Brady Lake Park consists of:
The recreational vehicle (RV) area;
The boat dock, cabana, and marina area;
The pavilion area (to include the swimming area).
(Ordinance 941 adopted 7/2/03; 2004 Code, sec. 1.426)
Brady Lake Park is owned by the city and leased to an operator by vote of the city council. The lessor is determined by bid, and a lease is signed periodically.
(Ordinance 941 adopted 7/2/03; 2004 Code, sec. 1.427)
These policies and procedures for the operation of Brady Lake Park were established by the city council. They are intended to guide the operation of the park and its facilities, as well as inform individuals and operators of facilities at the park about requirements of the park. They have been approved by the city council; however, they may be amended from time to time as requirements and situations change. Amendments to the policies must be approved by the city council.
(Ordinance 1046 adopted 7/15/09; 2004 Code, sec. 1.428)
Disposal of solid waste.
A person commits an offense if that person disposes of trash, junk, garbage, refuse, unsightly matter, or other solid waste in the park area. A person who commits an offense under this division is, on conviction, subject to a fine in an amount in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009. All waste shall be deposited in trash containers.
Any vehicle, boat, trailer, or other property found parked, stored, or left in Brady Lake Park in violation of any law or rule may be removed and stored at the owner’s expense. All vehicles must be parked so as not to block traffic.
Hours and overnight use.
The RV area, cabana area, and camping areas may be used 24 hours a day.
Other areas may be used from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Gates and locks will be opened and closed at the discretion of the city.
Rules of conduct.
User fees.
It is an offense to enter, use, or occupy a facility in any portion of Brady Lake Park for which a fee has been established, unless the person has first paid the fee or satisfied the requirements for waiver of the fee. User fees are defined for each area and may be changed from time to time as needed by the city council.
Use of facilities.
It is an offense to use an area or facility for any purpose contrary to its designated purpose. All vehicles and trailers must remain on paved surfaces and in designated areas only, unless otherwise specified by the park operator.
Protection of plant life.
It is an offense to willfully mutilate, injure, destroy, pick, cut or remove any plant life except as expressly authorized by the park operator.
Fires, smoking and fireworks.
It is an offense to:
Light, build, or maintain a fire within Brady Lake Park except in a facility or device provided, maintained, or designated for such purposes or to smoke or build fires when an extreme fire hazard has been posted.
Possess within Brady Lake Park any fireworks, explosives, or similar devices capable of explosion, or discharge, set off, or cause to be discharged in or into Brady Lake Park any such device or substance.
It is an offense to:
Bring into or possess a pet or other domesticated animal unless the animal is secured by a leash not exceeding six feet in length, or confined in a vehicle, or permit an animal to enter into or remain in a unit of the park unless so secured.
Permit a pet or other animal to remain unattended or create a disturbance or hazard.
Permit an animal (except a trained assistance animal with a person with a disability) to enter into or remain in any building or enclosure designated for public use, including, but not limited to, the marina, pavilion and cabana restrooms.
Permit a pet animal in the water of a designated swimming area or permit a pet animal (except a trained assistance animal with a person with a disability) within the land or beach area adjacent to the water of a designated swimming area.
Bring into, permit to range, or release a wild animal, pet, fowl, or livestock.
Possess a noisy, vicious, or dangerous animal, or one which is disturbing to other persons.
Ride, drive, lead, or keep a saddle horse.
It is an offense to:
Display a firearm.
Discharge any firearm, or device capable of injuring or killing any person or animal or damaging or destroying public or private property.
It is an offense to conduct or participate in an assembly or public demonstration except with the written permission of the city.
Nudity and disrobing.
It is an offense to appear nude.
Interfering with management; entering closed area.
It is an offense to:
Prevent or interfere with development, construction, or management of Brady Lake Park.
Enter or remain in an area of Brady Lake Park that has been closed by the city for any reason, including security, safety, preservation, or restoration.
Alcoholic beverages; glass bottles.
Alcoholic beverages may be used in Brady Lake Park; however, glass bottles of all types are prohibited.
It is an offense to solicit funds or donation of any item, or offer to sell any goods, wares, merchandise, liquids, or edibles, or render any service for hire, or distribute written material, in Brady Lake Park, except by authority of a concession agreement approved by the city.
