All public records of every office, department, or agency of the City shall be open to inspection by any citizen at all reasonable times, provided that records closed to the public by law, shall not be considered public records for the purpose of this section. During normal office hours, any citizen of the City or any duly authorized representative of the press or other news media shall have the right to make copies thereof under such reasonable rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Council or this Charter and in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act, as may be amended.
(Prop. 17, approved at election of 5/9/09)
The Council shall annually by resolution designate a public newspaper of general circulation in the City as official newspaper.
No person related within the second degree by affinity (marriage) or within the third degree by consanguinity (blood/adoption) to the Mayor, any Councilman or City Manager shall be employed or appointed to any office, position or clerkship of the City. This prohibition shall not apply, however, to any person who shall have been employed by the City prior to and at the time of election or appointment of the official related in the prohibited degree.
No Mayor, Council Member, or City Manager shall have any participation in the evaluation process involving any employees compensated by the City and related to the Mayor, Council Member, or City Manager within the second degree of affinity (marriage) or within the third degree of consanguinity (blood or adoption).
(Prop. 18, approved at election of 5/9/09)
No member of the Council nor any employee of the City with a financial interest, either directly or through any business entity in which such Councilperson or employee has a substantial interest shall vote or deliberate on:
Any contract with the City; or
The sale, lease, or rental to the City of any real property interest, including, without limitation, land, oil, gas or other mineral or hydrocarbon; or
The sale, lease, rental or furnishing to the City of any materials, supplies or services.
“Business Entity” means a sole proprietorship, partnership, firm, corporation, holding company, joint stock company, receivership, trust, or any other entity recognized by law.
For the purpose of this section, a person has substantial interest in a business entity if:
The person owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity or owns either 10 percent or more of the fair market value of the business entity or funds received by the person’s gross income for the previous year.
A person has a substantial interest in real property if the interest is an equitable or legal ownership with an appraisal district market value of $2,500.00 or more.
A person is considered to have a substantial interest under this section if a person related to the person in the first degree by consanguinity (blood/adoption) or affinity (marriage) has a substantial interest under this section.
This section shall not apply in the following situations:
During or because of a public calamity.
Procurement to preserve or protect the public health or safety or necessary because unforeseen damage to public machinery, equipment, buildings or other property provided an emergency or urgent public necessity exists.
Items or services available from only one source (as defined in Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code, relating to competitive bidding, as amended from time to time).
To the purchase by the City from any employee of any land, buildings or similar real property interests, provided the property is purchased for its appraised market value as evaluated by the Appraisal District appraising the asset and the purchase is approved by the City Council.
(Props. 18, 19, 20, approved at election of 5/9/09)
The property, real and personal, belonging to the City shall not be liable to be sold or appropriated under any writ of execution or cost bill. The funds belonging to the City in the hands of any person, firm or corporation, shall not be liable to garnishment, attachment or sequestration; nor shall the City be liable to garnishment on account of any debt it may owe or funds or property it may have on hand or owing to any person. Neither the City nor any of its officials or agents shall be required to answer any such writ of garnishment on any account whatever. The City shall not be obligated to recognize any assignment of wages or funds by its employees, agents or contractors.
The Council shall have the authority to compromise and settle any and all claims and lawsuits of every kind and character in favor of or against the City, except suits by the City to recover delinquent taxes.
Before the City shall be liable to damage, claim or suit for personal injury, or damage to property, the person who is injured or whose property has been damaged or someone in his behalf shall give the City Manager or the City Secretary notice in writing duly certified within thirty (30) days after the date of the alleged damage or injury stating specifically in such notice when, where and how the injury or damage was sustained, setting forth the extent of the injury or damage as accurately as possible, and giving the names and addresses of all witnesses known to the claimant upon whose testimony the claimant is relying to establish the injury or damage. In case of injuries resulting in death, the person or persons claiming damage shall within thirty (30) days after the death of the injured person give notice as required above. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to mean the City waives any rights, privileges, defenses or immunities in tort actions which are provided under the common law, the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas.
Activities Prohibited.
No person shall be appointed to or removed from, or in any way favored or discriminated against with respect to any City positions or appointive City administrative office because of race, sex, political or religious opinions or affiliations.
No person who seeks appointment or promotion with respect to any City position or appointive City administrative office shall directly or indirectly give, render or pay any money, service or other valuable thing to any person for or in connection with his test, appointment, proposed appointment, promotion or proposed promotion.
No City official or candidate for City office shall orally, by letter or otherwise solicit or assist in soliciting any assessment, subscription or contribution for any candidate or for any political party or political purpose whatsoever from any person holding any compensated City position.
No appointed officer or employee of the City who receives compensation as such shall make, solicit or receive any contribution to the campaign funds of any candidate or of any political party to be used in a City election or for or against any candidate for City office or take any part in the management, affairs or political campaign of any candidate or of any political party in a City election, but he may exercise his rights as a citizen to express his opinions and to cast his vote. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to prohibit such person from participating in school district, special district, county, state or national campaigns, elections and political parties.
Penalties. Any person who either by himself or with others willfully violates any provisions of Section 13.08(a)[sic] shall be ineligible for appointment or election to a position in the City for a period of one (1) year, and if he is an officer or employee of the City at the time of such violation, he shall immediately forfeit the office or position he holds.
If any section or part of a section of this Charter is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of a section of this Charter.
