For the purposes of this article, the term “parking area” shall mean a privately or publicly owned accessway or parking area commonly used by the general public without charge and maintained for the convenience of customers, clients or patrons of one or more business establishments or public offices.
(1975 Code, sec. 21-4; 2004 Code, sec. 8.304)
No person in a parking area may:
Fight with another person;
Use loud, obscene, vulgar or indecent language, or swear, curse, yell or shriek in such a manner calculated to disturb any person present;
Throw any object capable of causing bodily harm or property damage at any person or property with intent to injure or damage; or
Congregate with another person or loiter after entering the premises, and willfully refuse to leave after having been notified to leave by the owner or the person in possession and control of the premises or his agent.
(1975 Code, sec. 21-5; 2004 Code, sec. 8.305)
No person in control or possession of a motor vehicle in a parking area may:
Accelerate or race the motor of a vehicle so as to cause a loud noise in a manner calculated to disturb any person present;
Bring a motor vehicle to a sudden start or stop or blow the horn of the vehicle when there is no necessity for the protection of any person or property in such a manner calculated to disturb any person present;
Hold a race or contest for speed with another motor vehicle without the written consent of the parking area owner or his authorized representative; or
Enter the parking area in a motor vehicle of any kind for the purpose of using the same as a shortcut to another street or to annoy or endanger any person or other vehicle lawfully thereon.
(1975 Code, sec. 21-6; 2004 Code, sec. 8.306)
No person shall throw or deposit any trash, cans, bottles, litter or other waste on a parking area.
(1975 Code, sec. 21-7; 2004 Code, sec. 8.307)
No unoccupied vehicle may be left on any parking area without the consent of the owner or his agent.
(1975 Code, sec. 21-8; 2004 Code, sec. 8.308)