Speed limit.
It is an offense to drive a vehicle within Brady Lake Park at a speed:
Greater than is reasonable or prudent, having due regard for the traffic and the road conditions then existing;
Which endangers the safety of persons or property;
Exceeding the posted speed limit in any portion of Brady Lake Park.
Vehicles to be operated only on designated areas.
It is an offense to operate a vehicle (including an all-terrain vehicle) in Brady Lake Park except on roads, driveways, parking areas, and areas designated open for vehicles.
It is an offense to operate a motorcycle that is not licensed and inspected as authorized by state motor vehicle laws.
It is an offense to camp except as authorized by permit in areas designated or marked for that purpose. Camping is defined as:
Occupying a designated camping facility.
Erecting a tent, or arranging bedding, or both, for the purpose of, or in such a manner as will permit, remaining overnight.
Use of a trailer, camper, or other vehicle for the purpose of sleeping during nighttime hours.
Camping by minors.
It is an offense to remain in Brady Lake Park between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., if the person is under the age of 18, except for the following:
A person who is accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
A person who furnished to the park operator the written consent of and the full name, residence, and telephone number of parent or legal guardian.
A person who is part of a group which is supervised during those hours by at least one responsible adult for each 15 persons under the age of 17.
Married couples.
Peace and quiet.
It is an offense to:
Disturb other persons in sleeping quarters or in campgrounds between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Cause, create, or contribute to any noise which is broadcast, or caused to broadcast, into sleeping quarters or campgrounds, or which emits sound beyond the person’s immediate campsite, between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., whether by shouting or singing, by using a radio, phonograph, television, or musical instrument, or by operating mechanical or electronic equipment.
Use electronic equipment, including electrical speakers, at a volume which emits sound beyond the immediate individual camp or picnic site at any time without specific permission from the park operator.
Create a disturbance by causing excessive noise by any means.
Abandoned property.
It is an offense to:
Abandon a vehicle or other personal property.
Leave a vehicle, boat, barge, or other property unattended in such a manner as to create a hazardous or unsafe condition.
Swimming and swimming areas.
It is an offense to:
Enter the water or swim in an area closed for that activity.
Introduce, carry into, or possess, use, break, dispose of, throw or abandon any glass container in the water of the swimming area.
Fish from shore or a boat in a swimming area.
Protection of wildlife.
It is an offense to:
Harm, harass, disturb, trap, confine, catch, possess, or remove any wildlife, or portions of wildlife, from Brady Lake Park.
Release any fish into the waters of Brady Lake.
Wastewater, sewage and gray water; disposal of fish parts.
It is an offense to:
Deposit wastewater, sewage, or effluent from sinks, toilets, or other plumbing fixtures directly onto the ground or into the water.
Use a water fountain, drinking fountain, pool, sprinkler, reservoir, lake or any other water body contained in Brady Lake Park for bathing, laundering, and washing dishes, pets, or vehicles.
Deposit fish parts at any location except at designated area(s).
Disposal of sewage and wastewater.
Waste, sewage and gray water from holding facilities or recreational vehicles must be deposited in dump stations.
Cleanliness of sites; placing fence or other structure.
All sites shall be kept in clean condition. No fences or other structures may be erected without the consent of the city.
(Ordinance 1046 adopted 7/15/09; 2004 Code, sec. 1.429; Ordinance adopting 2019 Code)
All of the general policies pertain to the RV park at Brady Lake Park; however, several of the policies need amplification to further define and control use of the park. These are listed below:
Disposal of waste.
Solid waste must be disposed of in trash containers that exist in the park. It is the responsibility of the marina operator to empty these trash containers into the dumpsters for pickup by city staff.
Recreational vehicles must be properly parked in marked spaces. Other vehicles must be parked on the roadway so as not to block traffic. Per the general policies, any vehicle parked in violation of any law or rule may be removed and stored at the owner’s expense.
Hours of use; check-in and check-out time.
The RV park may be used twenty-four hours a day. Check-in time for RV sites is 1:00 p.m. Check-out time is 12:00 p.m. Any vehicle parked in a marked RV spot after check-out time is subject to payment of another day’s fee.
