The city shall collect fees for specialized fire protection services. Such fees may include reimbursement for all equipment, materials, maintenance and overhead expenses and costs, which constitute full reimbursement to the city for such services actually rendered. Specialized fire services shall include services for providing adequate emergency rescue operations and fire protection services resulting from extraordinary and dangerous occurrences and hazardous material incidents, but shall not include regular fire services to business and residential structures.
The chief of the fire department or the chief’s designee shall submit an invoice for specialized fire protection services for all costs, fees, charges and expenses related to the provision of such services, in the amount set forth in attachment A attached to Ordinance 1099 and made a part hereof for all purposes, to the owner’s designated agent, representatives and insurance companies. All such bills are to be paid within sixty (60) days of the receipt thereof; interest shall accumulate thereafter on any unpaid balances at the rate of ten percent (10%).
In addition, any bills, fines or penalties, including but not limited to cleanup costs, fees or expenses, that are imposed upon the city, state or federal agencies and related to the same situation or occurrences may be billed separately within thirty (30) days of receipt and shall be paid as provided in subsection (b) above.
(Ordinance 1099 adopted –/–/12; 2004 Code, sec. 5.501)
The city hereby offers a standing reward in the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) for the arrest and conviction of any person found guilty of the crime of arson within the corporate limits of the city, the same to be payable immediately after the final conviction of such person.
How offered.
Whenever the mayor shall be informed that any fire occurring in the city was of an incendiary origin, he shall call for a report on the same by the city fire marshal, and if the marshal shall report that such fire was caused by the commission of the crime of arson, it shall become the duty of the mayor to offer the reward provided for in subsection (a) of this section, which reward shall be in the form of a proclamation duly issued by the mayor under his official signature and attested by the seal of the city.
Upon information being given by any person causing the arrest and conviction of any person guilty of the specific crime of arson and upon the final conviction of such person, the person giving such information shall be entitled to receive the reward offered by this section from the city.
(1975 Code, secs. 14-1, 14-2, 14-4; 2004 Code, secs. 5.101–5.103)