It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in business as a vendor on city property without first obtaining written permission to do so from the office of the city manager.
(Ordinance 874 adopted 5/2/01; 2004 Code, sec. 4.1031)
Application for a permit shall be in writing and filed with the city secretary and this application shall contain the following information:
Name of the applicant;
Permanent home address and local address of the applicant;
A brief description of the nature of the business and/or goods to be sold;
If the applicant is employed by others, the name and address of the employer;
The exact location on city property and the exact times and dates where the business will be conducted; and
If sponsored by a local organization, the name of the organization and the name and telephone number of the member of said organization responsible for the activity.
(Ordinance 874 adopted 5/2/01; 2004 Code, sec. 4.1032)
A deposit may be required of the vendor to defray any cost of maintenance, special services and/or property damage. This deposit shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00).
(Ordinance 874 adopted 5/2/01; 2004 Code, sec. 4.1033)
Each permit issued under this division shall contain the notarized signature of the city manager or his delegated officer, the full name of the authorized vendor or organization, the exact location, dates and time of business, and a permit number.
(Ordinance 874 adopted 5/2/01; 2004 Code, sec. 4.1034)
Any vendor or organizational entity issued written permission to engage in business under this division shall have in his possession such permit at the place of business during the stated business hours, and any failure to display said permit shall be deemed as noncompliance with this article and a misdemeanor.
(Ordinance 874 adopted 5/2/01; 2004 Code, sec. 4.1035)
Any permit issued under the provisions of this division may be revoked by the office of the city manager or city council for any noncompliance with this article and any other violation of the city code.
(Ordinance 874 adopted 5/2/01; 2004 Code, sec. 4.1036)