User fees.
RV spaces are rented for a fee as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. This fee authorizes the user to use the available facilities, to include the use of the restroom and shower facilities located in the cabana area. Payment of these fees must be made to the marina operator located at the store in the marina. The marina operator will issue the user a key to the restroom and shower facilities. Only those individuals staying in the recreational vehicle itself are authorized to use the restroom and shower facilities.
Maximum length of stay.
The maximum consecutive number of days that a recreational vehicle can use the park is ten (10). No permanent arrangement is authorized by the city, unless expressly authorized by the city council.
See section 1.10.084(f) of the general policies. A firearm may be stored in and RV parked in the RV park; however, the firearm must not be removed from the vehicle.
Speed limit.
Speed limit in the RV park is 5 miles per hour.
Camping using equipment other than recreational vehicle.
Camping using equipment other than a recreational vehicle is prohibited in the RV park.
Wastewater, sewage, and gray water.
Waste from storage holding facilities on recreational vehicles must be deposited in dump stations at each RV location. There is no general dump station for use at the park. If there is no dump station at a particular RV site, waste must be taken from the park.
(Ordinance 941 adopted 7/2/03; 2004 Code, sec. 1.430; Ordinance adopting 2019 Code)
All of the general policies pertain to the cabana area at Brady Lake Park; however, several of the policies need amplification to further define and control use of the cabana area. These are listed below:
Disposal of waste.
Solid waste must be disposed of in trash containers that exist at the park. It is the responsibility of the marina operator to empty these trash containers into the dumpsters for pickup by city staff.
All vehicles must be properly parked in marked spaces. Extra vehicles must be parked on the road surface so as not to block traffic. Per the general policies, any vehicle parked in violation of any law or rule may be removed and stored at the owner’s expense.
Hours of use; check-in and check-out time.
The cabana area may be used twenty-four hours a day. Check-in time for cabana rental is 1:00 p.m. Check-out time is 12:00 p.m. Any equipment left in a cabana after check-out time is subject to payment of another day’s fee.
User fees.
Cabanas are rented for a fee as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. This fee authorizes the user to use the available facilities, to include the use of the restroom and shower facilities located in the cabana area. Payment of these fees must be made to the marina operator located at the store in the marina. The marina operator will issue the user a key to the restroom and shower facilities. Only those individuals staying in the cabanas themselves are authorized to use the restroom and shower facilities.
Maximum length of stay.
The maximum consecutive number of days that a person may rent a cabana is ten (10). No permanent arrangement is authorized by the city, unless expressly authorized by the city council.
See section 1.10.084(f) of the general policies. A firearm may be stored in a vehicle in the cabana area; however, the firearm must not be removed from the vehicle.
Speed limit.
Speed limit in the cabana area is 5 miles per hour.
Camping is authorized in specific areas in the cabana area. The fee for a campsite is as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. No other campsites are authorized.
(Ordinance 941 adopted 7/2/03; 2004 Code, sec. 1.431; Ordinance adopting 2019 Code)
All of the general policies pertain to the pavilion area at Brady Lake Park; however, several of the policies need amplification to further define and control use of the pavilion area. These are listed below:
Disposal of waste.
Solid waste must be disposed of in trash containers that exist at the park. It is the responsibility of the marina operator to empty these trash containers into the dumpsters for pickup by city staff.
All vehicles must be properly parked on the road surface so as not to block traffic. Per the general policies, any vehicle parked in violation of any law or rule may be removed and stored at the owner’s expense.
Hours of use.
The pavilion area at Brady Lake Park is closed from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily. It is the responsibility of an on-duty police officer operator to close and lock the gate at the entrance to the pavilion area at 11:00 p.m., and the marina operator shall open the gate at 6:00 a.m. It is also the responsibility of the marina operator to lock the bathrooms in the pavilion area during the hours of closing.
User fees.
The pavilion is rented for a fee as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. This fee authorizes the user to use the electrical outlets at the pavilion area, the water next to the pavilion, and the public restrooms located next to the road. Use of the pavilion area does not authorize the patrons to use the cabana restrooms and shower facilities. Payment of these fees must be made to the marina operator located at the store in the marina.
