or agreement.
Persons installing stormwater management facilities the purpose of which is to control stormwater runoff for community uses shall be required to pay a specified amount to the Borough for a stormwater maintenance fund to help defray the Borough's costs of periodic inspections. In addition, the Borough may require other stormwater management facilities to pay a specified amount to the stormwater maintenance fund if, in the discretion of the Borough or its Engineer or other designated official, such facility exhibits characteristics that pose a threat or potential threat to public health or safety. The amount of the deposit shall be calculated to cover the cost of periodic inspections performed by the Borough for a minimum of 11 years, as estimated by the Borough's Engineer. The Borough at its discretion may require the amount of the deposit to be calculated for terms exceeding 11 years. After the designated period of time for Borough inspections, inspections shall be performed by the then-current owner of the stormwater management facility at the owner's expense, and a copy of these inspection reports is to be sent to the Borough and its Engineer, on the schedule established by § 200-38.