There is hereby created as a part of the city government a department which shall be known as the Jourdanton Community Library.
(1988 Code, ch. 1, sec. 20.01)
The Jourdanton Community Library shall be funded as any other department of the city, subject to the advisory capacity of the community library board of trustees.
(1988 Code, ch. 1, sec. 20.02)
There is hereby created the board of trustees of the Jourdanton Community Library, which shall consist of five (5) members, to be appointed by the majority of the city council. The terms of office of the members of the board of trustees shall be for a period of two (2) years, three (3) of said trustees to be appointed in odd-numbered years and two (2) of said trustees to be appointed in even-numbered years, with the term of office to begin on the twenty-first (21st) day of June in the year for which the term is to begin and to end at midnight on the twentieth day of June two (2) years later.
(1988 Code, ch. 1, sec. 20.03)
The duties of the board of trustees of the Jourdanton Community Library shall be as follows:
To adopt and establish such rules, regulations, and bylaws, and to elect such officers from its membership, subject to the laws of the state, as it shall deem necessary and advisable to perform the duties of the board of trustees.
To serve as an advisory committee to the city council with respect to the operation of the Jourdanton Community Library and to submit plans to the city council for necessary improvements which may be required from time to time to increase the effectiveness of the library or to meet the needs of the citizens of the city.
To assist the librarian in preparing the annual budget of the Jourdanton Community Library for presentation to the city council for inclusion in the city budget, and to advise the city council on the financial requirements of the library.
To advise the librarian in selecting for purchase such books as are deemed advisable to best serve the public need, within the budget provided therefor in the annual city budget and when advised by city financial personnel of the availability of funds for such purpose.
To make recommendations to the city council for the employment and salary of all necessary personnel for the operation of the Jourdanton Community Library and to supervise and monitor the activities of library personnel.
To establish such rules and regulations, hours of operation and policies as the board shall deem necessary to the operation of the library collection for the benefit of the public, subject to the consent of the city council.
(1988 Code, ch. 1, sec. 20.04)
The librarian shall be an employee of the city, and shall be appointed by the city council, serving under the city [manager].
(1988 Code, ch. 1, sec. 20.05)
The city hereby accepts all gifts and donations of books and equipment heretofore made for the city public library, with grateful thanks to the donors both of books and time, and it is ordained that such books and equipment, together with such additions as may be made from time to time, shall constitute and form the books and equipment of the city public library.
(1988 Code, ch. 1, sec. 20.06)