See section 1.10.084(f) of the general policies. A firearm may be stored in a vehicle in the pavilion area; however, the firearm must not be removed from the vehicle.
Speed limit.
Speed limit in the pavilion area is 5 miles per hour.
Camping is authorized in specific areas in the pavilion area. The fee for a campsite is as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. No other campsites are authorized.
(Ordinance 941 adopted 7/2/03; 2004 Code, sec. 1.432; Ordinance adopting 2019 Code)
All of the general policies pertain to the marina at Brady Lake Park; however, several of the policies need amplification to further define and control use of the marina. These are listed below:
Disposal of waste.
Solid waste must be disposed of in trash containers that are on the marina.
Hours of use.
The marina at Brady Lake Park is closed from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. daily. It is the responsibility of the marina operator to close and lock the gate at the entrance to the marina area at 11:00 p.m. and open the gate at 6:00 a.m.
User fees.
There is a fee as set out in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code for using the marina. This fee authorizes the user to use any of the areas of the marina, the water next to the marina, and the cabana restrooms. Payment of these fees must be made to the marina operator located at the store in the marina.
Marina fishing.
All users must adhere to the posted rules regarding fishing off of the marina. Throw hooks or trot lines may not be used at the marina or attached to the marina facility. All marina users must adhere to the state parks and wildlife fishing regulations and possess a current fishing license (if required).
No animals are allowed on the marina (except a trained assistance animal with a person with a disability).
(Ordinance 941 adopted 7/2/03; 2004 Code, sec. 1.433; Ordinance adopting 2019 Code)
Disposal of waste.
The marina operator will empty trash containers daily in the RV park, cabana area, and pavilion area, and on the marina, early in the morning.
Opening and closing of marina and pavilion.
The marina will close and secure the marina and an on-duty police officer will lock the gates at the pavilion area at 11:00 p.m. daily. The chain at the pavilion will remain locked at all times unless the pavilion is leased and in use. The marina operator will open the marina and pavilion area daily at 6:00 a.m.
Security of restrooms.
The cabana area restrooms and showers will remain secured at all times. Keys will be issued to persons who rent RV and cabana spaces only. The pavilion area restrooms will be closed nightly at 11:00 p.m. (when the pavilion area gate is locked) and opened at 6:00 a.m. each morning.
Cleaning of restrooms.
The marina operator will clean cabana and pavilion restrooms daily, early in the morning. Toilet paper will be replaced at that time as necessary.
Maintenance of restrooms.
In the event that the restrooms become inoperable because of equipment problems, the city is responsible for repairing the restrooms in an expedient manner.
Maintenance of grounds.
The marina operator is responsible for mowing and trimming the grounds in the RV park, the cabana area, and the pavilion area as needed.
Maintenance of cabanas.
The marina operator will be responsible for maintenance of the cabanas; however, expense for materials for the maintenance program will be the responsibility of the city. The marina operator will maintain a log of expenses for maintenance and a copy of the receipts for the materials and be reimbursed periodically by the city.
Maintenance of pavilion.
The city is responsible for maintenance of the pavilion. The marina operator will coordinate with the city whenever maintenance is required at the location.
Maintenance of marina.
The marina operator will be responsible for maintenance of the marina; however, expense for materials for the maintenance program will be the responsibility of the city.
Maintenance of RV park area.
Maintenance in the RV park is the responsibility of the city. The marina operator will coordinate with the city whenever maintenance is required in the RV park.
Lease payment and fee revenues.
Under the provisions of the lease, the marina operator will make a prescribed payment to the city monthly. Also under provisions of the lease, the marina operator will receive fees for cabanas, RV parking places, and the pavilion as compensation for maintaining the property. In addition, the marina operator will be authorized to operate a marina store as an additional source of income.
The utilities at the pavilion area are the responsibility of the city. Other utilities are the responsibility of the marina operator.
Disorderly conduct.
In the event of disorderly conduct by an individual within the park, it is the responsibility of the marina operator to notify the police to handle the situation. In no event will the marina operator attempt to personally resolve the situation.
Notification of policies and procedures.
All users of Brady Lake Park will receive a copy of these policies and procedures upon registration.
(Ordinance 941 adopted 7/2/03; 2004 Code, sec. 1.434)