The Charter Commission in preparing this Charter concludes that it is impracticable to segregate each subject so as to permit a vote of “yes” or “no” on the same, for the reason that the charter is so constructed that in order to enable it to work and function it is necessary that it should be adopted in its entirety. For these reasons, the Charter Commission directs that the Charter be voted upon as a whole and that it shall be submitted to the voters of the City of Brady at any election to be held for that purpose on August 7, 1982. Not less than thirty (30) days prior to such election, the Council shall cause the City Secretary to mail a copy of this Charter to each qualified voter of the City of Brady as appears from the latest certified list of registered voters. If a majority of the qualified voters voting in such an election shall vote in favor of the adoption of this Charter, it shall become the Charter of the City of Brady, and after the returns have been canvassed, the same shall be declared adopted and the City Secretary shall file an official copy of the Charter with the Records of the City. The City Secretary shall furnish the Mayor a copy of said Charter, which copy of the Charter so adopted, authenticated and certified by his signature and the seal of the City, shall be forwarded by the Mayor to the Secretary of State of the State of Texas and shall show the approval of such Charter by majority vote of the qualified voters voting at such election.
Amendments to this Charter may be framed and submitted to the voters of the city in the manner provided by Chapter 9 Home-Rule Municipality, Local Government Code, as now exists or as amended.
(Resolution 2015-007 adopted 2/17/15, prop. 26, approved at election of 5/9/15)
The Council shall appoint a Charter Review Commission of seven (7) registered voters of the City of Brady and shall appoint one of the members to act as temporary chairperson for the purpose of calling and chairing the organizational meeting of that commission.
Duties of the Commission.
The Commission shall serve for a term of four (4) years until a successor Commission is appointed.
The Commission shall:
Elect officers and prescribe its own rules.
Inquire into the operation of the City government under this Charter and determine whether any provisions of the Charter require revision.
Make recommendations to insure compliance with the provisions of the Charter by the Department of the City government.
Propose amendments to this Charter to improve the effective application of the Charter to current City requirements.
Reports its findings and present its proposed amendments, if any, to the Council.
Act as a Review and Oversight Committee during its four (4) year term after appointment to determine whether the provisions of the Charter are observed by the City Council, the city and its employees. The Commission may at any time during its term notify the City of its belief that it has not adhered to the Charter provisions and shall outline the specific provisions violated and define relevant facts to support its position.
Public hearings may be held and the Commission shall have the power to compel the attendance of any official or employee of the City and require the submission of any of the City records which it may deem necessary to the conduct of such hearing. The Commission shall be allowed to issue an opinion stating its findings of fact and determination of compliance. However, the Commission shall have no authority to make final or binding determination with regard to whether any provision of the Charter has been violated or whether any action or forbearance is required.
Action by the Council. The Council shall receive and have published in the official newspaper of the City a summary of any report presented by the Charter Review Commission; shall consider any recommendation made, and if any amendments be presented by such report, may order such amendment or amendments to be submitted to the voters of the City in the manner provided by Texas Local Government Code Chapter 9, as now exists or as amended.
Term of Office. The term of office of the Charter Review Commission shall be four (4) years. A report shall be presented to the Council prior to the end of said term of office. If during such four (4) year term no report is presented to the Council, then all records of the proceedings of such Commission shall be filed with the City Secretary and shall become a public record.
Vacancy on Commission. Should a Commission member vacate a seat on the Commission during his four (4) year term, the vacancy shall be filled by the Mayor by appointment for the remainder of what is left on the term.
(Prop. 21, approved at election of 5/9/09)
It shall not be necessary in any action, suit or proceeding in which the City of Brady is a party, for any bond, undertaking, or security to be demanded or executed by or on behalf of the City in any of the State courts, but in all such actions, suits, appeals or proceedings same shall be conducted in the same manner as if such bond, undertaking or security had been given as required by law.
Words of any gender used in this Charter shall be held and construed to include any other gender and words in the singular number shall be held to include the plural and vice versa.
Any one hundred (100) or more qualified voters of the City may require the City Council to show cause as to an alleged noncompliance with the articles and sections of this Charter. Such voters may petition the City Council for a public hearing concerning an alleged noncompliance, by signing a letter addressed and mailed to the Mayor. The letter must clearly state the incidence(s) of alleged noncompliance and the specific article(s) and/or section(s) that was/were alleged violated, and ask that the Mayor call a public hearing for the purpose of explaining the alleged incidence(s) of noncompliance to the Citizens of Brady.
The Mayor shall call a public hearing to be held within ten (10) days from the receipt of such petition. Such hearing shall be properly announced and a notice of the hearing shall be published in the official newspaper. The entire Council shall be compelled to attend the public hearing, and the Mayor or some other Councilman appointed by the Mayor shall be prepared to explain the alleged noncompliance (s) with the articles and sections of the Charter as specified in the petition. To provide for order, only a delegation of three (3) persons who signed the petition to the Mayor shall be permitted to question the members of the Council, and the questions must pertain to the incidence(s) of noncompliance described in the petition letter. The Mayor shall preside at the hearing and strive to resolve the question of noncompliance. The intent is for the elected officials to explain their actions on the relevant incidence(s) and, therefore, neither the City Attorney nor any other Attorney or other person representing the Councilmembers may speak at the hearing.
Identification and definition of Professional Services and Professional Services Companies:
The terms include those listed in Texas Government Code Section 2254.022 [2254.002], as may be amended.
In addition to those occupations listed in Texas Government Code Section 2254.002, as may be amended, for purposes of this Charter and City ordinances, the term shall include those services involving a person with acceptable professional knowledge and experience in related fields as approved by the City Council for specific projects.
Holidays are defined in the City of Brady Employee Policies and Procedures Manual.